Anyone doin One Meal a Day (OMAD)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Yes, I do one meal a day usually eating in the late afternoon/early evening. I thought I wouldn't be able to do this on hols, but like @gettingamoveon I thought of all the money I was saving and it wasn't as hard as I thought. :D


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Side effects from medication
ive been doing OMAD since sept 9th
i lean heavily to keto and low carb sometimes
but other days have to eat with others
which means it could be anything

i really enjoy the OMAD
its so much easier
and i have dropped 1 bp medication
and am using less insulin
and have lost a few pounds
so all in all very successful


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
ive been doing OMAD since sept 9th
i lean heavily to keto and low carb sometimes
but other days have to eat with others
which means it could be anything

i really enjoy the OMAD
its so much easier
and i have dropped 1 bp medication
and am using less insulin
and have lost a few pounds
so all in all very successful

Sounds like you've found a bit of a groove there for yourself @cdpm . Good news.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
ive been doing OMAD since sept 9th
i lean heavily to keto and low carb sometimes
but other days have to eat with others
which means it could be anything

i really enjoy the OMAD
its so much easier
and i have dropped 1 bp medication
and am using less insulin
and have lost a few pounds
so all in all very successful
Excellent news.. very well done indeed.. Long may you continue with your successes.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
@cdpm - Glady you're having such great success with OMAD! I have too! I've been largely living an OMAD eating plan since March this year. I've nearly lost 20 kg so far. However, I have experienced 2 very long (6 weeks!) soul destroying, demotivating stalls. So I have found that as I don't especially get hungry, but can't do very long fasts, as I quickly begin to feel cold and ill and tired, instead I do some up to 72 hour fasts here and there (I stop when I start to feel poorly), and I also vary the time of my meal each day. So I might have breakfast- dinner - breakfast - lunch - lunch - dinner on consecutive days for example. I usually load up with 2 meals the day before a longer fast, with a higher percentage of fat than usual. I'm not sure why I do that - I think I read it somewhere, and it seems to ensure that I don't get horribly constipated while fasting. I know there's technically nothing to come out when you're not eating, but I get the most savage stomach cramps and really struggle unless I keep to a regular bowel routine. There is still waste from the body itself which needs to come out, even when you're not eating, I think. Keeping my water up is a thing I take very seriously, as well as supplementing with magnesium, and combined vit K and D3. I have also just commenced high dose ginkgo biloba (Tebonin - Blackmore's brand) but that is for tinnitus and vertigo which is driving me nuts at the moment - I have Menniere's disease.
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Well-Known Member
I'm doing it more and more often. If a wave of hunger comes during the day, I drink water or black coffee and think of the money I'm saving.

Money...motivation indeed!
This is my third week on OMAD. And my easiest week so far. The first three days of week one was a struggle. I was hungry from noon to 4pm! But I pressed on. Had loads of drinks and bullion. Week two came with a stinking cold. I almost gave up
This week has been easier. I have to remind myself to eat.
Weekdays are fine as I work full time. It’s the weekend with family meals, teenage daughter etc. that I have to plan carefully. I have lost 1kg.

Hoping to go on for a couple more weeks. Not sure I have the will power to make this a permanent thing.


Well-Known Member
ive been doing OMAD since sept 9th
i lean heavily to keto and low carb sometimes
but other days have to eat with others
which means it could be anything

i really enjoy the OMAD
its so much easier
and i have dropped 1 bp medication
and am using less insulin
and have lost a few pounds
so all in all very successful

Well done!
Hope I can last a few more weeks ...


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Type of diabetes
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Tablets (oral)
I have done OMAD for months now. :) I find it very easy and I'm lucky I live on my own so no pressure from anyone at meal times. I also do extended fasting and follow Low Carb High Fat (LCHF)/Keto way of eating. I have lost over 5 stone and put my diabetes in remission and off all diabetes meds:happy:


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Type 2
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Side effects from medication
im now on 81 days
and it seems like i can
go off my lantus


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi @rab5

I do OMAD 2-3 times a week. Have done a couple of extended periods - 2 weeks - and find that the best way to judge whether you’re overdoing it is by your hunger. If you’re not hungry, or just have passing waves of hunger, your body is fine and you’re giving it what it needs. If you get ravenous and the feeling doesn’t pass, then I’d listen to your body and eat.

