

Well-Known Member
Hi Bretty,

I very much doubt that you'd get cannabis prescribed for medical reasons. I understand that it helps you keep your levels under control ad you need to do what's best for you. I find going to the gym helps me keep things level, but the government definitely don't pay the £50 a month membership fee for me!

Fact is, regardless of whether you are diabetic or not, you'd still be smoking the cannabis. It's a lifestyle choice. You could, if you wanted to, quit ad still find a way to keep your sugars within the target range. You'd just have to make some adjustments to your food intake.

Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Bullies, Liars, Trolls and dishonest cruel people
dawnmc said:
But you get the munchies with cannabis so how can it help diabetics. Hmmm.

An ex partner was a big Canabis smoker, but didn't have daibetes. I tried it once, when we were together and I found it disgusting, the smell, the taste , the effect, horrible :crazy: but didn't test afterwards, I have no idea why :roll:
That and other stuff took his life in the end. It is dangerous ,long term and it does affect the brain and other parts of the body!!!

( but I would love to go to Amsterdam, I want to cycle everywhere and visit the Anne Frank museum :D ) but definately no weeding :thumbdown:

ps as I have seen it first hand and seen the consequencies, it is not a pretty site, also the smoking is another problem, especially with diabetes :thumbdown: RRB


Well-Known Member
I think I would like to see some standardized trials and stuff where the harmful bits that involve smoking, getting hold of the stuff and the contact you make with 'the environment' and other aspects such as which part of cannabis is meant to be helpful and how does one avoid the 'side effects' that is the intoxication are also measured or even omitted from the 'treatment'.

I don't doubt that there may be an effect for you, even if that effect is from reduced stress levels as you perceive your slightly altered state as a break or a cool down. Or it may be the active ingredients in the cannabis in and of themselves.

I just think with the things that are likely to go along with cannabis use (for some people), it is a bit of a dangerous discussion in a forum where all sorts of people come to read - youngsters, for instance.

So while I won't deny it could help you, I would advice against too much appraisal until we have a scientific basis for concluding something in the general. I'm all for research being made about the topic, though.



Well-Known Member
I would not try to advertise it in any way shape or form, I few points the yes you can get it subscribed for diabetes , (only in the states) it only makes u go on to hard stuff if you have no control and an addictive personality . The side effects of smoking Cannabis are far less worse than that of drinking alcohol , like I said previously what works for one person won't for another. And I can tell you cannabis has no effect on my life I can still go out with friends who don't smoke and not smoke when with them , I'm stil up at 6 am every morning I work 8 til 5, I still socialise , I'm not paranoid , lazy or insane . It's been a herbal reemedy and been used as medical treatment for many 1000s of years . I'm not saying I want it subscribed to lol as like a previouse message some one sayin the gym works for them that's great and I wouldn't expect them to pay ur membership. Ps £50 where do you go ? That's very expensive ,

Ps there really is no horrible side effects of smoking unless u can't control your brain ,

O yeah ps I don't smoke ciggerets


Well-Known Member
That's fine too. I was just saying, I think, that people have different personalities - you seem to be doing alright.


Well-Known Member
I'm 28 and got diagnosed at 11, had lot of issues in my teens and started smoking weed. I always worried that it might harm me but in all honesty I think the opposite now. My cholesterol level is 4.2 hb1ac is 6.7. I weigh 11st at 5' 8 tall. I get up at 5 am everyday and have a joint before work. I average 1/4 oz a week but don't drink much. It just feels right and the new evidence doesn't surprise me. Perhaps diabetes affects the function of our endocannabanoid system or vise versa (our immune system is the source of diabetes)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Tablets (oral)
Wife took picture of me having a smoke today....Who says it's not good for you?



Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
I used to "smoke" everyday for years in my teens (only good quality green stuff), though i never did smoke actual cigarettes. I never missed a days work ever, never late, never ill, always had a great doctors report. Stopped when i met my wife, never touched it since, 8 years plus, put on weight now diabetes, I know not really a factor as much, but makes you think.... And it never escalated to anything harder.
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Bullies, Liars, Trolls and dishonest cruel people
From the Royal College of Physciatrists

People may find this an interesting read:-

Cannabis and mental health Mental Health: have you been affected by the recession? We would welcome your views.

