What was your fasting blood glucose? (with some chat)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
good morning all :)

4.9 today

the last few weeks it always seems to be a bit higher on a Monday, the usual pattern is to have a big meal in the early afternoon with mr gee's mum on Sunday then not to really eat much until Monday morning. Perhaps a touch of dp, I may try having a bit more supper next week if I remember ;)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Unfairness/ use of offensive language.
6.3 this morning wonder if it was owt to do with the Big Mac and fries or the Mac flurry then again it could have been the full fat Coke but I'm pretty sure the Morrison's party time cup cakes have nothing to do with it though.

Had my birthday treat yesterday rather than today my actual birthday.

Did a test with another meter as well it said 6.9 but was obviously wrong so I discounted it.

6.3 this morning wonder if it was owt to do with the Big Mac and fries or the Mac flurry then again it could have been the full fat Coke but I'm pretty sure the Morrison's party time cup cakes have nothing to do with it though.

Had my birthday treat yesterday rather than today my actual birthday.

Did a test with another meter as well it said 6.9 but was obviously wrong so I discounted it.
Many happy returns, JohnEGreen. :)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Morning...little work for a couple of weeks...then like the buses everything seems to arrive at once...three hectic days at work...shattered...all paperwork done...invoices raised...delivered...got home relatively early yesterday...en route driving snow one moment...bright sunshine the next...so a combination of fog lights & sunglasses en route...no sign of snow here yet...maybe we'll escape the deluge we're expecting...woke to a 4.7.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Dishonesty lies and thieves and online Bullies!!!
Good morning.@Bubbsie The snow is covering the ground here been awake since 3 am tested my BG it was 6.2 better than yesterday,cannot sleep so I'm having a coffee in bed where elecblanket has been switched on,the house is too cold yet to get up.
Hope Harry is doing fine, take care on roads and enjoy rest of your day! K


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Morning...little work for a couple of weeks...then like the buses everything seems to arrive at once...three hectic days at work...shattered...all paperwork done...invoices raised...delivered...got home relatively early yesterday...en route driving snow one moment...bright sunshine the next...so a combination of fog lights & sunglasses en route...no sign of snow here yet...maybe we'll escape the deluge we're expecting...woke to a 4.7.
Big hugs bubbsie
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