

Well-Known Member
Hello again. Defren tempbanned? I was totally unaware of this. I dont think it is wrong to ask Why? Maybe my comments will not be approved or not. A moderator or admin should be impartial and leave any personal feelings out of how these forums are moderated, I have had to remove certain people from our game forums for the reasons of non impartiality and bias towards what they personally think and yes I am beginning to see an opinion of members here. Surely the position is to listen to members as well as moderators etc and consider the general consensus. I know I may be stating the obvious and maybe some will object but if this is happening members will leave.

I may have only been here a short time but Defren she is valuable and I have found her answers useful and constructive, her tempban doesnt make sense. Everyone has a day sometimes and I do consider the reality of complications of diabetes in the long term future, and as diabetics we all face that possibility. Surely members who have had these experiences can share what has happened and maybe I or we as adults can maybe learn from it As a suggestion to the owners, have you possibly considered creating a new partition of this forum for over 18s where it is relatively safe to discuss such subjects rather than having to resort to what some members see as unfair action? This can address the more sensitive subjects that our younger members should not see, but as adults we can discuss. I am here to learn about my condition and share with others experience maybe to impart that in the future to others who are going through similar times. I am posting this not as judgement but as constructive critisism to better diabetes.co.uk as ways to maybe improve the experiences of all.

Yours with respect

Simon aka Cobra3164


Well-Known Member
I think people are now confused about wht they are llowed to discuss. If diet and complications are not fit subjects for a diabetes forum then mny of us are at a loss.

I m totally opposed to any sort of bullying however it is disguised and hve made effortd during my ime on here o reconcile people with differing views but I honestly , do not believe that there is any of this here now.

However, it ppers that on the strength of such a perception by one new poster then the forum may be set to lose some of its
more enthusitic and consistent posters whoo do a great deal to help the newly diagnosed as well as livening up the rest of us.
That really doesn't mke sense to me but, on the other hand I am not really surprised.

Although the issue of certain people deliberately de=railing threads ws raised ime and ime again the same ploys were successful ime after time. The inention must have been obvious even to a child,

I can't imagine that the new posters who come on here with a deliberately provocative attitude appear to take precedence over established long term members.

I hope that new posters of this type prove to be s helpful and intelligent as some others we seem to be about to lose - somehow I doubt i

That is the forum's loss. I have been losing interest for some time as it is very frustrating to have any ineresting discussion deleted or removed because of the ploys mentioned bove or because a moderstor fears it may get "out of hand.

I think I cn envisage the sort of forum which would result if this trend i continues. The expression "dumbed down" comes to mind.
Such pity for all those people who might have been helped by it.

Far from depressing people {with reality?] the subjects which pper to have upset mangement , if looked at logically , are addressed on this board in an optimistic way. Those who dispair of ever getting their bg levels under control fter rying other ways are given nother option. That has alwys been the case here as I know.

Complications RE a fact of diabetic life. People posting and reding here have overcome these problems in some cses or are coping successfully wih them . Insofar as my own problem reinopathy eytc is concerned , the screening process means that many more people come face to face wih his problem at an early stage and are errified even if it ranspires that there is no problem.
I have ried to reassure hem from my own experience but in an honest manner. People have contcted me by pm about his becuse
they wan he truth from someone who hs nd is experiencing he problem nd not the "party line ",

That is he strength of his forum people speaking from their own experience. The "low carb" issue is only n issue for some people.
Its like a red rag to a bull for ertain posters . An obsession. No matter how often those who hve found this method succcessful and
re villified.

it is a matter of great regret that topics essential to diabetics can o longer be discussed. I hve beeninvolved with mny fora - not bout diabetes - nd it is lwys the sme.

One poster . often with little to offer to others but with a bee in his'her bonnet bou something which they have usually misundersood is allowed to change that board for ever for reasons which are never divulged.

Mostly it doesn't matter in the great scheme of things but this bord is valuable to thaose no being given vital information on diagnosis of a serious disease.

I know that some members who don't like argments continue to give their excellent advice to others by pm nd email. That is a great pity because others who might have been helped do not have the opportunity to read this dvice.

I have never been a part of any facion or "group" but I do believe strongly that certain people here do deliberatey se out to cause trouble nd hve been llowed o get way with it This is wht causes an unpleasant atmosphere.
If they can't win an argument they derail the thread . It is incredible that certain moderators will fall for the sme hing ime fter ime/

These people are very selfish and are puting their own egos above the needs of people seeking help.

I just wish I could see the logic behind the way hings hve been allowed to develop. But hese matters are alwys shrouded in mystery aren't they? perhaps there i a cycle ? Every few years ?


Well-Known Member
Ashleigh has hit the nail on the head with the phrase........" Informed choice!!! "

How can we make an informed choice without information and as adults it is up to us what we do with that information!

I would much rather have the facts however scary they may be!

Lucy xxx


Well-Known Member
shop said:
Ashleigh has hit the nail on the head with the phrase........" Informed choice!!! "

How can we make an informed choice without information and as adults it is up to us what we do with that information!

I would much rather have the facts however scary they may be!

