What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
You would be in your element in Newmarket - 10 miles away https://www.yell.com/s/saddlers+and+harness+makers-newmarket+suffolk.html. The gallops are on my list to visit early morning when we have cleared the boxes. Plenty of stables and stud farms around here - very horsey.

I do envy you Newmarket. :) I believe I would be in my element there -- I am happiest when out in a field watching horses being horses; when other horsey people are present it can be even better. :) The little town I am planning to move to has a saddle club and there is a tack shop about half a mile from the apartment building so I am hoping I may be able to "network" once I get there and possibly go to some shows. There are a couple of lesson barns as well within a few miles ...
Nothing there is very far from anything else. :)

Muddy Cyclist

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Oh, I was. :) In my lifetime so far saddles have gone from something like this


to something like the ones I saw today

You would feel at home in our utility. We seem to collect saddles, I'm sure we have the saddle, bridle and reins of every horse we ever owned, over 35 years that's a lot. MRsMC says not and it just feels like that, I'm not convinced.

Gig went well and a good drive home, however considering my carb intake today did not exceed 8 grams of carbs and only a small glass of red at the gig my pet Dracula offered me a 6 this does not bode well for the morning.

@gennepher your perception of a storm brewing in my paintings is correct, I was not sure I had captured that atmosphere, thank you.

Reading the news and the plans for getting all diesel, petrol and hybrid vehicles off the road in this decade and a statement by some experts saying the only real solution is to remove the need for people to stop driving in the first place. I got thinking about how long will we be able to carry on doing these gigs? The miles we do travelling the kit we carry at the moment the only way it can be done is to drive. The vast majority of gigs we do are in rural locations, no signs of charging points, no public transport, If technology and infrastructure don't progress quickly I can see us returning to Victorian living and only the wealthy can travel. Maybe all those saddles we have will come in handy :joyful:

With the above thought @jjraak we better get that road trip in fast, no point waiting for the ZA as I'm not sure an electric car will go the distance, assuming I can afford one.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Saskia the removal people should be able to tell you how many boxes the van will accommodate...or how many you will need including your furniture.

A friend and I are just going to rent a truck or a van and do it ourselves. I may hire a couple of strong young men to load or unload, either at this end or that end. Another friend offered her pickup truck and horse trailer, but she would have 150 miles to drive just to get here from her home, plus the 100 from here to the little town ... way too much for her to do IMO.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
You would feel at home in our utility. We seem to collect saddles, I'm sure we have the saddle, bridle and reins of every horse we ever owned, over 35 years that's a lot. MRsMC says not and it just feels like that, I'm not convinced.

Gig went well and a good drive home, however considering my carb intake today did not exceed 8 grams of carbs and only a small glass of red at the gig my pet Dracula offered me a 6 this does not bode well for the morning.

@gennepher your perception of a storm brewing in my paintings is correct, I was not sure I had captured that atmosphere, thank you.

Reading the news and the plans for getting all diesel, petrol and hybrid vehicles off the road in this decade and a statement by some experts saying the only real solution is to remove the need for people to stop driving in the first place. I got thinking about how long will we be able to carry on doing these gigs? The miles we do travelling the kit we carry at the moment the only way it can be done is to drive. The vast majority of gigs we do are in rural locations, no signs of charging points, no public transport, If technology and infrastructure don't progress quickly I can see us returning to Victorian living and only the wealthy can travel. Maybe all those saddles we have will come in handy :joyful:

With the above thought @jjraak we better get that road trip in fast, no point waiting for the ZA as I'm not sure an electric car will go the distance, assuming I can afford one.
You captured the cold and icy elements of the day @Muddy Cyclist

That worries me too, this talk of curtailing driving individual cars. I cannot walk to a bus stop to use public transport, I can't telephone for a taxi now or for community transport. For my independence I need my car to get near my location and then get my mobility scooter out. So, how does this talk of getting these vehicles off the road help disabled people?

Like you say, an electric car has a whole pile of problems that you mentioned. And how does a person in a terraced house or block of flats, for example personally charge their electric car from their own property?

The infrastructure for all these ideas cannot be put in place in that time frame.

The people who talk of these things have houses with garages and the possibility of charging points on their property.

And then, what about the electric companies? There is not enough power now, let alone a whole nation suddenly charging their cars at night. I already have several power cuts a night some days. Where I live, when these bungalows were built in the 70's apparently the builder didn't get the appropriate permissions from the electric board for the extra power needed. And apparently it can't be done now in retrospect. So we have Sundays sometimes around lunch time when the power goes for a couple of hours, and the intermittent supply in the night which can sometimes be for seconds, or minutes or a bit longer.

Multiply these problems we have here with whatever individual problems are for other areas all over the country, and this electric charging of cars is not a feasibility with the current infrastructure.

