Christmas Over Indulgence


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Diabetes, funnily enough.
So this is my first Christmas as a diabetic.

It has not gone well.

Tonight I did a test and I was 12.3.

I am utterly ashamed with myself. I have eaten completely wrongly all over Christmas. I've stuck my head in the sand. I've put weight on and probably undone all of the good work I did earlier in the year. I feel sick. I'm not blaming anyone but myself, although I will say the doctors advice of not testing is totally rubbish. If I cannot see the numbers then I develop an ignorance that is massively dangerous.

My wife is due to give birth to our first child in just over a week. I feel like I am letting everyone around me down by my stupidity.

Has anyone ever done this and felt the same?

My wife has said I need to draw a line under it and hit it hard from the morning. And I will. I did it once, I can do it again.

Sorry for the self-loathing, miserable post. But I feel I needed to get it out there and hopefully get some support.



Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
No worries most of us have fallen off the wagon. Just get back on and cut those carbs out.
Maybe try coffee with cream in the morning and skip breakfast to extend your fast.
As for doctors saying don't test.. they are idiots and best ignored.. they also don't have your diabetes you do so if you feel testing helps then bloody do it.
Channel your anger to work towards lowering your blood sugars.. it can work wonders.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Diabetes, funnily enough.
No worries most of us have fallen off the wagon. Just get back on and cut those carbs out.
Maybe try coffee with cream in the morning and skip breakfast to extend your fast.
As for doctors saying don't test.. they are idiots and best ignored.. they also don't have your diabetes you do so if you feel testing helps then bloody do it.
Channel your anger to work towards lowering your blood sugars.. it can work wonders.

Good advice about using my anger. I will use it. Thank you.
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Well-Known Member
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Type 3c
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I've fallen off the low carb/sugar waggon over the past couple of days and my BG levels have shot up after some meals. It was the odd mini mince pie, half an individual Christmas pudding, a lemon slice and an ice cream that did it! But I've climbed back onto the waggon and 2018 is a whole new year of low carbing ahead and I don't think the Christmas spike in BG was really all that damaging in the long run.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Diabetes, funnily enough.
It's just a bit of a shock. To be honest, I don't know why I'm shocked. You eat like cr*p and the result only goes one way.

I think I needed to see the numbers to get it again.
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Well-Known Member
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Type 2
No worries most of us have fallen off the wagon. Just get back on and cut those carbs out.
Maybe try coffee with cream in the morning and skip breakfast to extend your fast.
As for doctors saying don't test.. they are idiots and best ignored.. they also don't have your diabetes you do so if you feel testing helps then bloody do it.
Channel your anger to work towards lowering your blood sugars.. it can work wonders.
I'm in bulkbikers camp
Ditto,you had a wobble,you probably had a wobble for years like me before diagnosis.
This was a few days that you recognised,brush your self off,tomorrow is a whole new day.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
@Drummersi hello. I'm in the same position as you. I've just posted the same in the New Years resolution thread. Don't put yourself down just do as your wife has said and draw a line in the sand. Tomorrow is a new day. Monday is a new year. Fresh starts for putting things right! Good luck!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Poor grammar, bullying and drunks.
I did the same as you did but I deliberately did not test, I did not want to worry about the 24/48 hours of seeing what I had done. This worked in a roundabout fashion for me as what I didn't see on my meter didn't have the same effect as just knowing it was unwise. So I have crawled back onto the waggon and will remain firmly strapped in until my birthday! Don't beat yourself up, we're human and we all have our wobbles. Next Christmas I will test but I won't allow a days worth of higher numbers to cause self loathing.

Here's wishing you and your wife and your soon to be born addition a Happy, Healthy New Year.
(Please let us know when Little Drummer starts his/her set!)


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hit 11,5 the other day. I stay under 8 or 9 usually, after eating. I stick to my diet mostly, even over christmas, but there were three tiny bits of pastry the past few days which simply had my name on them. I peaked for an hour or so afterwards, but excersized it off. More importantly, I made sure to thorougly enjoy every bite as I took it, because I knew what it would cost me, and I wouldn't be able to have any for another year after that. This won't mess up my HbA1c too much, and I just decided to give myself a break here and there. Just small breaks, mind you, but still... A tiny bit of cheating on a few days a year won't cause long-term complications. It's what you do the rest of the year that makes the true difference. Line in the sand, back on the wagon, you're human, it's okay.


Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Diet only
Your not the first.
Certainly won’t be the last.
But at least you, me and everyone else who fell off the wagon now have a valuable reminder of what works and what does not work for our own bodies.

Just found out I have a 7lb gain so far after to many little treats

I am now looking forward to getting a bit more routine back in my life when I go back to work in 2018 and smashing it in terms of diet and moving more.( back to basics for me)

All the best and certainly don’t feel ashamed. Just be enlightened by the facts/numbers you witnessed, that can now reshape your approach in a positive way.

Let’s do this


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
I had an extended wobble from November at the last tournament of the year and somehow managed to have the strength to refuse a few things at Christmas, but I enjoyed the festive season for sure.

BUT - I have also invested in a treadmill and spin bike, and I am about to start my full season on the tennis-journalism circuit as a diabetic... so it is time to focus.

I know what I will be doing to make the daily allowance on my accreditation last a little longer, and because my accreditation came late I had to opt for a more expensive serviced apartment which has a gym which is a bonus for me as I usually stay in an AirBnB. While I hate walking for no purpose... it is central enough for me to walk to the tournament every day which should be a good 30-40 minutes.

Get back on the horse... because you are not alone and you certianly won't be the last person to have a wobble!


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Type 2
Drummer, I think most of us get the odd wobble. I had a wobble a few weeks ago that was more like an earthquake, but I've been cleaning up my act since then- the posters here helped set me straight. You sound like you're really fired up and ready to get back to doing it the right way, so do like your wife said- draw a line under it, and hit it hard from now on!
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
I donated blood yesterday so allowed myself a packet of crisps and 3 very small chocolate biscuits - total carbs <20. I then had my evening meal and didn't go for my usual evening walk. Result 7.2 which is very high for me :(

So today, back to self discipline. Fasting til 12:30, lunch, early evening meal, an hour's walk and no snacks all day! Hopefully that will bring me back to normal.

But we are all human, and self loathing doesn't actually do any good! Move on and start again. :)


I made a conscious decision to put my diet on hold from Christmas to New Year. I have been eating cream, butter and cheese, which I normally don't touch all year round unless perhaps for a big celebration like a wedding or something. I'm not really supposed to have them at all as I am in the "10 year heart risk" category for cardiovascular disease. But I have to have a life!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Welcome to my 15th Xmas being diagnosed diabetic!

Except only last 3 years I haven't added 2st each time. No add this year, more due to sickness bug thou.
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Well-Known Member
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I reversed my Type 2
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Diet only
People shouting while on their phones.
I have overindulded too this Christmas.I was on a tablet that weight gained that didn't help and just.let things go yes I feel ashamed that I have put on a lot of weight, clothes that were lose are now hard to get on.
But everyone has bad times, but you can get it back.I have started going through my cupboards and fridge and throwing anything I don't need like sweets and biscuits ecrept Rich Tea.

Don't give up you and I can can get back to a balanced meal plan.My doctor won't let me test either but as you say we don't know what out readings are.I agree with you.Monday will be my day to start over and give it another try.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
So far no weight gain but lots of good data about festive foods, movement and BG levels.
An interesting balance to be had around testing. I specifically wanted to test effect of 40 gms of lowest carb Panatone and home mad mince pies 100 gms. The Panetone left me @ 5.6 after 2 hrs, falling to 5 at 3. The mince pies were a disaster for me @ 7.5 - but I had visitors after eating them so no dog walk as planned.
As the consensus here agrees, move on, learn and get back on track.


Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Oh dear, yes I had a massive wobble over Christmas too. Made a complete mess of it for over two weeks. Today is a new start and I feel relieved to go back to the healthy eating. We all mess up sometimes. Let it go (sorry I've been watching Frozen) and move on. Wishing you all the best.


Well-Known Member
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Tablets (oral)
A tiny bit of cheating on a few days a year won't cause long-term complications. It's what you do the rest of the year that makes the true difference.
I totally agree. And, more important, here is what Jenny Ruhl
has to say: " three days or even three months of high blood sugars aren't going to make you go blind. Three years, is a different story. But if you have been doing really well for a year or two and get off track for a few months, you aren't doomed."
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