■Addictions: your views wanted: We are interested in finding out if patients being treated for drug and/or alcohol problems have experienced any changes in their treatment in the past year.
About this leaflet
Two million people in the UK smoke cannabis. Half of all 16 to 29 year olds have tried it at least once. In spite of government warnings about health risks, many people see it as a harmless substance that helps you to relax and ‘chill’ – a drug that, unlike alcohol and cigarettes, might even be good for your physical and mental health. On the other hand, recent research has suggested that it can be a major cause of psychotic illnesses in those who are genetically vulnerable.

This leaflet looks at the research on the effects of cannabis use and mental health and is for anyone who is concerned about the issue. We hope that this will help people to make informed choices about using – or not using – cannabis.

What is cannabis?
Cannabis sativa and cannabis indica are members of the nettle family that have grown wild throughout the world for centuries. Both plants have been used for a variety of purposes including hemp to make rope and textiles, as a medical herb and as the popular recreational drug.

The plant is used as:

■The resin – a brown/black lump, known as bhang, ganja, hashish, resin etc;
■Herbal cannabis – made up of the dried flowering tops and variable amounts of dried leaves - known as grass, marijuana, spliff, weed etc.

Skunk refers to a range of stronger types of cannabis, grown for their higher concentration of active substances. The name refers to the pungent smell they give off while growing. They can be grown either under grow-lights or in a greenhouse, often using hydroponic (growing in nutrient rich liquids rather than soil) techniques. There are hundreds of other varieties of cannabis with exotic names such as AK-47 or Destroyer.

Street cannabis can come in a wide variety of strengths, so it is often not possible to judge exactly what is being used in any one particular session.

How is it used?
Most commonly, the resin or the dried leaves are mixed with tobacco and smoked as a ‘spliff’ or ‘joint’. The smoke is inhaled strongly and held in the lungs for a number of seconds. It can also be smoked in a pipe, a water pipe, or collected in a container before inhaling it - a 'bucket'. It can be brewed as tea or cooked in cakes.

More than half of its psychologically active chemical ingredients are absorbed into the blood when smoked. These compounds tend to build up in fatty tissues throughout the body, so it takes a long time to be excreted in the urine. This is why cannabis can be detected in urine up to 56 days after it has last been used.

What is its legal status in the UK?
Cannabis was re-classified in January 2009 and is now a Class B drug under the Misuse of Drugs Act, 1971.

The maximum penalties are:

■For possession: 5 years prison sentence or an unlimited fine, or both
■For dealing/supplying:14 year prison sentence or an unlimited fine, or both.
Young people in possession of cannabis
A young person found to be in possession of cannabis will be:

■Taken to a police station
■Given a reprimand, final warning or charge, depending on the offence.
After one reprimand, a further offence will lead to a final warning or charge.

After a final warning:

■The young person must be referred to a Youth Offending Team to arrange a rehabilitation programme.
■A further offence will lead to a criminal charge.
Adults in possession of cannabis
This will usually result in a warning and confiscation of the drug. Some cases may lead to arrest and either caution or prosecution, including:

■repeat offending
■smoking in a public place
■threatening public order.
How does it work and what is the chemical make-up of cannabis?
There are about 400 chemical compounds in an average cannabis plant. The four main compounds are called delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (delta-9-THC), cannabidiol, delta-8-tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabinol. Apart from cannabidiol (CBD), these compounds are psychoactive, the strongest one being delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol. The stronger varieties of the plant contain little cannabidiol (CBD), whilst the delta-9-THC content is a lot higher.

When cannabis is smoked, its compounds rapidly enter the bloodstream and are transported directly to the brain and other parts of the body. The feeling of being ‘stoned’ or ‘high’ is caused mainly by the delta-9-THC binding to cannabinoid receptors in the brain. A receptor is a site on a brain cell where certain substances can stick or “bind” for a while. If this happens, it has an effect on the cell and the nerve impulses it produces. Curiously, there are also cannabis-like substances produced naturally by the brain itself – these are called endocannabinoids.

Most of these receptors are found in the parts of the brain that influence pleasure, memory, thought, concentration, sensory and time perception. Cannabis compounds can also affect the eyes, the ears, the skin and the stomach.

What are its effects?

A ‘high’ - a sense of relaxation, happiness, sleepiness, colours appear more intense, music sounds better.


