type3c & cycling

Suet 2

Type of diabetes
Type 3c
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
I had whipples surgery last year following a diagnosis of SOD 2 & previous surgery to remove gall bladder and then a billiary bypass, and 13 ERCPs to place or remove 5 pancreatic stents or 21 billiary & 2 pancreatic sphincterotomies. have not been diagnosed with diabetes but frrel safe to assume it would be 3C.
I have tried to continue cycling throughout everything going on during the past 5 years, and after no cycling in 2017 I am now starting to get back on my bike. The problem I a having when cycling is nutrition. If I go out for more than an hour my blood sugar drops really low (2.5 - 3.5) - I know because I bought myself a testing kit. So therefore I thought if I was going out for longer than an hour I should take sports drink. But what happens is I 'bonk' & my blood sugars are really high (12.9) - what's left of my pancreas is obviously struggling to react & cope with a deluge of the different sugars in sports drink. I discussed this with my gp who ordered blood tests (HBA1C) which were normal (6%) & so end of discussion..
I've now received a ballot place in the Ride London 46 (can't manage 100 yet!) & so really need to get nutrition sorted.
Sports drink or no sports drink? Any ideas please!

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When I exercise, sometimes, I drink squash. The advantage this has over ready mixed sports drinks is I can dilute them as much as I want to provide the sugar I need.
It took some trial and error to get the dilution just right.

I guess you could add a little salt if you sweat/suffer from camp.

The other advantage is felt in my wallet.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
What about a piece of bread or half a banana on the road? It's a lot less aggressive in nudging your sugars up than a sports drink, and it should sustain you for a longer time than the sports drink.
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Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hi @Suet 2 ,

Welcome to the forum. :)

What meds are you on? (if any? I see none listed on your profile.)

In answer to your question though. Jelly baby for a fast lift, then a digestive biscuit. for a little longer acting.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
I had whipples surgery last year following a diagnosis of SOD 2 & previous surgery to remove gall bladder and then a billiary bypass, and 13 ERCPs to place or remove 5 pancreatic stents or 21 billiary & 2 pancreatic sphincterotomies. have not been diagnosed with diabetes but frrel safe to assume it would be 3C.
I have tried to continue cycling throughout everything going on during the past 5 years, and after no cycling in 2017 I am now starting to get back on my bike. The problem I a having when cycling is nutrition. If I go out for more than an hour my blood sugar drops really low (2.5 - 3.5) - I know because I bought myself a testing kit. So therefore I thought if I was going out for longer than an hour I should take sports drink. But what happens is I 'bonk' & my blood sugars are really high (12.9) - what's left of my pancreas is obviously struggling to react & cope with a deluge of the different sugars in sports drink. I discussed this with my gp who ordered blood tests (HBA1C) which were normal (6%) & so end of discussion..
I've now received a ballot place in the Ride London 46 (can't manage 100 yet!) & so really need to get nutrition sorted.
Sports drink or no sports drink? Any ideas please!

I'm type 1 and cycle a lot and I take glucose tablets or orange juice (100% orange) followed by raisins or sultanas if necessary. Carry the dried fruit in my empty blood test strip containers, they carry about 10gm carb's worth of fruit. My other half used to use dates as 'bonk' grub when he was into cycling all day but he's no where near being diabetic.

Suet 2

Type of diabetes
Type 3c
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
I was wondering about diluted apple juice?
Really like 'liquid' calories as its easier to manage whilst pedalling - as try not to stop!


Type of diabetes
Type 3c
Treatment type
I was told on a diabetic education course by a dietitian that there was an alternative to preventing hypos when cycling or other exercise, to the ‘take more carbs’ approach. She recommended taking around half the basal the night before and less bolus before exercising.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Football, Rugby, Sweede, Parsnips, Beetroot
Im type 1 and cycle around a lot and for this reason i carry sweets around incase blood goes low. Also if you feel low it's better to stop and test and eat if low. Perhaps if it was possible to wait 15 mins. Do that because you don't want to risk putting yourself and others in dangers as being low can affect your concentration which is something you need when your cycling.
Also might be a good idea to test before you start cycling


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Lower your basal is key, especially as you get to 2,3,4 hrs exercise, every year I go snowboarding, and I roughly half it, also reduce significantly for cycling more than an hour. Having a mix of fast acting, and slower release carbs works for me, there is no recipe as such as it's all down to the individual. It's trial and error unfortunately, I always test every 30 mins when out on the bike.

