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  1. 1

    Type 2 Type 2 Diabetes

    can missed medication make my dad feel ill with his diabetes
  2. 1

    Blood sugar

    See If my dad had no high symptoms does it mean he's safe or not and what about driving and what high level should he not drive at whether he has symptoms or not
  3. 1

    Blood sugar

    Sildenafil 50mg my friend was prescribed by her doctor does that affect the blood sugar to drop or can it go both ways high and low
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    Type 2 blood sugar

    in order to stop the car but where? so that i can keep dad safe so that i can keep safe if my dad is low or high and if police stop us what should i say and will they arrest the driver
  5. 1

    Blood sugar

    High blood sugar without symptoms needs a 999 call true or not true Yes if dangerously high without symptoms true or not true Or i should phone 999 anyway without the symptoms would it be if only my dad had symptoms and then phone 999?
  6. 1

    Blood sugar

    Should I give dad the amount of jelly babies his doctor advices him to take 9 or give him a whole packet if his level is at 1.0
  7. 1

    Type 2 blood sugar

    so my dad should have called 999 if his sugar level was at 24 even though he doesnt seem to have high blood sugar symptoms true or faulse