Diabetes & Abdominal Adhesions


Hi all,
Just been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and earlier in the year was diagnosed with Abdominal adhesions.
The problem is that with Abdominal Adhesions I have been told to have a very low fibre diet but now with the diabetes I am led to believe that I should eat a high fibre diet (ie, fruit, veg, slad, nuts, etc)
Anybody have any advice as to how I go about figuring out some sort of diet that will see me through this.

Thanks for any advice.


Well-Known Member
I think that what you are trying to avoid with adhesions is too much wind. The gut is very sensitive to distention and if your guts can't slide over each other freely you could get more pain with high gas foods.

It is true that if you have diabetes you need to replace refined carbs such as sugars, flour products, rice and potatoes and other starchy items with other things that will provide you with sufficient calories but will not strain your pancreas/ up your blood sugars/ increase inflammation and so forth.
Normally you could eat almost all the veg you want and a modest amount of fruit. You will need to see how much you can get away with. Some people find that cooked veg/fruit is easier on the gut. If you remove skins from fruit it may also help. You can roast peppers under a flame and scrape off the skin. This is the bit that gives the wind in this particular item. All tinned items have already been cooked.

If you are getting too skinny on this regime you can add in more fat to the diet by way of olive oil, macadamia nut oil, butter, cheese and cream.

A popular medication for type two diabetes is metformin and that can certainly cause a lot of wind. If you need to take this drug you may do better on the long acting formulation.


Thanks for the reply, I realy apreciate your input and expertese on the matter.
I will definately try to add a little more fruit and veg (especially cooked) to the diet and see how I go.