Around 1 in 10 cannabis users have unpleasant experiences, including confusion, hallucinations, anxiety and paranoia. The same person may have either pleasant or unpleasant effects depending on their mood and circumstances. These feelings are usually only temporary – although as the drug can stay in the system for some weeks, the effect can be more long-lasting than users realise. Long-term use can have a depressant effect, reducing motivation.

Education and learning

There have also been suggestions that cannabis may interfere with a person's capacity to:

■organise information
■use information
This effect seems to last several weeks after use, which can cause particular problems for students.

However, a large study in New Zealand followed up 1265 children for 25 years. It found that cannabis use in adolescence was linked to poor school performance, but that there was no direct connection between the two. It looked as though it was simply because cannabis use encouraged a way of life that didn't help with schoolwork.


It seems to have a similar effect on people at work. There is no evidence that cannabis causes specific health hazards. But users are more likely to leave work without permission, spend work time on personal matters or simply daydream. Cannabis users themselves report that drug use has interfered with their work and social life.

Of course, some areas of work are more demanding than others. A review of the research on the effect of cannabis on pilots revealed that those who had used cannabis made far more mistakes, both major and minor, than when they had not smoked cannabis. As you can imagine, the pilots were tested in flight simulators, not actually flying... The worst effects were in the first four hours, although they persisted for at least 24 hours, even when the pilot had no sense at all of being 'high'. It concluded "Most of us, with this evidence, would not want to fly with a pilot who had smoked cannabis within the last day or so".

What about driving?

In New Zealand, researchers found that those who smoked regularly, and had smoked before driving, were more likely to be injured in a car crash. A recent study in France looked at over 10,000 drivers who were involved in fatal car crashes. Even when the influence of alcohol was taken into account, cannabis users were more than twice as likely to be the cause of a fatal crash than to be one of the victims. So - perhaps most of us would also not want to be driven by somebody who had smoked cannabis in the last day or so.

Mental health problems
There is growing evidence that people with serious mental illness, including depression and psychosis, are more likely to use cannabis or have used it for long periods of time in the past. Regular use of the drug has appeared to double the risk of developing a psychotic episode or long-term schizophrenia. However, does cannabis cause depression and schizophrenia or do people with these disorders use it as a medication?

Over the past few years, research has strongly suggested that there is a clear link between early cannabis use and later mental health problems in those with a genetic vulnerability - and that there is a particular issue with the use of cannabis by adolescents.


A study following 1600 Australian school-children, aged 14 to 15 for seven years, found that while children who use cannabis regularly have a significantly higher risk of depression, the opposite was not the case - children who already suffered from depression were not more likely than anyone else to use cannabis. However, adolescents who used cannabis daily were five times more likely to develop depression and anxiety in later life.


Three major studies followed large numbers of people over several years, and showed that those people who use cannabis have a higher than average risk of developing schizophrenia. If you start smoking it before the age of 15, you are 4 times more likely to develop a psychotic disorder by the time you are 26. They found no evidence of self-medication. It seemed that, the more cannabis someone used, the more likely they were to develop symptoms.

Why should teenagers be particularly vulnerable to the use of cannabis? No one knows for certain, but it may be something to do with brain development. The brain is still developing in the teenage years – up to the age of around 20, in fact. A massive process of ‘neural pruning’ is going on. This is rather like streamlining a tangled jumble of circuits so they can work more effectively. Any experience, or substance, that affects this process has the potential to produce long-term psychological effects.

Recent research in Europe, and in the UK, has suggested that people who have a family background of mental illness – and so probably have a genetic vulnerability anyway - are more likely to develop schizophrenia if they use cannabis as well.

Physical health problems
The main risk to physical health from cannabis is probably from the tobacco that is is often smoked with.

Is there such a thing as ‘cannabis psychosis’?
Recent research in Denmark suggests that yes, there is. It is a short-lived psychotic disorder that seems to be brought on by cannabis use but which subsides fairly quickly once the individual has stopped using it. It's quite unusual though – in the whole of Denmark they found only around 100 new cases per year.

However, they also found that:

■Three quarters had a different psychotic disorder diagnosed within the next year.
■Nearly half still had a psychotic disorder 3 years later.

So, it also seems probable that nearly half of those diagnosed as having cannabis psychosis are actually showing the first signs of a more long-lasting psychotic disorder, such as schizophrenia. It may be this group of people who are particularly vulnerable to the effects of cannabis, and so should probably avoid it in the future.