ZA is nigh for us ordinary mortals...

Scotty beam me up and over to......


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Reading the news and the plans for getting all diesel, petrol and hybrid vehicles off the road in this decade and a statement by some experts saying the only real solution is to remove the need for people to stop driving in the first place. I got thinking about how long will we be able to carry on doing these gigs? The miles we do travelling the kit we carry at the moment the only way it can be done is to drive. The vast majority of gigs we do are in rural locations, no signs of charging points, no public transport, If technology and infrastructure don't progress quickly I can see us returning to Victorian living and only the wealthy can travel. Maybe all those saddles we have will come in handy :joyful:

I've just come back here to re-read your post. I'd just been thinking that I can get up tomorrow, rent a car, load up the KittenCat, and head up the road to the little town. I won't do it, because I really can't afford the expense, and there's the minor fact that I haven't driven at all in 3 years, let alone on an interstate! But knowing I can gives me a wonderful sense of freedom and autonomy. I can go anywhere a car can take me.
But if we do go back to a previous way of living, and only the wealthy are able to travel, what will become of people in places inaccessible to you and your fellow musicians? There will be an increase of isolation and isolationism.
It might be good for the language, as local dialects revive and current jargon falls into disuse. It ""might" make the world a safer place -- in my own experience, bringing public transportation to areas for the first time, years ago, also brought crime in formerly safe neighborhoods. But we would lose the good along with the bad.
Is it possible to have a sense of freedom when one of the greatest freedoms -- freedom to travel -- is lost?


Well-Known Member
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Tablets (oral)
Good morning/evening folks, a 5.9 on the dice today, happy valentines day to all. After recent criticism I have invested in a card for the wife, it's quite a sturdy one so it should last a good few years.
Have a lovely Friday all.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
You would feel at home in our utility. We seem to collect saddles, I'm sure we have the saddle, bridle and reins of every horse we ever owned, over 35 years that's a lot. MRsMC says not and it just feels like that, I'm not convinced.

Gig went well and a good drive home, however considering my carb intake today did not exceed 8 grams of carbs and only a small glass of red at the gig my pet Dracula offered me a 6 this does not bode well for the morning.

@gennepher your perception of a storm brewing in my paintings is correct, I was not sure I had captured that atmosphere, thank you.

Reading the news and the plans for getting all diesel, petrol and hybrid vehicles off the road in this decade and a statement by some experts saying the only real solution is to remove the need for people to stop driving in the first place. I got thinking about how long will we be able to carry on doing these gigs? The miles we do travelling the kit we carry at the moment the only way it can be done is to drive. The vast majority of gigs we do are in rural locations, no signs of charging points, no public transport, If technology and infrastructure don't progress quickly I can see us returning to Victorian living and only the wealthy can travel. Maybe all those saddles we have will come in handy :joyful:

With the above thought @jjraak we better get that road trip in fast, no point waiting for the ZA as I'm not sure an electric car will go the distance, assuming I can afford one.

I think you encapsulate most people's fears re the rather wishful thinking without the thought to how it affects everyday life in our headlong rush to do "something" about CC.

there is a thread about the good chance the government will begin limiting meat in our diet via institutions.. And then via raised taxes, on meat and farmers to 'persuade' us all to eat less meat and essentially go vegetarian in time.

All very well and good, until you begin thinking, what if they are wrong, and it didn't help CC. OR more likely it didn't help it enough.

Yet by then many if not most farmers and that way of life here in the UK, may well be gone

Who in their right mind is going to go through all the trouble of keeping farm animals if no one buys the product anymore, or there's no enough profit in it to keep going... Mining ring a bell.?

Now tell me what happens to those animals.
Will our grandchildren children be going to zoos to see cows and sheep because they are so rare.

And this race towards Frankenstein foods.. non meat oroducts grown in labs, with a concoction of chemicals and flavouring untested, yet now being sold as FOOD will have to become the norm if it's all that's on offer

Unintended consequence of well intentioned idea, WITHOUT the thought of how it could impact on the medium, long term and on other aspects of society... And with regards meat, diets

Consider that so many years ago the "Experts" told us fats are bad.. and yet oh so many millions are now falling sick because that advise was SO wrong.

Think the problem through, then think the solution through. Is surely the right way.

Are we really better off upgrading our throw away society to now include all the vehicles ever made, vehicles whose carbon footprint in raw material factories, transportation around the globe has already been paid... so we can make new ones, that have their own carbon footprint to add to the ones we have ALREADY paid for in full, to now add to the atmosphere we are so desperate to save.

This obsession with shiny new things driven by the very governments who seek to be the answer to our CC woes, baffles me.

Not saying we shouldn't take actions, just I'd just like it to be WITH ALL the Pros AND the cons discussed, rather then this Facebook politics driving decisions
Where those who shout the loudest get heard.

