What was your fasting blood glucose? (with some chat)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
People that point out my spelling mistakes
Good morning , afternoon and evening.
A just about right 7.1 for me today. I am setting my self a target of being nice to somebody today, that should scare the pants orf them hehehe


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
@Freema at different times in our lives we all reflect on our health and how illnesses our parents have can make us worry about if we too could get what they have, and I have no magic wand to wave these worries you have away. Just try to live each day has it comes and deal with that we have enough to deal with in the here and now you'll just make yourself ill worrying about the what might be. Could your doctor help you with your concerns, perhaps you and your sister could talk to him about all this.
I'm sorry I can't be of more help to you and hope you get some answers to your worry! Best Wishes K

thank you dear ... I think I do cope fine with my worries, but it is not really a disease one´s GP can rule out.my father was hyper-intelligent and had an amazing memory and it was only late in his disease he couldn´t do the tests that would show he had Alzheimers. both my sister and I have a pattern that is very similar to my father´s... I am so happy that I have learned to keep my blood glucose down and do regular exercise , because there are also scientists that think that Alzheimers could be a kind of brain-diabetes.. and by the way diabetics are also prone to get dementia anyways..
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
People that point out my spelling mistakes
Chaos theory eh alf? You are not a famous tweeter under a different name are you .. no it couldn't be

Sorry I don't do twitter at all, yes I do like the chaos but I tack the mayhem onto it. Yes I am famous, whoops sorry that should read infamous in some quarters and halves. Perhaps we should move this ramble onto the humourous banter thread ?