Type 2 Life


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
My FBG has dropped (but ever so slowly) over the last month. It was around 8.5-8.8 - now around top sevens or low eights so it's getting there. Control through the out the day seems fine +/- 0.5 most days - evenings usually end up about 6.8ish.

I'm assuming that as the FBG level comes down the other levels will follow it.

I only lost about 7lb initially- no more loss at the moment. However my shape has changed and hubby says I look more like I've lost a stone (lovely man!)

I'm aiming to get those sugar levels down first - then I'll address the weight issue by adjusting fat consumption.

I'm reducing the protein consumption a bit but my breakfast is still quite protein heavy - 2 eggs, 15g cheese and four mushrooms in butter.

I've never used so many eggs in my life!
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
My FBG has dropped (but ever so slowly) over the last month. It was around 8.5-8.8 - now around top sevens or low eights so it's getting there. Control through the out the day seems fine +/- 0.5 most days - evenings usually end up about 6.8ish.

I'm assuming that as the FBG level comes down the other levels will follow it.

I only lost about 7lb initially- no more loss at the moment. However my shape has changed and hubby says I look more like I've lost a stone (lovely man!)

I'm aiming to get those sugar levels down first - then I'll address the weight issue by adjusting fat consumption.

I'm reducing the protein consumption a bit but my breakfast is still quite protein heavy - 2 eggs, 15g cheese and four mushrooms in butter.

I've never used so many eggs in my life!
@Ultramum I think you have your plan spot on.
After stopping cheese, cream and nuts I've lost weight.

I got my bgs and fbg towing the line 90% of the time.
In fact just booked my hba1c for next tuesday (result end of that week or monday).

Have you found reducing or aliminating carbs to help a great deal? I had to reduce protein too, in the end as my bgs just crept up as my day progressed.
I reduced my insulin but the background part of my mixed insulin was missed more than the fast acting part with lc. Hence I had to increase it and start again.
Currently I'm still using insulin 3 times a day on lower units but metformin is on hold again as just over a tummy bug.

My plan was to walk then jog and swim my diabetes into no insulin and just metformin for a hormone problem but my pelvis and lower back had other ideas. Humf!
I walk to my local shops when I can but heavily rely on painkillers and sensible diet to keep my bgs low.
The lower and steady they are for me helps with weight lose.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
The Gym, + unkindness and rudeness
Hi again @Ultramum In addition to the information @ickihun has given, I would say that it appears if you have a lot of weight to lose, lchf seems to encourage rapid loss but I found when I started lchf in Aug2015 with 1.5 stones to lose that I dropped 7lbs quickly and then it was "murder polis" to get the rest off. I remember that general portion control, i.e less carbs protein and fat :) increased exercise and intermittent fasting were all needed to get rid of the last stone. By that time all of my BG levels had dropped into 5s to low 6s with the occasional 3.9 after exercise. The truth is that I need to calorie count as well as eat low carb. You have made a brilliant start and will get lots of advice on the forum (whether you want it or not :D) P.s I was able to come off all meds after getting tight control. Lchf works!
PPS I currently have to lose the 12lbs I recently regained. Ah well!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Bullies & Cauliflower cheese
Good morning all my friends well its only two weeks to go until my 6 monthly assessment (April 6th) doesn't time fly when you are having fun ;) I haven't had bacon in all that time and thought I might have a couple of rashers to day for my lunch with Hecks Italia sausages and a half tin of tomatoes,I shall test just before I have lunch and 1 hour and two hours after,only I don't want to jeopardise next weeks test:)
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
The Gym, + unkindness and rudeness
2 Hecks pork sausages and 2 poached eggs, my favourite lunch. My BGs actually drop up to 1.5 points 2 hrs after that meal. Although I have usually also had a 40min walk too. Bacon is fine but watch out for your tinned tomatoes though, some brands add sugar. @wiseowl_123