And if nothing else, the referendum showed that THAT is NOT public opinion.

Worth thinking about now, while we still have a choice..
As they say in adverts (and for us it's animals and a whole way of life, based on dubious reasonings..lots of BIG money in lab based food).. When it's gone it's gone
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Muddy Cyclist

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Good Morning and a surprising 5.3 for me.

Granddaughter day again, sure comes around fast each week. We've been told she's got a cold and do we want her today, OF COURSE WE DO!

Stay young, keep your wheels in motion. Have great days one and all.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
With the above thought @jjraak we better get that road trip in fast, no point waiting for the ZA as I'm not sure an electric car will go the distance, assuming I can afford one.

Hahaha .. with Zac chasing us in our electric vehicles, range anxiety becomes a pretty SERIOUS issue.... :watching::wideyed::woot::***:

And we'll be back to *horse ( if they are still around) and cart in double quick time, me thinks....:bag:

* Would not be too surprised if once keeping animals becomes a no no.. Whether the "wisdom" would be horse ridings elitists so that must go or be taxed out of most people's reach.. And then once again what business keeps what they can't sell for a reasonable profit.


Well-Known Member
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Morning...great (unplanned) excitement here yesterday evening as I was helping Liv with her homework...as we finished 'Plumpy' arrived at the back door crying desperately to come in...we're doing staged introductions with Harry & the kittens..so in comes Harry got him settled in his chair the beasties were looking on with interest...all was going well until I turned round and stepped on the beasts ball tower a kind of Helter Skelter contraption with balls that whizz round...BOOM! straight down to the floor right onto my left knee thankfully not the dodgy one...poor Liv didn't know what to do...Harry decided he would save me leapt off his chair jumped on me licking & slobbering furiously doing his best first aid work...the kittens fled...Liv wasn't sure whether to rescue me from Harry or the floor...like a Laurel & Hardy short film...finally got to my feet bruised but intact...then the laughing began...needed several glasses of prosecco with Liv's mum to fully recover...possibly the reason for my 6.8 on waking?


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Unintended consequence of well intentioned idea, WITHOUT the thought of how it could impact on the medium, long term and on other aspects of society... And with regards meat, diets

Consider that so many years ago the "Experts" told us fats are bad.. and yet oh so many millions are now falling sick because that advise was SO wrong.
That's exactly what I am worried about. The yet unknown 'unintended consequences'.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Morning...great (unplanned) excitement here yesterday evening as I was helping Liv with her homework...as we finished 'Plumpy' arrived at the back door crying desperately to come in...we're doing staged introductions with Harry & the kittens..so in comes Harry got him settled in his chair the beasties were looking on with interest...all was going well until I turned round and stepped on the beasts ball tower a kind of Helter Skelter contraption with balls that whizz round...BOOM! straight down to the floor right onto my left knee thankfully not the dodgy one...poor Liv didn't know what to do...Harry decided he would save me leapt off his chair jumped on me licking & slobbering furiously doing his best first aid work...the kittens fled...Liv wasn't sure whether to rescue me from Harry or the floor...like a Laurel & Hardy short film...finally got to my feet bruised but intact...then the laughing began...needed several glasses of prosecco with Liv's mum to fully recover...possibly the reason for my 6.8 on waking?

Hug for the trauma... But a funny for the witty depiction.

Get better soon.
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Diet only
Its morning again in "little America" Slew of different fbgs but going with 5.9. Too high by a long way but big picture and all that. Resting pulse in a good place, sleep score good for me - 36th valentines day with Julie. Stepped outside to put a carton in the bin - bird songs and the lights plus billions of tax dollars of awesome/terrifying hardware clearly visible. Then Valentines day commemorates a Martyrdom in 269 so today the theme is duality. Nice young man coming to replace kitchen appliances. Collecting, feeding and transporting our grandson to stage school in Newmarket. Then smartly off to the other US airbase at Lakenheath to babysit youngest grandchild - 9 month old poorly little girl - so her mum and dad can celebrate Valentine's at Lord Iveagh's little pub/restaurant/hotel. Kind of why we moved here really. A day to remember Cyril and Methodius - but you knew that already didn't ya?
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Type of diabetes
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Diet only
5.4 this morning. An absolutely beautiful sunrise this morning. Doggies walked, coffee drunk and off to Aldi for weekly shop. Will catch up with posts when I return.

Archie back to his normal self and now snoozing by the radiator in the conservatory.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
5.4 this morning. An absolutely beautiful sunrise this morning. Doggies walked, coffee drunk and off to Aldi for weekly shop. Will catch up with posts when I return.

Archie back to his normal self and now snoozing by the radiator in the conservatory.
YAY...On BOTH points...:happy:
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