Is cannabis addictive?
It has some of the features of addictive drugs such as:

■tolerance – having to take more and more to get the same effect
■withdrawal symptoms. These have been shown in heavy users and include:
- craving

- decreased appetite

- sleep difficulty

- weight loss

- aggression and/or anger

- irritability

- restlessness

- strange dreams.

These symptoms of withdrawal produce about the same amount of discomfort as withdrawing from tobacco.

For regular, long-term users:

■3 out of 4 experience cravings;
■half become irritable;
■7 out of 10 switch to tobacco in an attempt to stay off cannabis.

The irritability, anxiety and problems with sleeping usually appear 10 hours after the last joint, and peak at around one week after the last use of the drug.

Compulsive use

The user feels they have to have it and spends much of their life seeking, buying and using it. They cannot stop even when other important parts of their life (family, school, work) suffer.

You are most likely to become dependent on cannabis if you use it every day.

What about skunk and other stronger varieties?
The amount of the main psycho-active ingredient, THC, that you get in herbal cannabis varies hugely from as low as 1% up to 15%. The newer strains, including skunk, can have up to 20%. The newer varieties are, on the whole, two or three times stronger than those that were available 30 years ago. It works more quickly, and can produce hallucinations with profound relaxation and elation – along with nervousness, anxiety attacks, projectile vomiting and a strong desire to eat. They may be used by some as a substitute for Ecstasy or LSD.

Legally, these strains remain classified Class B drugs. While there is little research so far, it is likely that these stronger strains carry a higher risk of causing mental illness. A major study currently underway, has already reported problems with concentration and short-term memory in users of stronger types of cannabis.

Problems with cannabis use
Many – perhaps most – people who use cannabis do enjoy it. But it can become a problem for some people. A US organisation,, defines the problems of cannabis as follows:

“If cannabis controls our lives and our thinking, and if our desires centre around marijuana - scoring it, dealing it, and finding ways to stay high so that we lose interest in all else.”

The website carries the following questionnaire – which could equally well apply to alcohol use.

"If you answer ‘Yes’ to any of the questions, you may have a problem.

1. Has smoking pot stopped being fun?

2. Do you ever get high alone?

3. Is it hard for you to imagine a life without marijuana?

4. Do you find that your friends are determined by your marijuana use?

5. Do you smoke marijuana to avoid dealing with your problems?

6. Do you smoke pot to cope with your feelings?

7. Does your marijuana use let you live in a privately defined world?

8. Have you ever failed to keep promises you made about cutting down or controlling your dope smoking?

9. Has marijuana caused problems with memory, concentration, or motivation?

10. When your stash is nearly empty, do you feel anxious or worried about how to get more?

11. Do you plan your life around your marijuana use?

12. Have friends or relatives ever complained that your pot smoking is damaging your relationship with them?”

Reducing cannabis use
The Home Office recently published a guide on how to cut down and stop cannabis use. It suggests a range of things you can do to successfully stop using, including:

■drawing up a list of reasons for wanting to change
■planning how you will change
■thinking about coping with withdrawal symptoms
■having a back-up plan.

If you decide to give up cannabis, it may be no more difficult than giving up cigarettes.

You could try:

■to do it yourself – work through the leaflet on the FRANK website

Many people will be able to stop on their own. However, if this isn't enough:

■Join a support group, for instance the on-line Marijuana Anonymous UK
■Talk to your GP or practice nurse. They will have a lot of experience in helping people to cut down their drinking and to stop smoking. They can also refer you to more specialist services, such as a counsellor, support group NHS substance misuse service.
■NHS substance misuse services offer assessment and counselling for a range of street drugs, aiming to help with:
- harm reduction – reducing the impact of the drug on your life

- abstinence – stopping completely

- relapse prevention – not starting to use again

- some offer a specific service for cannabis users.

Where can I get more help and information?
Talk to Frank is an excellent website. You can order free information leaflets for different age groups, read real life stories of other people's experience with drugs and get reliable, factual information.

Helpline: 0800 77 66 00

Use the search facility to get the contact details of organisations offering practical help and support in your area.

Film Exchange on Alcohol and Drugs (FEAD): an online resource from leading figures in the alcohol and drugs field.

Reclassification of cannabis

Further consideration of the classification of cannabis under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (2005) Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs. Home Office: London.

Cannabis use and mental health in young people: cohort study (2002) George C Patton et al. British Medical Journal, 325:1195-1198.

