Recent Content by SaffyreSkye

  1. SaffyreSkye

    NHS "Low-Priority Crackdown" on Blood Test Strips

    Thank you so much for the information!
  2. SaffyreSkye

    NHS "Low-Priority Crackdown" on Blood Test Strips

    I would like to know more about this too. My daughter and my husband are both type 1 diabetics so this news has rattled me. I would like more information if possible as I'm feeling pretty shaky about it all right now. My daughter is using the pump, my husband is on MDI. Thank you so much in...
  3. SaffyreSkye

    Type 1: What are your HbA1c test results?

    Had to add my daughters on here as I'm mega proud of her! On MDI she was 81 (9.6%). We had a lot of severe issues and struggled immensely with crippling lows and mega highs, partly down to hormonal development. Since getting her pump a year ago in June, her hbA1C on her last check was 50 (6.7%)...
  4. SaffyreSkye

    Testing for site issues Vs. potential hormonal needs.

    Definitely going to mention the Sure T sets to the DSN team. My daughter does struggle with the Mio insertion too so I usually help her as if she does them by herself, she usually flinches a little and they come out so have to be switched out. Thank you for the recommendation :)
  5. SaffyreSkye

    Testing for site issues Vs. potential hormonal needs.

    Hello Contralto, It is paper medical tape that we are using. The 3M micropore paper tape. It leaves barely any residue too as a previous tape we had left annoying residue and was itchy so we switched it out quickly. We swear by it :)
  6. SaffyreSkye

    Testing for site issues Vs. potential hormonal needs.

    Thank you so much for the recommendations. I am due to see her team again for a final pump review in October so I'll run these things by them then. We definitely do have some issues with the Mio sets and we're having to use medical tape to make sure they stay in place or they fall out much...
  7. SaffyreSkye

    Testing for site issues Vs. potential hormonal needs.

    Hello JuicyJ, Thank you so much for your response. We've found her sweet spot with basals tends to be around 130% on temps so we've been sticking with that for no longer than 4 hours at each stretch. We've been keeping diaries including her start dates, end dates, temp basals that were needed...
  8. SaffyreSkye

    Testing for site issues Vs. potential hormonal needs.

    Hello Catapillar, Thank you so much for your in-depth response. I do understand that all diabetes cases are different and that the needs as such are different. It's just understandably a very tricky thing to deal with when I've been given literally no information in regards to potential...
  9. SaffyreSkye

    Testing for site issues Vs. potential hormonal needs.

    She hasn't seen a gynaecologist yet as the GP said due to her age, he would like her hormone and scan results first. He suspects normal menarche but I told him I'd like to be certain as the effect on her glucose levels is so random.
  10. SaffyreSkye

    Testing for site issues Vs. potential hormonal needs.

    Thank you for your response, Contralto. When her next period arrives, I am taking her to the hospital for a blood test so they can perform the hormone checks, and our GP has put her down for an ultrasound scan to check everything looks in order. Her periods do seem on the heavier side to me but...
  11. SaffyreSkye

    Testing for site issues Vs. potential hormonal needs.

    Hello all, First of all, I would like to thank you all for taking the time to read my first proper post (apart from my introduction). Please do bear with me, as this post is a bit of a long one. I am the mother of a type 1 diabetic daughter. She is 12 years old and was diagnosed back in 2009...
  12. SaffyreSkye

    Introduce Yourself: Answer Some Personal Questions

    Hello everyone, I am Janine, and I am the mother of a T1 pumper who was diagnosed back in 2009. I have joined this site as my friends have said for a while that it a great place to gain further information and personal experiences (though I am very aware that everyone has different health...