Lucy xxx

Yes, if we can't ell each other the facs then I don't see the point of the forum. I lwys understood it was a place for diabetics to share their experiences nd help ech other by passing on tips and information.

Perhaps admin could explain in more detail just what we are allowed o sy nd to discuss so that memebers do not inadvertenly fll foul of rules they are unawre exist.

If we must just regurgitate what most hear from the NHS and DUK then perhaps we should be told.

I am sorry but even the explantion of Defren's ban makes it quite clear that we are bein treated as naughty children.

In some cses , of course it is necessary to delete posts without explnation but when it is something whaich potenially could affect other posters hen perhaps we could be told. I am sure that a sight of Defren's post would clrify matters for many of us.

With regard to the GRIM Reaper thread. This phrase was not used by any of hose contributing to the thread. Perhaps we need to
a special section of he forum for those willing to face reality. Reality is more than willing to face them.


Well-Known Member
Unbeliever said:
With regard to the GRIM Reaper thread. This phrase was not used by any of hose contributing to the thread.

Good point. It was used by people trying to suggest that some were scaremongering.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
A lot of my recent posts have been deleted - I take GREAT offence to that.

I don't care if there's an explanation by PM or not (not in these latest cases).


Well-Known Member
Patch said:
A lot of my recent posts have been deleted - I take GREAT offence to that.

I don't care if there's an explanation by PM or not (not in these latest cases).

It's a real shame when expression of fact is considered to be scare-tactics.. why only just now I got an e-mail from DCUK about how my feet were going to fall off...


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
As I understand it Defren has only been banned for 2 weeks.

Would t not be best to wait until she returns, and now just carry on with this Forum's good work.

I am sure admin has taken on board everyone's feelings and will act accordingly.

However current rules are there in our best interest.

The only problem I have is "how is Defren feeling right now as this will have caused her a a great deal of hurt,pain and let down" of which was not her intention.



Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Non-insulin injectable medication (incretin mimetics)
Am I mistaken or has there been no mods on this thread, I fully expect it to disapear before the end of the day because it has hurt some mods feelings.
It is really off putting, I was once banned by mistake from a forum, but it made my mind up not to return.


Well-Known Member
izzzi said:
As I understand it Defren has only been banned for 2 weeks.

Would t not be best to wait until she returns, and now just carry on with this Forum's good work.

I am sure admin has taken on board everyone's feelings and will act accordingly.

However current rules are there in our best interest.

The only problem I have is "how is Defren feeling right now as this will have caused her a a great deal of hurt,pain and let down" of which was not her intention.


That is a real shame, Defren has some valuable and good intentioned advice, support and opinions. As do we all. I don't know the exact reason but would imagine that only very bad langauge, aggressive and abusive comments would be enough for somone to be banned!

As I have said before informed decisions are made by gleening lots of information. Some of which we agree with some of which we don't. But surely it is our choice how we process that information.

Lucy xxx


Well-Known Member
shop said:
I don't know the exact reason but would imagine that only very bad langauge, aggressive and abusive comments would be enough for somone to be banned!

Sadly, you're wrong. She didn't do any of that. Was judged as too blunt apparently, in warning someone of complications if they didn't get their BGs under control. As I understand it! (Don't want to get banned myself; have to be careful.......)


Well-Known Member
Grazer said:
shop said:
I don't know the exact reason but would imagine that only very bad langauge, aggressive and abusive comments would be enough for somone to be banned!

Sadly, you're wrong. She didn't do any of that. Was judged as too blunt apparently, in warning someone of complications if they didn't get their BGs under control. As I understand it! (Don't want to get banned myself; have to be careful.......)

What I dont get is that it seems to have been missed that not everyone will agree on what is said in discussion in general. And isnt what this forum is about Discussion and help. Whoever reads information on here, should be able surely to decide themselves how they process that information.

Sadly it is more likely that newbies do not return to the forum, not because of factual information which is a direct result of diabetes, but more so about the way the forum members are treated. :(

Lucy xxx


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
The conservative party, people who are cruel to animals and aggressive people
I have no idea what these arguments are about but they seem to be cropping all the time. Getting very fed up on going on-line and finding another tirade! This forum is about diabetes and it will be a real shame for all of us if it doesn't get back on track soon as people will just tire of it all and give up posting real good stuff. I'll hang on in there for another few days :(


Well-Known Member
Insincere people
Big cities
Pneu said:
Patch said:
A lot of my recent posts have been deleted - I take GREAT offence to that.

I don't care if there's an explanation by PM or not (not in these latest cases).

It's a real shame when expression of fact is considered to be scare-tactics.. why only just now I got an e-mail from DCUK about how my feet were going to fall off...

So because DCUK use insensitive language that means you're going to do the same thing? And did DCUK REALLY explain diabetic foot complications in the manner you just stated above? Or are they your own words?

Expression of facts is a good thing. Sometimes HOW they're expressed on this forum isn't so good. And everyone, newcomer or old timer has a right to their opinion on that. Otherwise this would become a very stale, hierarchical, narrow minded forum.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
General point:

the word "insensitive" can mean different things to different people. So it cannot be given a definite parameter, as most of us do not know the sensitivity or otherwise of the person posting, or the person reading.

That is the nature of a forum.