Cannabis and educational achievement (2003) Fergusson DM, Horwood LJ & Beautrais AL. Addiction 98(12):1681-92.

Cannabinoids and the human uterus during pregnancy (2004) Dennedy MC et al. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 190(1), 2–9.

Bandolier: Cannabis and flying

Cannabis intoxication and fatal road crashes in France: population based case control study (2005) Laumon B et al. British Medical Journal, 331, 1371-1377.

Marijuana abstinence effects in marijuana smokers maintained in their home environment (2001) Budney AJ et al. Archives of General Psychiatry, 58, 917-924.

Marijuana use and car crash injury (2005) Blows S et al. Addiction, 100, 5, 605.

Self reported cannabis use as a risk factor for schizophrenia in Swedish conscripts of 1969: historical cohort study (2002) Zammit S, Allebeck P, Andreasson S, Lundberg I, Lewis G. British Medical Journal 2002; 325: 1199-1201.

Cannabis use and psychosis: A longitudinal population-based study (2002) Van Os J, Bak M, Hanssen M, Bijl RV, de Graaf R, Verdoux H. American Journal of Epidemiology; 156: 319-327.

Cannabis use in adolescence and risk for adult psychosis: longitudinal prospective study (2002) Arseneault L, Cannon M, Poulton R, Murray R, Caspi A, Moffit TE. British Medical Journal; 325: 1212-1213.

Cannabis use and mental health in young people: cohort study (2002) Patton GC, Coffey C, Carlin JB, Degenhardt L, Lynskey M, Hall W. British Medical Journal; 325: 1195-1198.

A longitudinal study of cannabis use and mental health from adolescence to early adulthood (2000) McGee R, Williams S, Poulton R, Moffitt T. Addiction; 95: 491-503

Mental health of teenagers who use cannabis (2002) Rey JM et al. British Journal of Psychiatry, 180, 216-221.

Prospective cohort study of cannabis use, predisposition for psychosis and psychotic symptoms in young people. Henquet C et al British Medical Journal, 330, 11-14.

Tests of causal linkages between cannabis use and psychotic symptoms (2005) Fergusson DM, Horwood LJ and Ridder EM Addiction, 100 (3).

Cannabis-induced psychosis and subsequent schizophrenia-spectrum disorders: follow-up study of 535 incident cases (2005) Arendt M et al British Journal of Psychiatry, 187: 510 - 515.


This leaflet was produced by our Public Education Editorial Board.

Series editor: Dr Philip Timms.

Expert review: Dr Eilish Gilvarry, Dr Zerin Atakan & the Addictions Faculty.

User and Carer input: Special Committee of Patients and Carers.

With grateful thanks to Jane Feinmann.

■Updated: February 2009

■About our leaflets
■Readers comments


© February 2009 Royal College of Psychiatrists. This leaflet may be downloaded, printed out, photocopied and distributed free of charge as long as the Royal College of Psychiatrists is properly credited and no profit gained from its use. Permission to reproduce it in any other way must be obtained from the Head of Publications. The College does not allow reposting of its leaflets on other sites, but allows them to be linked directly.


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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Tablets (oral)
Good Post: I would like to add.....Taken from the Independent

Is it addictive?

No. Regular users may develop a psychological need for the drug, or come to rely on it as a 'social lubricant' similar to a glass of wine, or gin and tonic. But there is no physical dependence or unpleasant withdrawal symptoms when you stop using. However, some people may use it so regularly that they are always under the influence; you could say they become addicted to the chemically-induced reality rather than the drug.

What kind of damage does it do, if any?

It all depends on which side of the camp you are on. Someone, somewhere will have done some research to support whatever point of view you favour. Those in the know say that US Government backed research is particularly suspect.

While under the influence of cannabis, your short-term memory may be impaired, as will your ability to drive - which you shouldn't - and carry out intellectual or manual tasks, but any unpleasant effects are usually temporary. In the long-term the consensus is that moderate, long-term use does not cause any lasting damage to physical or mental health of the user, although heavy users may appear to 'slow down', becoming clumsy, slow-thinking and apathetic. This can persist for a time after they give up.

Is it more or less dangerous than alcohol or tobacco?

