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  • Please read the messages below in reverse order. The posting thing didn't allow many characters at a time so I had to cut and paste piecemeal!
    Of course these sorts of questions might be totally irrelevant! I only ask them because it sounds as if this feeling is new or has returned unexpectedly. If there hasn't been a specific diabetes related event then perhaps other factors may be playing a part.
    Anyway, I hope you move through this low patch and feelbetter soon.
    Take care. T
    It can be difficult to manage such relationships but your ability to do so, and what those mixed messages mean, is going to be inextricably linked with your past and things I do not know and cannot explore with you.
    Secondly, what does it mean to you when people intrude upon you with comments about your diabetes? To my mind the statements you described sound intrusive and patronising - but under the guise of being caring and only meaning the best for you.
    Now these are probably obvious but my questions would be firstly about whether this feeling is actually displaced from something else in your life - probably an issue of loss or control - but it could be anything really; espeially if it is something you would prefer not to think about.
    Hello. I saw your post but didn't want to answer publically as I'm incognito.
    I'm a psychiatrist (keep it under your hat!) but not T1, however I did wonder some things that I thought might help. Really though you'd probably do best finding someone to talk these things through with.
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