Toes with fungal infections


Well-Known Member
My chemist wont sell me medicine to treat fungus toes due to my diabetes. Is there a cream/medicine that is safe to take?
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Diet only
Your chemist is another example of the world having gone mad.

When I had athletes foot some years ago they sold a Mycil powder which is a talcum powder with fungicide added. It seemed to work.


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Anything healthy!
Could you not go to another chemist having said that I wouldn't put up with that from my local chemist! I have a fungal nail infection and my dr prescribed some strong medication, she also said that no over the counter stuff will work!


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Hi Lynbrown
Your Pharmacist was acting professionally and in your best interests by refusing to sell you an anti fungal cream. You need to discuss this with your GP, as the presence of a fungal infection in a diabetic needs further examination as it could be a symptom of an underlying problem. All HCPs know that if a patient/customer has a diabetic foot problem they should be referred.
There are suitable creams for purchase but get it checked out first and in the meantime follow good foot hygiene.

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Neil Walters

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lynbrown said:
My chemist wont sell me medicine to treat fungus toes due to my diabetes. Is there a cream/medicine that is safe to take?

Actually this sounds like good advice - go see your doctor and if appropriate he will prescribe a 3 month course of pills that will treat the infection and make it go away - take it from someone who has had athlete's foot and toe nail fungal infections for many years due to my diabetes and all of the over the counter treatments are rubbish but are very expensive rubbish.


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Westie2 said:
Hi Lynbrown
Your Pharmacist was acting professionally and in your best interests by refusing to sell you an anti fungal cream. You need to discuss this with your GP, as the presence of a fungal infection in a diabetic needs further examination as it could be a symptom of an underlying problem. All HCPs know that if a patient/customer has a diabetic foot problem they should be referred.
There are suitable creams for purchase but get it checked out first and in the meantime follow good foot hygiene.

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Good solid advice Westie 2 I agree with you, hence my comment "It might be a good idea to determine whether the cream is acceptable for your condition".

The thing is, we don't know lynbrown's reasoning behind wishing to purchase medicine/cream directly from the chemist.
Keeping in mind that despite the chemist's refusal to sell her the cream, she still has a mind to purchase over the counter foot care.

Hopefully, if lynbrown comes back to read her post she'll take note of the well intentioned replies.


Neil Walters said:
Actually this sounds like good advice - go see your doctor and if appropriate he will prescribe a 3 month course of pills that will treat the infection and make it go away - take it from someone who has had athlete's foot and toe nail fungal infections for many years due to my diabetes and all of the over the counter treatments are rubbish but are very expensive rubbish.

H to you too Neil Walters.

I've had athletes foot for many years also.
My doctor informed me that in some cases, the infection can take the minimum of one year to eradicate the problem.

He offered me pills, but decided against them as I've to take so many of them for the all different health problems I have.
So the alternative was foot cream which I gladly accepted.

I'm prescribed "Terbinafine Hydrochlorde (Lamisil)" mentioned in my first reply. It can be bought over the counter as per link in my first post.

I agree that many meds available for purchase over the counter are not as powerful as medically prescribed meds.
So with utmost respect to you, I would suggest my doctor would never have prescribed the cream if it was "rubbish", ie available for purchase over the counter.

Incidentally, I think "Lamisil" is the generic name.

Best wishes to both of you.



Well-Known Member
Hi I had horrid fungal nails which had become painfully no gp would help told to cover with nail polish however when I was diagnosed my gp asked a foot person(can't spell the corect name ) like others lamasil and soaking in in tea tree oil and water I think you can apply the oil onto the nail aswell but maybe check the result I am no longer ashamed of my feet all gone and when I cut my nails I put lamasil on to keep it at bay good luck hope it works for you


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Ps told all the other stuff like curanail won't work and is expensive pills apparently my gp said put a patient in hospital and can have severe side effects he was a gp who I really trusted unfortunately retired now


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Please be careful with Trebafine, one of the possible side effects is Pancreatitis. I was taken off the tablets as i had a reaction too it.

I have been told by the chiropodist to try Vick cream of all things. So far no improvement.

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Yes I've also read of vicks if you rub it on the nail it will go darker & keep doing so & cutting nails till nail is back to normal colour & said minimun of 2weeks =) but I would certainly go to gp to seek their opinion as may be other underlying problems what need addressing too with infections.


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mch1966 said:
Please be careful with Trebafine, one of the possible side effects is Pancreatitis. I was taken off the tablets as i had a reaction too it.

I have been told by the chiropodist to try Vick cream of all things. So far no improvement.

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Pancreatitis!!!! Blimey mch1966, am I glad it was the
cream my doctor prescribed for me and not the tablets.

Good job you mentioned it so others who come to this thread are made aware of that.



Type of diabetes
Type 2
Go and see the doctor (he'll appreciate a simple health problem for once!) and ,maybe , get the same stuff as me i.e. Loceryl. You sandpaper down the nail and apply this clear liquid once a week and after a few weeks it begins to improve to the point it eventually clears up.


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Diet only
We don't know if you are talking about Athletes foot type of fungus or toenail fungus.

If athletes foot type it will go away in about 2 weeks using surgical spirit or apple cider vinegar (fungus can't live in acid conditions) , My skin reacts to Tea tree and I come out in an itchy chilblain like rash. Also the same with any essential oils.

Re toenail fungus - I tried everything with mine topically as I won't take those pills. Nothing worked. I now think that mine is psoriatic nails rather than fungus as I have psoriasis on the soles and the sides of my feet. I keep the nails filed down - I buy files for false nails and smooth on the nail itself to take the thickness out and get them as thin as I can. They look horrible but are so short that are not too noticeable

If I go abroad my nail technician puts gel nails on (Shellac) and I let them grow out.

Sometimes if I can be bothered I use layers of nail varnish filler base and then a iridescent type (not a straight matt or gloss) dark colour to hide them.

I hope some of this is helpful.


Don't write off Terbinafine tablets. I've had fungal nails for 40 years and recently have been on Terbinafine. Your doctor will give you a liver function test because it can affect your liver. If you can tolerate it as I can it is the best thing out there. I had fungal infection on every nail on both feet and now almost 6 months later and coming to the end of the 6 month course my nails are almost as good as new. I am just waiting for my right big toe to clear and it's job done. The course is for six months and you must see it through. By the way I've tried everything else except laser treatment and spent a fortune. Good luck, go speak to your Doctor, don't take no for an answer and I hope you get it sorted soon.

Forgot to mention that I tried Vicks too, keeps you feet smelling fresh but doesn't work on deep seated infection.

Best wishes



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Diet only
I also tried Vick - made the nails go black!! As I said not convinced mine is fungal and I would never take those pills. I don't do any medications which is why I am on such a strict low carb/low GI diet. Fasting bs today was 5.2 !!


Ricky said:
I also tried Vick - made the nails go black!! As I said not convinced mine is fungal and I would never take those pills. I don't do any medications which is why I am on such a strict low carb/low GI diet. Fasting bs today was 5.2 !!

Great if you can manage without meds, I'll take whatever makes me better and I can now wear open toed sandals and go swimming without the embarrassment that I've suffered for 40 years with thick yellow toenails. Like I said, they won't suit everyone but they aren't bad at all if you can tolerate them.




My big toe has a fungal infection and my GP has supplied me with TROSYL to use twice a day. I will see how it works.


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Diet only
That's another one I am sensitive to and got the chilblain type of itchy rash!! I used it for a few weeks if I remember before the rash started and it didn't make any difference. It is because I have tried and failed everything I have ever heard of topically that I don't think my terrible looking nails are caused by a fungus.