Difficult to say. Some 110,000 people die of smoking-related illness each year, and 20,000 of alcohol abuse. There are no recorded deaths from a cannabis overdose, and since it would take at least a pound-and-a-half of the stuff to kill a human, it easy to see why.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Why do you think you get the munchies? Because it lowers your blood sugar! If you get the munchies, eat some fruit, most all fruit is low glycemic load. My doctor recommended Cannabis for nausea from taking Byetta, and now Victoza. No other drug works better for nausea, so he couldn't say no. It also helps my allergies and sleep and depression from diabetes. So I'm legal in California. The Feds closed all the shops probably because big pharma was losing too much money but they still deliver to your house. Cannabis is the best and oldest drug, that will never change. Not only does it help hundreds of diseases, it's not toxic like all the pharmas. New research from Canada indicates it causes brain cancer cells to commit suicide, now they are finding good results with other types of cancer. The genie is out of the bottle in the U.S. Oh, and don't worry about your lungs, studies show if you smoke cigs and cannabis, you have less chance of getting lung cancer than those who just smoke cigs. It was actually prescribed for breathing problems because it opens up the bronchial tubes and helps you breath better. President George Washington grew it at his Mt Vernon home because he had asthma. He did inhale! So did president Obama, only he called it Pakalolo in Hawaii. Probably the best drug out there for diabetics cause it lowers you blood sugar and you blood pressure and it boosts you immune system by raising melatonin up to 4,000%, that's not a typo - four thousand percent. Sweet dreams!


Well-Known Member
false people
I have smoked cannabis now for more than 10 years. Like other posts, I have never experienced any negative effects. I am 55 though!! I agree, it is far less harmful as it is a naturally produced plant. If you think you will be badly affected then you will!! Cannabis smoke should be pumped into pubs then no one would be bothered to fight!! I have also found that it lowers my blood sugar readings and lifts me out of my depression, albeit for a short time. It's probably only classed as a harmful drug because of the THC. I don't know, but it works for me, and each to their own. I am an adult, it's my body and my choice. :D


This is a very important film concerning cannabis, that I think everyone should watch.
I am part of the pro-legalisation campaign, I have been using cannabis for over 22 years, and have had diabetes for over 30 years. I'm sick and tired of being told by health care "experts" that because I "suffer" from diabetes (which I do not - I LIVE with it!!!) That I should NOT smoke pot, as it will raise my blood sugars to dangerously high levels. This is rubbish. What would they know, they don't have it, or the experience that I do. I am an expert on the management of this, not them.
I have obviously done a lot of my own research into this 5,000 year old medicine. It LOWERS blood sugar levels, in everyone who smokes it. (That is why you get cravings (the munchies) to eat food). So I eat crunchy carrot sticks, celery, coleslaw, ie tasty, amazing textured food that is enhanced by the extra neurological enhancement you get from taking pot. I don't stuff my face with chocolate and sugar, so I don't get stupid high blood sugars.
I have had restless leg syndrome for the past few years, and if I take pot, it STOPS! I can SLEEP!
It has improved the feeling in my toes and feet, so that I notice if I stub my toes, whereas before, I might not have noticed, and indeed recently spent 10 days in hospital, because I couldn't feel my toes and my foot got hideously infected. I am fortunate to still have my toes.
It has improved my circulation, my extremeties don't feel as cold anymore. It has also lowered my blood pressure too.

Whilst I don't think this natural plant (that has been made illegal) is a cure for Type 1, it certainly helps. The reason it is illegal (how can you make nature ILLEGAL?) is to protect the profits of major pharmaceutical companies. They cannot put a patent on nature/natural products, so NO PROFIT! If people are healthy, they sell no "medicines" and they go bust. This is particularly the case for cancer. So, as long as people are kept ill, they are kept in profit. There is NO healthcare system in any country, there is only a DISEASE Management system!!!
I'm sure that diabetes can be cured. Whenever I ask a doctor or consultant how far away a cure is, the reply is 5-10 years' away. It has been the same answer for the past 30 years. (so from that we can gather that it will never be offered) Insulin is very expensive, and the companies that make it, and all of the other "medication" to treat the side effects are too. They generate immense amounts of profit for the companies that make them. If people are cured of a problem, there is NO PROFIT IN HEALTH!!! Think about this people! Open your eyes and see through the rubbish you are fed in the media! Do a little research on the web (the only place where free thinking and speech is NOT stifled - yet), and you will soon find out the lies and mis-information that is fed to you and perpetuates our "civilised" World.
Demand that this is researched! It will save lives, pain, and unecessary suffering. How can something that cures, helps people, reduces suffering and pain, stops glaucomic eye pressure (this atleast is proven), helps protect nerve sheaths, and helps circulation be kept illegal anymore! RANT OFF.


