Knee pain-cycling


Type of diabetes
Type 3c
Treatment type
Hi Everyone.
Can anyone advise me on a recent problem with knee pain after cycling?
I've been off road cycling for several years now but recently I've had a setback when I had a urinary infection which caused my B G levels to run very high for two days, until I brought things under control, taking 2-3 times my usual dosage of insulin. During this period my right leg become so numb that I would drag it behind me when walking. I recovered quite quickly from the infection thanks to antibiotics however, the next time I went riding my right knee become painful after around twenty miles. I've been used to riding twentyfive - thirty miles twice a week but this problem has been increasing so that now i can barely ride ten miles without a problem and are considering an electric bike. Does anyone know if this problem diabetes related or just a coincidence.
Many thanks


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Maybe try a professional bike fit first? I get knee pain if I’m not set up right, especially if my seat is too low. Also perhaps try spinning up inclines, less power but higher revs.


Depending on the kind of pain you're feeling, the tendons behind the kneecaps can become inflamed if they're overloaded which is a common cause of knee pain in people who do leg-intensive sport.
Its a good idea to strengthen the muscles that support the knee joint so that the tendons aren't taking as much of a load. Take a look at doing some exercises focusing on the glutes, quads, and hamstrings between bike rides, and warming these muscles up properly before the ride.
Hope this helps, even if it doesn't solve your specific problem it's a good practice for looking after joints long term!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
The term “new normal “
Some antibiotics like cipro are hard on the joints and tendons, could be a side effect


Type of diabetes
Type 1
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Hi and I hope your knee pain is settling down. I'd agree with all the comments so far particularly along the lines of inflammation and not overloading the muscles, joints and tendons by riding too far.
As a trainer I'd suggest easing down and doing easy rides but using up the spare time on rainy days with some glute, hamstring work (glute bridges, deadlifts etc.) to balance things (Peleton has a free trial with tonnes of floor work classes ). You might need to avoid squatting unless your technique is good so to avoid pressure on the knee joint whilst it is recovering.
I always thought that cycling/running long distances was about my heart and lungs! It turns out that it's not!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
My opinion on this observation is higher bgs will cause changes in your body. All over.
Keep an excellent eye on your bgs for 'normality' to return your body to normal too.
It will take months to reverse some damage from poor bgs.
Some unfortunates like myself are still awaiting for nerve changes to improve. I still have painful sciatica from neck and lower back trapped nerves.

You sound like you've been lucky. A few days of poor bg may have been the cause or just age and wear and tear on your knee.

Now you know how it can effect you. Keep a good eye on your bgs.
Well done on bouncing back onto good bgs. Keep your good work up but don't blame yourself if your bgs do go off the good path. It's what we do afterwards which makes all the difference.
Well done and I know your body appreciates your diligence. :)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Diet drinks - the artificial sweeteners taste vile.
Having to forswear foods I have loved all my life.
Trying to find low carb meals when eating out.
Hi Everyone.
Can anyone advise me on a recent problem with knee pain after cycling?
I've been off road cycling for several years now but recently I've had a setback when I had a urinary infection which caused my B G levels to run very high for two days, until I brought things under control, taking 2-3 times my usual dosage of insulin. During this period my right leg become so numb that I would drag it behind me when walking. I recovered quite quickly from the infection thanks to antibiotics however, the next time I went riding my right knee become painful after around twenty miles. I've been used to riding twentyfive - thirty miles twice a week but this problem has been increasing so that now i can barely ride ten miles without a problem and are considering an electric bike. Does anyone know if this problem diabetes related or just a coincidence.
Many thanks

You tell us that you could barely use your right leg, and it was dragging behind you when you walked.

That doesn't sound like the kind of thing that is here today and gone tomorrow and back to normal fitness.

I would suggest that you act as though you have been of the bike for ages and need to slowly build back fitness.
Shorter rides, less intensity, be kind to yourself.

Electric bikes are wonderful things but I would give it a while with gentle exercise before you decide that your legs just don't work any more.

If I have time off the bike or reduced miles I find it takes me a while to get back up to match fitness.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
sorry, I misread that you were a roadie! As a MTBer, if you have a dropper post, does it return to its highest position as it should, and are you being diligent about raising it if you are sat and pedalling?