Suet 2

Type of diabetes
Type 3c
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
My local bike shop suggested 'Stealth Training Mix , slow release carbohydrate & hydration drink mix' - I've used for the past couple of rides & found I could manage longer rides - or else I'm just getting fitter!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
My local bike shop suggested 'Stealth Training Mix , slow release carbohydrate & hydration drink mix' - I've used for the past couple of rides & found I could manage longer rides - or else I'm just getting fitter!

OK, but adjust your basal, that's key.

Suet 2

Type of diabetes
Type 3c
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Fortunately it all went well yesterday, managed the 46 miles in 3hrs20
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Wilko 2

Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Im a newly diagnosed Type 1 and am currently in the mountains on a cycling holiday. I'm testing and monitoring regularly and interestingly, Im not needing any medication at all and eating my normal type of diet, Overnight oats, unrefined carbs, just water on the bike, plus a small wholemeal brown roll in my pocket and a banana and some nuts. Riding for about 6 hours a day up mountains and maintaining a normal diet but larger portions.

I was taking my basal only, but found I was waking up too low, so have stopped it for the past few days
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 3c
Treatment type
Diabetes and my personal inabilities.
Just a wee note not requiring any response, you guys are bloody inspirational, my hat is tipped.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Diet drinks - the artificial sweeteners taste vile.
Having to forswear foods I have loved all my life.
Trying to find low carb meals when eating out.
I had whipples surgery last year following a diagnosis of SOD 2 & previous surgery to remove gall bladder and then a billiary bypass, and 13 ERCPs to place or remove 5 pancreatic stents or 21 billiary & 2 pancreatic sphincterotomies. have not been diagnosed with diabetes but frrel safe to assume it would be 3C.
I have tried to continue cycling throughout everything going on during the past 5 years, and after no cycling in 2017 I am now starting to get back on my bike. The problem I a having when cycling is nutrition. If I go out for more than an hour my blood sugar drops really low (2.5 - 3.5) - I know because I bought myself a testing kit. So therefore I thought if I was going out for longer than an hour I should take sports drink. But what happens is I 'bonk' & my blood sugars are really high (12.9) - what's left of my pancreas is obviously struggling to react & cope with a deluge of the different sugars in sports drink. I discussed this with my gp who ordered blood tests (HBA1C) which were normal (6%) & so end of discussion..
I've now received a ballot place in the Ride London 46 (can't manage 100 yet!) & so really need to get nutrition sorted.
Sports drink or no sports drink? Any ideas please!

I note that you are not diagnosed as diabetic, so I assume you are not taking insulin or other diabetes related drugs.

Your blood sugar is dropping during exercise (which may point to the liver not storing/making/releasing enough glucose) but if you take carbohydrates then your pancreas cannot react quickly enough and your BG goes high. This might point to your pancreas not producing enough glucagon to release glucose by the body.

I'm a little confused when you talk about bonking because you link it to high BG levels and I understand that it is normally when your BG levels drop and can't be replenished fast enough. Again this could point to your pancreas not producing enough insulin to force the sugars from your bloodstream into your muscles.

It is possible that your body is slow to react to both demands for glucose and the supply of glucose. In that case a sports drink, which is designed for fast replenishment of energy stores, is too aggressive for your body.

The old favourite for slow release energy during exercise is malt loaf with butter. Eating small amounts at regular intervals might supply enough energy without overloading your pancreas.

Another option to consider is ketosis. If your body switches to burning fats instead of sugars then it might take some of the load off your pancreas.

Re-reading about T1 and glucagon production from the alpha cells does make me wonder if you should consider carrying an emergency glucagon kit in case you have a severe hypo and become unconscious. A BG level of 2.5-3.5 does seem in the danger zone and I am not sure from your post how hypo aware you are.

Possibly worth talking to someone with a specialisation in exercise and the various types of diabetes.

It may be that the safest way to exercise is to take fast acting carbohydrates balanced by insulin, but that requires expert advice.