One member asks "How did you manage to reverse your type 2 diabetes" · View online · Say hi on the forum
Hero son saves mother from severe hypo

Hero son saves mother from severe hypo


A woman with type 1 diabetes who was experiencing a severe hypo was saved by her son who braved a snowstorm to reach her.

A snowstorm trek
Low carb stories

Low carb stories


What we're reading

Low kidney disease rates in T1D study

T2D diagnosis before 40 'increases early death risk'

Exercise after T1D diagnosis could extend honeymoon phase

LCHF works amazingly well

How did you manage to reverse your diabetes?

Benefits of type 1 (positive little story)

Have no idea what I'm doing

Will my HbA1c increase with diet change?

Alarm systems for my 86-year-old dad

The results are in

The results are in


Things are going wrong

Forgot to put insulin cartridges in the fridge

Diagnosed a month ago

Wake up about caffeine

Wake up about caffeine

Coffee can temporarily make us feel more alert or less drowsy, but how much is too much and which products are caffeine-heavy?

Caffeine and diet

Have a great Thursday,

PS: It's not a daft question at all, ixi1429! When taking sharps onboard flights, has anyone ever had any issues?
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