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  1. jack412

    Whoop! Whoop! Low Carb Success!

    I hope that isn't the case for you, I don't know what the progression rate is from gestational D
  2. jack412

    Whoop! Whoop! Low Carb Success!

    it's far from inevitable for you as a pre-diabetic.. you have a 60% chance of never getting it.. going low carb has greatly increased the odds against it too. you have reset the clock and it may never strike 12
  3. jack412

    Hi from Japan

    this may help with testing this is a meter BG converter this is an A1c converter This gives a simple overview to how it works For me, the more carbs...
  4. jack412

    Insulin load index / most ketogenic foods

    I think if the liver is 'full' the liver turns excess into fat, insulin resistance comes into it too.
  5. jack412

    Different diets confusion

    professor taylor said it doesn't matter as long as the weight is gone..both in the press “A diet of 1,200 to 1,500 calories a day would achieve weight loss in most people.” and in the Q&A at the this presentation...
  6. jack412

    Low carb slap on the wrist

    mmol/l is the uk 5.5 is normal, so that would be the one. mg/dl is usa 100 is normal
  7. jack412

    Dietitian Appointment Looming Eeek!

    aussie dietitians are mostly the same as Uk lots of carb, your brain needs 130g of carb for fuel each day. so a lot of us here are brain dead zombies :) This gives a simple overview to how it works For me, the more carbs we eat the more carbs we want. They don’t give up easy and it’s...
  8. jack412

    Low carb slap on the wrist

    you don't have to increase carbs, but you can and I think I would because some carbs are a treat. :) you can stay on very low carb if you want to and not lose weight, the breakdown would be ...
  9. jack412

    Low carb slap on the wrist

    when your meter comes, you will more than likely find your pre-diabetes seems gone by the weight loss already and you are seeing normal numbers. when your insulin resistance is right and your pre diabetes is in remission and your weight is in the lower parts of normal. be careful you don't make...
  10. jack412

    Another Article in dailymail on ND and reversal.

    I made the mistake of clicking on the DUK wonder diabetes are sick and most have high A1c
  11. jack412

    Parents of kids with low Hba1c

    I use ground almonds/almond meal, the difference is that the meals still has the oil in it.
  12. jack412

    Low carb dinner - good or bad weight loss plan?

    you are perfect, but if you want to lose weight, you cut carbs. have bacon and eggs for breakfast and you may need to bolus a little bit, even though there are no carbs, some do around 50% for protein when on low carb TAG ‘total available glucose’...
  13. jack412

    still unsure

    I'd say you are coming along nicely, it's a world of difference to a little while ago :) how much carb testing
  14. jack412

    Low carb slap on the wrist

    you could give this to your nurse From the @Southport GP study, who posts here
  15. jack412

    Low carb slap on the wrist

    :) I hope you told your trainer, you're eating real butter and full fat everything too
  16. jack412

    Does insulin or metformin cause weight loss

    there are a several here on LCHF diets that help stabilise their BG and drop weight. you may like to start your own topic to get assistance a long page and a few good video’s most would suggest you get...
  17. jack412


    are you on low carb? This gives a simple overview to how it works For me, the more carbs we eat the more carbs we want. They don’t give up easy and it’s biochemical a long page and a few good video’s
  18. jack412

    meter readings

    well done..low carb is like magic isn't it :)
  19. jack412

    The Truth About Fat

    @donnellysdogs yes, you will lose weight on that, more fat and protein, I'd take protein to 20% till the weight is back on and of course more fats for energy. a bulletproof coffee with breakfast is another 200 cal..1 tbsp butter and 1 tbsp coconut oil
  20. jack412

    Mum aged 76, not feeling well but doctor keeps saying "its her age".

    my dads 93, we should get them together and give us a rest :) you have to be proactive, from about 70 some dr think they are doing palliative care and not finding and treating illnesses