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  • No diabetes drugs no statins diet controlled.
    Other medications for other issues.
    Hi JTL. You have today posted about trying CBD oil for Parkinsons. Do you any idea how much should be taken? OH has Parkinsons which is getting progressively worse. He now can no longer walk any distance and has hallucinations from the medicine.
    How were your results from your recent retinopathy test? (I’m just reading the retinopathy thread you posted on)
    I forgot about that and haven't heard. Must phone my doc but I presume they're not too exciting seeing as he hasn't phoned. Soon as I know I'll let you know.
    Like the penguin avatar.
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    Reactions: 1 person
    It's only a temporary one Pip ... got rid of my Tom Waits one ... might go for Ozzy Osbourne next!!!!
    Just wanted to let you know that I like your sig line. Do you happen to like "Dr. Who" or "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"?
    Hitch hikers I loved when it first cam on the radio.
    Lot of smokinh hippies meeting up once a week to listen to radio 4 ... unheard of!
    I loved it too - but not the new ones..... for some reason they didn't catch my interest anymore.
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