Could we predict T2D 20 years in advance? · View online · Send to a friend
Diabetes hospital care needs improving, report says
Diabetes hospital care needs improving, report says

Hospital care for people with diabetes needs to improve, a report says, after it was revealed 260,000 inpatients had experienced medication errors.

'Growing problem' needs tackling
Artificial pancreas boon

A closed-loop artificial pancreas system has been shown to improve blood sugar control in both kids and adults with T1D.

Kids and adults benefit
Metformin could slow T2

Metformin could be as effective as gastric band surgery in slowing the progression of type 2 diabetes, new research shows.

What metformin does
Metformin could slow T2
Diagnosis predictor

It might be possible to detect whether someone is likely to develop type 2 diabetes up to 20 years before they are diagnosed.

How does the predictor work?
World Mental Health Day
World Mental Health Day

Many social media campaigns are underway for World Mental Health Day tomorrow, a significant day for those with and without diabetes.

Fight against stigma
90-second low carb bread

Some people find they miss bread on low carb, which is why we created this quick and easy low carb bread recipe to satisfy those cravings.

Try it today
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What we're eating

Baked Chicken with Mixed Veg
Herby Vegetable Frittata
Stuffed Turkey Breast
Clementine and Almond Cake
FreeStyle Libre 2 update
FreeStyle Libre 2 update

The FreeStyle Libre 2 will feature an optional alarm for low or high blood sugar levels. As yet there’s no UK release date.

Autumn launch in Germany
Exercise vigilance
Exercise vigilance

Watch Dr Zoe Williams, a South London GP, talk about the benefits of physical activity and how GPs can better promote it.

Exercise: the active benefits

Have a great day,

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