Search Results

  1. L

    Libre now on the NHS

    I have also contacted Abbot and agree with your comments regarding price availability and their customer cares knowledge of the libre. I was fortunate enough to be given a libre and as I had just had a pacemaker fitted thought I should check with is compactability. I called Abbot who had no...
  2. L

    Libre now on the NHS

    Apparently Lloyd's the chemist have an account with the manufacturer, so if you have one in your area you could try them. My sister had the same problems as you but persisted, her own local chemist did some investigating and between them she gets her strips regularly on NHS. Note a lot of...
  3. L

    Dangerous to be in hospital

    I suppose it's luck of the draw and I think my experience was definitely not the usual, but I was hoping to highlight things that can happen. Nice to know your ok
  4. L

    Dangerous to be in hospital

    Thanks for dissecting my experience and view of my hospital stay. Of course I was taking my insulin, as I said, I was managing it myself and did not need another 12 units on top. No problem being nil by mouth for 15 hours, but point was, it was as I had explained, going to be another NBM back...
  5. L

    Dangerous to be in hospital

    Not all hospitals are the same, but I hope when any of you do have to stay in just remember you know how to manage your own diabetes, do not allow them to bully you. They are not always right. By the way I did get an apology and was told they would be looking to improve thier care for diabetics.
  6. L

    Dangerous to be in hospital

    Thank you for that.
  7. L

    Dangerous to be in hospital

    Mom look in Just saline to keep me hydrated, when my sugar level dropped so low the day I was nil by mouth they gave me a energy milkshake drink as the nurse realised it was no good me being unconscious when having the scan !
  8. L

    Strong genetic disposition to type 2: diabetes inevitable?

    My Grandmother, my Mother both her sisters, me and both my sisters all diabetic not overweight or obese. All down the female line, my GP said very strong genetic line. No chance we were not going to get it.
  9. L

    Dangerous to be in hospital

    After having severe diarrhoea for 5 weeks I ended up in hospital severely dehydrated and put straight on a drip. My eyes were really opened at the very basic knowledge of diabetes care by some of the staff. I was put on a Gastroenterologist ward, fortunately a room of my own. Had many tests...