itchy feet, falling asleep


Well-Known Member
Is having itchy feet a symptom of diabetes? The top of my feet drive me mad sometime. Also its when I am very tired and headachey. I have been feeling pretty tired for the last few days, Im cutting down on my carbs but its making me feel terrible. I am falling asleep all over the place and don't know where I am when I wake up. feel like I have been drugged. Im pre diabetic so the Dr tells me but I feel as if Im pass that more like T2. My BS is about 6.9 fasting and it was 6.3 two hours after lunch. Its higher than that most days.


hiya maddiemo,

numbers in the 6's are not high but what you describe (itchy feet, sleepyness) are classic symptoms. Anything else? such as thirstyness, going to the loo a lot?

Reducing your carbs will make you feel rough at first - some people say for as much as 2 weeks - it's a bit like coming off an addiction. Do you have your own meter - can you post details of what you're eating and some start/end numbers?


Well-Known Member
Hi. Today I had for breakfast ham and tomatoes. Lunch mixed salad with corn beef. Diner chicken and vegetables cook in the bag Mediterranean not all processed. Treat nuts. About one tsp of sugar in teas.