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BBC broadcasts vital diabulimia documentary

BBC broadcasts vital diabulimia documentary


The BBC Three documentary 'Diabulimia: The World's Most Dangerous Eating Disorder' is uncomfortable but essential viewing as awareness of the condition continues to spread.

Support for diabulimia
Forced to take medication

Low-fat dairy: the healthy choice?


What we're reading

Losing weight 'can save you money'

T2D drugs could prevent Parkinson's disease

Model predicts glucose-responsive insulin outcomes

Pulled into manager's office regarding my diabetes

Insanely frustrated

Reversed or cured?

Not the greatest holiday start

Fit and healthy but prediabetic

Feeling high while BG is normal


A low-carb wake up


Unreliable TEE2 meter

Allergic reaction to medication

Lifestyle change

Diet partners?

Gluten-free is one of the buzz phrases of recent years, but can a gluten-free diet exist within a low-carb lifestyle?

Gluten and low-carb

Have a great Thursday,

PS: It's far from easy having both neuropathy and anxiety. Forum user daubz1980 could do with some tips on improving her mood.
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