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  1. R

    Newcastle Diet And Insulin

    Incredible, I have showed this thread to my mother who was diagnosed a year ago, your tale is very inspiring. Good luck on the future and keep us updated.
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    Fasting for Autophagy

    Of course it depends on the individual, but how much cream is it you are talking about? And i would say IT is easier to fast in one go without eating, ThE DEE extra calories of cream is just a distraction
  3. R

    Fasting for Autophagy

    Good luck, experienced faster here, doing a 24 hour fast right now btw. My recommendation would be to not do the cream. Tea and coffe okay, but not cream, IT will just trigger hunger.
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    Just starting VLCD

    good luck, may you reverse your diabetes
  5. R

    New BBC Diabetes article. Very interesting!

    Where is the article? An interesting article from the bbc is always welcome ;) Found it!
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    Newcastle diet

    Yes it would, you will have to discuss with your doctor on what do to ,if doing this diet while on that type of medication.
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    Doing the Newcastle

    Impressive story. Also shows how slowly good News penetrate the medical community. Let hope he reads some more of Roy Taylor!
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    Doing the Newcastle

    Very interesting journey you have done. If you are interested in science behind weightloss and keeping your lost weight off, I advice you to seek out Stephan Guyenet, and watch his lectures on youtube and his podcasts. His theories have helped me lose 40 kgs, and he is really scientific and a...
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    Carb Tolerance ...

    Many people on this sitel, will say that this is not the case, but in my opinion you are correct. The reason for pre-diabetes is excess weight, as you shed it, you become more and more insulinsensitive. As long as you keep your weight at your current level, you can enjoy carbs, but if you become...
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    Doing the Newcastle

    Important point, also if your weight is high enough, Even 8 weekend of substantial weightloss may not be enough.
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    Doing the Newcastle

    Hello, I think you are right with It being a liver dump. Just keep losing weight and you will be fine. **** good job you have done, keep on trucking
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    Doing the Newcastle

    Alcala Bob, you are doing an amazing job. Keep up with that exquisite progress reporting, and may your progress be as good as your exhaustive reporting!
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    Doing the Newcastle

    With regards to weightloss, there may be consecutive days when the weight does not budge, and suddenly you get this big drop when on the scale. Fluids, water, salt, lots of thing to factor here. Just maintain that deficit and you will reep rewards.
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    Doing the Newcastle

    This is a very inspiring thread. Somebody close to me has just been diagnosed with diabetes,and I am showing this thread to show some inspiration. love how the weight and bloodsugar readings correlate
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    Prof Roy Taylor hypothesis - DIRECT study & pancreatic fat

    The poster above has an extremely important point about the amount of weightloss and diabetes remission. Those who were studied, had a very big range in bmi, somebody with a bmi of 30 would probably respond more with a 15 kg weightloss, than somebody with a bmi of 40. If you have a bmi of 40...
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    Thin Type 2 Diabetics

    Singapore is very relevant for you. 1 in 9 have diabetes type, but they have a low bmi compared to the rest of the developed world, low rates of obesity. But for diabetes type 2 everything comes down to genetics. Some may get diabetes by just having 2 kgs extra of fat, others need 10 kgs of fat...
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    Celebrating another year of Pre-D

    Congratulations, keep it up!
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    There is a cure.. how come nobody does this?' this guy fasted for 382 days, but he did take his vitamins. It went well, read it, makes for very interesting stuff. Was flabbergasted the first time I found this article.
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    pre-diabetes, fasting blood sugars.

    excellent thread, good idea by the starter, and keep them posts coming!
  20. R

    Fatty Liver This is a post by Jason Fung, a doctor specialising in kidneys, and he therefore deals with patients in the last phase of type 2 diabetes, and therefore he has taken an interest in the liver. Alpha and omega is weightloss, good luck!