how to gain weight with Diabetes


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Hi ,
I am 29 year old male and recently diagnosed with Type 2 . My reading were pretty high and was told that perhaps i had it from last two years. Nevertheless I lost too much weight in past six months and that was one of the reason to visit doctor.I look very thin now and everyone has started noticing the same .
Is it even possible to gain weight after having diabetes?

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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hi ,
I am 29 year old male and recently diagnosed with Type 2 . My reading were pretty high and was told that perhaps i had it from last two years. Nevertheless I lost too much weight in past six months and that was one of the reason to visit doctor.I look very thin now and everyone has started noticing the same .
Is it even possible to gain weight after having diabetes?


I've been struggling to maintain weight on a LCHF diet but I am not underweight. People did notice I'd lost weight, but I think I've adjusted mentally to the 'new' me. So I'm not too bothered now. What is your BMI?
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You say you have just been diagnosed and the reason you went to the Dr was because you had lost weight - it is common to lose weight with undiagnosed diabetes. This is because without insulin (or enough insulin), your body starts to break down your muscles (or is it fat) to get the energy you need.
Once you get your BG under control, you are likely to see an increase in weight.

If the weight loss persists, then it may be cause for concern but, for now, concentrate on getting the BG under control and hopefully you will see improvements.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
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Did they test you for type1/LADA? Young + thin + weight loss sounds like a textbook candidate to me.


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi ,
I am 29 year old male and recently diagnosed with Type 2 . My reading were pretty high and was told that perhaps i had it from last two years. Nevertheless I lost too much weight in past six months and that was one of the reason to visit doctor.I look very thin now and everyone has started noticing the same .
Is it even possible to gain weight after having diabetes?


Manish - Your profile says you are Type 2 diabetic. Dramatic weight loss, prior to diagnosis is more often a sign of T1, at your age. Have you had tests to determine what type of diabetes you have?

In response to your original query; yes it is possible to gain weight after a diabetes diagnosis. For Type 1 diabetics, getting the medications right to support your body. For Type two, it isn't usually too difficult to gain weight, although that would depend on what you like to eat and drink.

Are you taking any diabetes medication. If so, what medication are you using?


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Hi. I agree that at your age and having lost weight you are much more likely to be T1 and not T2; GPs very often just guess T2. You need to insist on the two tests for T1 i.e. GAD and c-peptide. The latter is the most important as it indicates whether you own insulin is high or low. You will need meds such as Metformin and Gliclazide to start with. With regard to diet do continue with low-carbs but have enough protein and fats to make up for the fact that if you have low insulin the body can't metabolise carbs well but it can the fats and proteins. You must get hold of a blood glucose meter and if you go into the 20s then do seek further medical help.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hi I am a type 2diabetic and lost weight before diagnosis ,my daughters bullied me into going to the GP and I had a very high blood glucose level .Putting on weight and lowering carbs is a challenge but by upping fats e.g. putting butter on your veg adding full fat double cream to soups ,eating full fat yoghurt ,snacking on cheese and nuts (just watch the carbs in nuts ) .Avocados are good also Don't be afraid of the fats my cholesterol levels came down with a low carb higher fat diet


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Did they test you for type1/LADA? Young + thin + weight loss sounds like a textbook candidate to me.

They did not . They did blood profile , HbA1C was 12 and Triglycerides were way out of limit [More than 5k].Currently i am on Metformin,, Glipizide and cholesterol medicine.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Manish - Your profile says you are Type 2 diabetic. Dramatic weight loss, prior to diagnosis is more often a sign of T1, at your age. Have you had tests to determine what type of diabetes you have?

In response to your original query; yes it is possible to gain weight after a diabetes diagnosis. For Type 1 diabetics, getting the medications right to support your body. For Type two, it isn't usually too difficult to gain weight, although that would depend on what you like to eat and drink.

Are you taking any diabetes medication. If so, what medication are you using?

I am on Metformin, Glipizide and Statin. Medicine seems to worked and my number has come down in last two months.
Thanks for your advice. Glad to see such a big support on this site.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Hi. I agree that at your age and having lost weight you are much more likely to be T1 and not T2; GPs very often just guess T2. You need to insist on the two tests for T1 i.e. GAD and c-peptide. The latter is the most important as it indicates whether you own insulin is high or low. You will need meds such as Metformin and Gliclazide to start with. With regard to diet do continue with low-carbs but have enough protein and fats to make up for the fact that if you have low insulin the body can't metabolise carbs well but it can the fats and proteins. You must get hold of a blood glucose meter and if you go into the 20s then do seek further medical help.

I am on metformin and Glipizide and my number has come down in past two months. Right now they are below 160. Thanks for the advice , i will check with my doctor about the same in next visit.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
I am on metformin and Glipizide and my number has come down in past two months. Right now they are below 160. Thanks for the advice , i will check with my doctor about the same in next visit.
Hi. Glipizide is essentially the same as Gliclazide so it's good to hear you have been given that. I was on Gliclazide for several years but it eventually failed as my beta cells died. Hopefully you won't go down the same route as me which took several years. The meter and regular HBa1Cs will tell you one way or another.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Diet drinks - the artificial sweeteners taste vile.
Having to forswear foods I have loved all my life.
Trying to find low carb meals when eating out.
Hi ,
I am 29 year old male and recently diagnosed with Type 2 . My reading were pretty high and was told that perhaps i had it from last two years. Nevertheless I lost too much weight in past six months and that was one of the reason to visit doctor.I look very thin now and everyone has started noticing the same .
Is it even possible to gain weight after having diabetes?


You don't tell us how tall you are and what you weigh.
"Too thin" is very subjective.

Whatever, sort out your diet and Blood Glucose control first.
Once your Blood Glucose is stable (and hopefully you can reduce or stop some of your medication) you can then take a longer term view.
Putting on weight is usually straightforward if you up your total calories.
The main thing is to avoid carbohydrates unless your testing of your BG levels shows that your body can tolerate them.
Obviously, if you were losing weight whilst eating the same prior to diagnosis then you won't gain weight easily until you have sorted the original problem.