Works for me.
Well done ! I am going to try that route. Thank you.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Side effects from medication
im still doing omad (since sept.)
i dont lose much weight on it
but that wasnt really my goal
i think i have to change the meal
composition tho
as i still binge (maybe more protein)
and am always hungry still

but i have further reduced my insulin
i was using over 200 units total
of lantus and novorapid combined
before omad
then with omad combined with low carb
i now use less than 100 units lantus and rapid combined
but only with a small amount of weight loss
so this tells me that it wasnt necessarily the weight loss
that helped but the low carb and fasting that helped
im happy with the omad
but would like some weight gone
but seems not likely
so i will just take what it does do for me
less insulin and less binging were my goals
on omad so im halfway there anyway
(less insulin is half my goals)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
im still doing omad (since sept.)
i dont lose much weight on it
but that wasnt really my goal
i think i have to change the meal
composition tho
as i still binge (maybe more protein)
and am always hungry still

but i have further reduced my insulin
i was using over 200 units total
of lantus and novorapid combined
before omad
then with omad combined with low carb
i now use less than 100 units lantus and rapid combined
but only with a small amount of weight loss
so this tells me that it wasnt necessarily the weight loss
that helped but the low carb and fasting that helped
im happy with the omad
but would like some weight gone
but seems not likely
so i will just take what it does do for me
less insulin and less binging were my goals
on omad so im halfway there anyway
(less insulin is half my goals)
How are your blood sugars doing?


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
@cdpm have you tried doing resistance training as well? I assume you are going for a short walk after your daily meal.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Side effects from medication
How are your blood sugars doing?

nearly 7 when i wake up
and go as high as 9 at other times
of just random tests

im afraid to take it after i eat
(at 6-7pm)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Side effects from medication
@cdpm have you tried doing resistance training as well? I assume you are going for a short walk after your daily meal.

embarassed to say im not getting any exercise

i have 5 and 8 and 10 pound barbells
and was doing a tiny routine every other day
3 exercises 8 reps each with the 5's
but then hurt my shoulder somehow
and never restarted
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Unfairness/ use of offensive language.
Please forgive my ignorance but how do you avoid hypos when you only eat once per day? If I go longer than usual between meals I start with hypo symptoms and my bs's drop to 3's and I have to resort to jelly babies to bring my levels up and then eat a light snack to maintain them. I am type 2 and take Gliclazide as well as Metformin.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Please forgive my ignorance but how do you avoid hypos when you only eat once per day? If I go longer than usual between meals I start with hypo symptoms and my bs's drop to 3's and I have to resort to jelly babies to bring my levels up and then eat a light snack to maintain them. I am type 2 and take Gliclazide as well as Metformin.
I personally don't take any meds ... one of the benefits of fasting?
So no meds no hypos.. only get to the 3's when extended fasting and then not usually for long.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Side effects from medication
Please forgive my ignorance but how do you avoid hypos when you only eat once per day? If I go longer than usual between meals I start with hypo symptoms and my bs's drop to 3's and I have to resort to jelly babies to bring my levels up and then eat a light snack to maintain them. I am type 2 and take Gliclazide as well as Metformin.

for me i thought i could go off the lantus
but then began waking up over 10
so i went back on and am currently
using half what i was
and 2/3 less rapid insulin
i cant remember now if i got hypos
when i started but i dont get any now
unless i somehow use too much rapid
in the one meal if its a carby meal
i believe my insulin to carb ratio may have
improved but i dont know how to test only doing one meal
i know the procedure but its hard to apply
with not much to compare it to