Well-Known Member
I agree, it is far less harmful as it is a naturally produced plant.
Naturalistic fallacy
I have obviously done a lot of my own research into this 5,000 year old medicine.
Appeal to tradition
I have had restless leg syndrome for the past few years, and if I take pot, it STOPS! I can SLEEP!
Correlation does not imply causation.
how can you make nature ILLEGAL?
Insane troll logic

They didn't make nature illegal - just the growing, distribution and possession. Rocks are natural, so would you say that smashing peoples' heads in with rocks should not be illegal either?

They cannot put a patent on nature/natural products, so NO PROFIT!
That is actually true.
The reason it is illegal (how can you make nature ILLEGAL?) is to protect the profits of major pharmaceutical companies
I think you'll find that it's not the pharmaceutical companies that make the law.
This is particularly the case for cancer
How is that relevant unless cannabis is a cure for cancer?
I'm sure that diabetes can be cured.
Fair enough... but how do you know this?
ask a doctor or consultant how far away a cure is, the reply is 5-10 years' away. It has been the same answer for the past 30 years.
That's a fencepost error - for all you know they'll find the cure tomorrow, making the doctor you asked 5 years ago right.

They generate immense amounts of profit for the companies that make them. If people are cured of a problem, there is NO PROFIT IN HEALTH!!
That is true; however, remember that there is quite a bit of research that not funded by pharma directly and, frankly, your allegation that we have cures (simple, cheap fix - things like perpetual insulin therapy don't count) for everything from athritis to /von Willebrand disease is preposterous.

Demand that this is researched!
That's privileging the hypothesis - why should we demand that cannabis is researched? Why not caraway? Or what about damiana?
It will save lives, pain, and unecessary suffering. How can something that cures, helps people, reduces suffering and pain, stops glaucomic eye pressure (this atleast is proven), helps protect nerve sheaths, and helps circulation be kept illegal anymore
That's an actual example of begging the question

Is it more or less dangerous than alcohol or tobacco?

Difficult to say. Some 110,000 people die of smoking-related illness each year, and 20,000 of alcohol abuse. There are no recorded deaths from a cannabis overdose, and since it would take at least a pound-and-a-half of the stuff to kill a human, it easy to see why.
You're seriously comparing deaths from acute toxicity to "smoking-related illness"? How many people died eating cigarettes last year?


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Racism, Sexism, Homophobia
Difficult to say. Some 110,000 people die of smoking-related illness each year, and 20,000 of alcohol abuse. There are no recorded deaths from a cannabis overdose, and since it would take at least a pound-and-a-half of the stuff to kill a human, it easy to see why.

According to the National Office of Statistics (via the racist rag the Daily Mail) there were 12 recorded cannabis related deaths last year: ... nabis.html


Well-Known Member
Having seen a few more replays so this thread I'd thought I'd let you know about my latest experiment ,

As a regular cannabis smoker and type 1 diabetic I was unsure weather smoking cannabis and been a type 1 is bad or could help, as stated in a old thread on here I stopped smoking cannabis for a month to see how my body and sugar levels would be , the result was shocking my sugar levels went sky hi , any way so I started smoking again and decided i wanted to double check So on the 1st of September 2012 I stopped again I am now 20 days into non smoking and have 10 more to go , the result was even worse this time , my sugar levels are sky hi and my immune system is terrible i feel week as a dog! I will stick this out for another ten days and have got all my sugar levels recorded , I will also smoke my 1st cannabis joint on 1st October and recorded my sugar levels until the 1st of November and would love to show everyone the difference,

A lot of people who don't smoke or have never seem to think its a terrible think , IT'S NOT Like people have said in earlier threads its a 5000 year old natural I repeat NATURAL drug,

It really is NOT addictive like everything else in the world is not addictive , it's the persons personality that is addictive ,

And when you get The munches yes I'm sure we would all love to have chocolate and cakes and milkshake but unfortunately as a diabetic we can't so take this advantage to have your 5 Aday .

I also forgot to mention cannabis relieves the pressure on your eyes aswell which is another major thing I have noticed from stopping for a month my eyes feel heavier and I wouldn't say painfull but just not the same as when I do smoke .

Any way all the info and general discussion is good keep it coming .