Cannot go on.


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Foodwise Nuts & Mushrooms (Vomit)
The support on DCUK is incredible @ufukof

The only time you should apologise is if you do or say something wrong and you haven't

Light at the end of a very long dark tunnel may be what you are searching for .......

Please keep posting on here and please accept a well intentioned man hug from me


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
STILL HERE ! firstly,I am sorry to all the people that my pretty selfish words have given concern to,thank you to all of you who have taken the time to say something.thank you. I have been in bed for the most part,hiding from everything, as i have done for a huge part of my life,Have never been as sociable as i am in my mind !, not used to verbalising or being able to get things out. am a very irresponsible person,should never have taken on the responsibility of a dog, but did in a moment of mania, but have put on him all of my fears,worries,anger,bad eating habits and even the worst of my manic depression bouts which he mimics and suffers to the point of me somehow snapping out and getting back on course `short term` for him ! he is a bullmastiff , now 7 1/2 years old and 62 kilos in pain, with medicated joint problems he is with me 24/7,due to separation anxiety stress,which he like me internalises. for him giving rise to ear,eye,and throat issues .I cope by going out with `kujo`late at night, have managed to keep appointments so far, for psyc,drs, scans,tests etc etc,often by staying up all night and getting to the places many hours early in my homemade campervan. the `end` never laves me and is always the only answer not only for me, but for all those that i continue to affect !,until another sleep comes
Hello again u-f. I am so glad you are more positive this time. Having a dog is a wonderful idea. I used o have 8 dogs all at the same time and they kept you busy. When they came into my rather small living room (12 ft x 8.5 ft) there wasn't much room for me. Now I have 6 cats and only 2 dogs and they all want my attention. I also have 350 children (not my own) to feed, clothe and educate and they keep me busy. The reason I am telling you all this is to impress upon you the necessity of keeping your mind off your own medical problems by helping others (dogs, cats, people) through their problems.

This Forum is a wonderful idea, we all contribute SOMETHING to the community - and sometimes learn that somebody else has already been where we are now and how they have coped with the problem.

Please keep us up to date on your progress and don't get frustrated with us when we get it wrong. We are all on a learning curve. Thank you for joining the Forum. We want to be your friends - please let us.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
I have lots of issues like you but I've not been diagnosed long.we need to connect me and you.ive been where you are now but I made it.i thought my life was over when I got diagnosed,I've got most of my help from this forum,it saved my life.i only eat one egg per day at the moment but today I ate my egg with2 mushrooms then to my surprise I ate some roast chicken around teatime.i have bulimia and make myself sick but with the support from this forum today is the third day I've not been sick.such a humongous thing for fact I'm on the brink of day 4 !! Now if I can do it I'm sure you can.can we do it together? I've not been on the forum long but feel free to pm me anytime.good luck and try good thoughts.somewhere on here I'd decided to throw in towel,I'd had enough of trying and getting nowhere but I'm stubborn and determined not to let this beat me.i send you hugs (I'm 58 by the way) you can do this if I can x x x


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I have lots of issues like you but I've not been diagnosed long.we need to connect me and you.ive been where you are now but I made it.i thought my life was over when I got diagnosed,I've got most of my help from this forum,it saved my life.i only eat one egg per day at the moment but today I ate my egg with2 mushrooms then to my surprise I ate some roast chicken around teatime.i have bulimia and make myself sick but with the support from this forum today is the third day I've not been sick.such a humongous thing for fact I'm on the brink of day 4 !! Now if I can do it I'm sure you can.can we do it together? I've not been on the forum long but feel free to pm me anytime.good luck and try good thoughts.somewhere on here I'd decided to throw in towel,I'd had enough of trying and getting nowhere but I'm stubborn and determined not to let this beat me.i send you hugs (I'm 58 by the way) you can do this if I can x x x

Wow! Well done on your nearly 4 days, Jo. That's incredible progress. Do you feel well on it?


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Fed up when I tested 17-9 about 15 mins ago.i was devastated and the urge to vomit was so strong but then I read this story and I'll be damned if it's gonna beat me. I was ready to throw in the towel and concede. But why should I? 3 days is a long time and it's so very nearly 4 days.the story from kyambala taught me a thing or two so I've said we can do this together. I've been as low as I can go but feel now that the ladder is there for me to take one rung at a time, and so what if I go down instead of up as I can always go back up tomorrow instead of selfishly giving hopes and prayers are with this person and I'm sending a big squashy hug. X x x


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Well done Jo. A year ago I was rushed to hospital with Malaria and when they tested me with a meter it was reading 28 but I recovered and today it is usually 5 or 6 or I might get a spike at 9.
Keep positive Jo you are an inspiration to us all.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Good morningand hope this morning is warmer for you than it is for me as its cold here in North Yorkshire. I've been awake most of the night as I didn't dare go to sleep as I was a little scared(scrap that I was terrified!)as my last result last night was far too high and I don't know how I'm expected to feel.we all have demons of our own but each are different.please feel free to contact me for a chat because I too have been where you are, you're not on your own, you have me and I'm here to talk to you whenever you need. Here's to a good day for both of us. X x


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Good morningand hope this morning is warmer for you than it is for me as its cold here in North Yorkshire. I've been awake most of the night as I didn't dare go to sleep as I was a little scared(scrap that I was terrified!)as my last result last night was far too high and I don't know how I'm expected to feel.we all have demons of our own but each are different.please feel free to contact me for a chat because I too have been where you are, you're not on your own, you have me and I'm here to talk to you whenever you need. Here's to a good day for both of us. X x

I'm not sure who you were replying to Jo but if it was me then I can assure you that I never get depressed and whatever my meter tells me I just take it in my stride. I've been Diabetic now for more than 20 years but was not diagnosed until 18 years ago because my then doctor did not believe me. It was only when after 2 years that I insisted on a blood test (which he said was a waste of time and money) that he agreed that a fasting blood test showing 14.3 is proof of Diabetes.

The nearest that I got to being depressed was when I read a NHS leaflet called "Diabetes and Depression". It ought to be BANNED.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
So very sorry but was meant to go to someone who calls himself "fukov" ?????? (the person who started this thread) He is genuinly sufferingvand I cant believe you got his post (if u were down in the dumos it maybe cheered you up lol ) this guynis in a dark place.i'm new to diabetes and hanging on by the skin of my teeth.i'm Not technical and still in awe of txt messages and I've got a new phone- all at once.i feel rather embarrassed and its a good job you cant see my face.darren (my boyf) is sitting here mortified at what I've done.again please accept my apology. My doctor isnt too good either as I have an eating disorder and until a nurse at the hosp contacted him he thought (and used to say) get home girl and get a good meal down yerself. Things are looking up now, ive reached day 4 without making myself sick and ive never got tnis far EVER. I'm feeling good but not counting my chickens but at least I have hope now,I never had it before.i wont go into it too much as I may make you depressed lol.thanx for letting me know- a schoolgirl error at 58.!!!!! Sorry x