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
The term "big boned" lol repeatedly told this growing up!
I cycle 3 times a week on a recumbent bike, my problem is if I miss a session I have intense almost muscle pain at the top of the thighs. I grit my teeth and work through and after about 10 mins the pain goes. Not up on muscle pain or any thing like that but would be interesting if anyone else knows why I get this. I alternate between treadmill, weights and don't get this in any other area. Is is due to missing a few sessions as I felt mentally run down with my diabetes... stress and a few high readings.


I’m a ‘roadie’ so this likely isn’t the issue on a MTB but Just by way of general observation my experience has been that far to many bikes are sold with the ‘standard’ race gearing large front rings and rear cog set ups that can cripple a ‘non light weight born small frame ‘ rider. Not everybody ( me at least ) has the build of a TDF rider .
After a lot of experimenting and many blank expressions in bike shops , I learned that even the ‘standard’ 50-34 11-(28-32 ) compact set up isn’t healthy for my hips and knees , especially in hilly areas or when I carry bikepacking bags .

Sure some will argue ‘just ‘loose weight, usually those who have zero idea what it’s like to be a heavy set rider .

I now ride with a 48-31 11-36 on my road bikes and when loaded with bike pack bags on longer trips involving mountains I’ll swap the cassette out for an 11-4O even.

It gets a lot of silly comments from other riders, but my knees smile at me :)

I could probably have summed that up by saying get the right gearing for your ride style and weight and don’t listen to any bike store who doesn’t understand anything but 50-34 11-28

As a mtbr the OP likely had this already covered , I just mention it for anyone else with knee pain .

Good bike set up / fit is very important and it should include the correct gearing for individual rider needs.
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Well-Known Member
I’m a ‘roadie’ so this likely isn’t the issue on a MTB but Just by way of general observation my experience has been that far to many bikes are sold with the ‘standard’ race gearing large front rings and rear cog set ups that can cripple a ‘non light weight born small frame ‘ rider. Not everybody ( me at least ) has the build of a TDF rider .
After a lot of experimenting and many blank expressions in bike shops , I learned that even the ‘standard’ 50-34 11-(28-32 ) compact set up isn’t healthy for my hips and knees , especially in hilly areas or when I carry bikepacking bags .

Sure some will argue ‘just ‘loose weight, usually those who have zero idea what it’s like to be a heavy set rider .

I now ride with a 48-31 11-36 on my road bikes and when loaded with bike pack bags on longer trips involving mountains I’ll swap the cassette out for an 11-4O even.

It gets a lot of silly comments from other riders, but my knees smile at me :)

I could probably have summed that up by saying get the right gearing for your ride style and weight and don’t listen to any bike store who doesn’t understand anything but 50-34 11-28

As a mtbr the OP likely had this already covered , I just mention it for anyone else with knee pain .

Good bike set up / fit is very important and it should include the correct gearing for individual rider needs.
I had chronic knee pain in the 1980s (long before my DM1) when I experimented with cleats with 0° float. No single cleat adjustment would work for more than 15 km. Then I discovered cleats with floating angles. First Adidas, then Look Keo. Incidentally, I have the same problem with Shimano SPD. However, there are some Shimano SPD clones that give you a float angle of 5°. These work for me and my knees. (I do triathlon up to Olympic distance.)

In Response

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
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Hi Derek-MTB, sorry to hear about your knee problems, I hope you find a way to sort this. By starting to compensate one makes things worse. I am not a medical doctor, but wonder if maybe physiotherapy could help. I got shoulder problems 4 years ago, which hurt all the time and made any sports impossible. The GP mentioned that I could get physio at a reduced rate through my employer, the university. With some persistence by both the physio and myself, I managed to cure my frozen shoulder. S
You mentioned getting an e-bike. This is a great idea. You will be suprised how versatile they are, you will go for longer rides and still get good fitness out of it. We (my partner and I) got an e-bike (literally) at the eve of the pandemic and it kept me sane. We did 2500 km (1600 miles) in the first 6 months of Covid. As a bonus my partner loves it, too. Before she used any excuses, not to go cycling.
@Lupf you are replying to a thread which is more than two and a half years old. I am not sure Derek is a contributor to the forum now. I hope his knee problems were resolved since he started this thread.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
@Lupf you are replying to a thread which is more than two and a half years old. I am not sure Derek is a contributor to the forum now. I hope his knee problems were resolved since he started this thread.
I noticed this, too and deleted the post.