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  1. C

    agave syrup

    I have recently tried agave syrup thinking that it was more healthy than Sucralose. But seeing some new research on the body's reaction to fructose, I am not so sure. Please see attached link -thioughts on this anyone? Conwaylex
  2. C

    complimentary medicine anyone?

    Thanks again for your replies - most helpful. I have also followed the 'test-test-test' advice on this blog and having become more educated about this, am now no longer not doing the test strip thing in an ad-hoc but scientific fashion. I only wish I had been given this advice 8 months ago, when...
  3. C

    complimentary medicine anyone?

    Re: complememtary medicine anyone? Dear Catherine, John and Spiral, Thank you for your comments. I must confess the thing that has surprised me most about these threads is repeated reference to reducing carbohydrate intake, and that this seems to work for most people. The advice I have been...
  4. C

    Edinburgh Uni research into exercise/insulin production

    About six months ago, the press picked up on some research being done at Edinburgh Uni (could be Herrit Watt Uni in Edinburgh), which showed that an exercise bike regime of half a minute intensive cycling then half a minute cycling at a slower speed, each repeated 4 times, resulted in increased...
  5. C

    complimentary medicine anyone?

    Hi, I am new to the forum (T2, 3 months background level of 7.7) and turning to anyone who might have advice about augmenting 1 x 500mg Metformin with non-script mineral suppliments. An Australian book I have mentions using the following: Alpha Lipoic acid (200mg), Curcumin 100,000mg, chromium...