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Bullies & Cauliflower cheese
Good afternoon @13lizanne my friend and thank you for your most informative and friendly post,much appreciated;)

my reading at 12 30pm was 5.3:)
1.30pm was 6.8
2.30pm was 5.7

Ps.I shall return to this post and fill in the missing readings
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Tablets (oral)
Current American Presidents.
What! We are to have snow tomorrow :D That water may look tropical but it's The Minch and even in July it's freeeezing. We are going for the Hillwalking and Peace
What is the epidural for NMD? Is it for your eye?
Oh, no. The eye came back to working in November. I just had a scan that showed a bulging disc in my back. I'm laid flat for most of the day (since Chrimbo). I having the epidural in April to try and resolve this literal pain in the a**e!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Bullies & Cauliflower cheese
Good afternoon after my first 2 rashers of bacon ,Hecks Italia Sausages and half a tin of tomatoes,3 small chips +half Lidl's roll with thick butter on,absolutely delicious :)

Before lunch 12.30pm5.3
1 hours after 1.30pm 6.8
2 hours after 2.30pm 5.7


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Good afternoon after my first 2 rashers of bacon ,Hecks Italia Sausages and half a tin of tomatoes,3 small chips +half Lidl's roll with thick butter on,absolutely delicious :)

Before lunch 12.30pm5.3
1 hours after 1.30pm 6.8
2 hours after 2.30pm 5.7

You're making me hungry !!
Looks like I'll be having sausages and poached eggs for tea . Great numbers by the way !
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
The Gym, + unkindness and rudeness
Absolutely perfect @wiseowl_123 that's what we strive for -steady bloods. Now you know that you can eat that meal freely.
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Oh, no. The eye came back to working in November. I just had a scan that showed a bulging disc in my back. I'm laid flat for most of the day (since Chrimbo). I having the epidural in April to try and resolve this literal pain in the a**e!
Sorry to hear about your back and I hope they can fix it soon for you.
Great result for your HbA1c though - what an incredible transformation in a year. Well done!
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Current American Presidents.
Sorry to hear about your back and I hope they can fix it soon for you.
Great result for your HbA1c though - what an incredible transformation in a year. Well done!

I did the obvious changes in diet, then bought a pair of walking boots and started with 30 minute round trips working up to yomps along beaches and cliffs. When the weather wasn't good enough I used a recumbent exercise bike with a video on a laptop for motivation! The reduction in blood sugar to me seemed an obvious result of what I'd been doing and so I'm not surprised. But neither am I going to rest on my laurels. The fight goes on! (when my back gets better!)
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
@Ultramum I think you have your plan spot on.
After stopping cheese, cream and nuts I've lost weight.

I got my bgs and fbg towing the line 90% of the time.
In fact just booked my hba1c for next tuesday (result end of that week or monday).

Have you found reducing or aliminating carbs to help a great deal? I had to reduce protein too, in the end as my bgs just crept up as my day progressed.

Thanks - My BGs seem to be pretty good during the day - a steady decline from the high FBG although yet to drop below a 6.5. I'm not going overboard with protein but trying to limit carbs to 20-30g - the FBG is coming down slowly :)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hi again @Ultramum In addition to the information @ickihun has given, I would say that it appears if you have a lot of weight to lose, lchf seems to encourage rapid loss but I found when I started lchf in Aug2015 with 1.5 stones to lose that I dropped 7lbs quickly and then it was "murder polis" to get the rest off. I remember that general portion control, i.e less carbs protein and fat :) increased exercise and intermittent fasting were all needed to get rid of the last stone. By that time all of my BG levels had dropped into 5s to low 6s with the occasional 3.9 after exercise. The truth is that I need to calorie count as well as eat low carb. You have made a brilliant start and will get lots of advice on the forum (whether you want it or not :D) P.s I was able to come off all meds after getting tight control. Lchf works!
PPS I currently have to lose the 12lbs I recently regained. Ah well!

Yes - I'm going to keep an eye on the calories once I have wrestled the control of my FBG - I have never lost weight easily and the 5 stone (!) I put on when on Mirtazapine for depression has proved reluctant to shift on any previous eating plan ... No reason to expect anything different with this way of eating - although it would have been good to see weight fall off!