Frozen shoulder??


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Heat really helped me too, still having trouble now, but was caused by a fatal car accident so I think there's a little more to it. Steroid injections helped too, just make sure you keep it moving afterwards otherwise it may be worthless. I hope all goes well!

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Well-Known Member
Frozen shoulders really play up at nightime in bed. Unfortunately, hot water bottles dont stay hot all night. Hope that the GP will be able to prescribe you a strong painkiller with sedative properties so that you'll be able to get about 6hrs painfree sleep.


I am 34 and been diabetic since 15 I had a frozen shoulder and luckily had private insurance through work and they paid for me to have key hole surgery on it but turned out it was just enflamed tissue causing the issue as had an injection first but didn't do anything for the pain key hole sorted it for me but need to make sure u do the exercises every day to get movement back I'm back at I'd say around 95% after the op hope all goes well for you x

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dave howard

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Feeling great and getting Inexplicable high and low blood sugar readings !
Hi I have had bilateral frozen shoulders for the last 3 years in varying degrees of intensity, tried the cortisone injections,they caused more pain than they relieved, in the last year the pain has progressed down my arms accompanied by intense pins and needles when I use my hands. Doc reccons could be relatedd to degenerative osteoarthritis in my neck. :thumbdown:


soaps on telly and people talking about the characters as if they were real.
I had a frozen shoulder about 9 years ago. I was told it's a hazard of diabetes and Might well happen again. I have kept very tight control over my blood glucose and exercise regularly. I've not had it again. It did take about 18 months to resolve.


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I've just seen a specialist working for my solicitor after a terrible car accident last July. I have now been told I have a damaged rotator cuff, which is why my movement and pain hasn't got any better!
But also my shoulder is still partially frozen, it seems never ending.
Have any of you guys in here had rotator cuff problems?
What's the best course of action?
Thanks all!

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Hi All .
I am currently recovering from having had my left shoulder rotator cuff debrided [scraped]
Shoulder tendon trimmed 'free' to be able to raise and circulate my left arm .
Will need months of physio to enable me to actually do this though!

Surgery 'was' needed with my arm as it was calcified up , under the rotator cuff and 3 cortisone
injections failed to help me get it back to proper function.

They used a brachia plexus arm block to completely numb my neck,arm,shoulder .
Was sedated to relax me, and was able to watch my consultant actually 'do' the operation
on the screen in theatre too .

My GP who himself is with a strong interest in ortho issues and problems referred me to
an orthopaedic surgeon .
After the 3rd cortisone injection failed to make any improvement ...

The pain when the block wore off - was 'horrendous' and my arm felt as heavy and limp
as a concrete breeze block to be very honest!
So bruised I look like I have been 'mugged' down my neck :eh:
Now I am doing daily physio exercises to raise and move my arm a 'little'
it is still VERY sore from the surgery .

Am told it will take a few months of physio and my own efforts to get my arm back to 100% mobility .
Determind to do this , have been doing my physio exercise's 3-4 times daily.
With the help of strong pain relief also I will add here... :roll:
Even if just getting a little bit of progress of movement - its better than none at all . :thumbup:
Hoping to be totally painfree in 5-6months time .

My consultant said he see's this a 'lot' with diabetics and it can even happen bilaterally [both arms]
Definite link with diabetes as he has experienced in the last 18 years .
Reoccurence of this, 'can' happen within 15% of diabetics too :thumbdown:
I told him I hope it isnt 'me' in this percentage 'again' ...
He said , he cant guarantee this , but advised me to do my best to keep my sugars down within limits.
As I have ortho arthritis in my neck and back this will just add to the pain and stiffness.

Having had this done and being sooo 'sore' I wouldnt have it done 'again' if it was to
reoccur again.
Am 51yrs now and to bounce back from aggressive ortho surgery does takes time and a lot of effort ...
Think I would find it much more difficult to overcome if ever there should be a next time!

Hope my post of this experience can be of some help you all .



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My wife had two frozen shoulders that took 3 years to almost fade completely. I've not come across anything that says diabetes and frozen shoulder are related? Note that genuine 'frozen shoulder' i.e. adhesive capsulitis will not be cured at all by a steroid injection. That is according to my wife's consultant who uses this as one test to separate frozen shoulder out from the many other painful shoulder conditions some of which can be helped with a steroid injection and don't last as long. There appears to be no known cause or cure for adhesive capsulitis only pain relief and a long time.


Well-Known Member
Thanks all, I think I know a little more of what I could possibly expect now. I had an MUA in November but it hasn't worked very well. I have also had 3 steroids too, that last being at the point of the MUA. I just really want my movement back, as it has really knocked my confidence after the car accident that caused it!
Here's hoping something can be done to sort it ASAP. :-(

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Active Member
I have pain in one of my shoulders it can get almost to the point of dislocating and gives a huge click when it goes back but I always end up with pain in my wrist as well when it's bad but MRI and X-rays say there is nothing wrong with it it's been like this since I was 16 I fell down a step and caught my self with the same arm

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I'm going back to hospital for a consultation on Thursday, I suspect that from an examination by another consultant and my physio, I may have impingement syndrome.
Has anyone or is anyone on here suffering the same thing? If so, what treatment did you have and how long does a recovery take.
I was in a fatal car accident that broke my humerus and also caused a frozen shoulder about 9 months ago. My shoulder hasn't fully recovered since and I still have a really painful arc and struggle to lift anything mildly heavy.
Any ideas or advice are gratefully welcomed!
Thanks a lot

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savoury foods
Hi I was diagnosed 2004 with type 2 diabetes I have painful Left shoulder but all my joints are very painful I dont,t know if ther is a connection .I have had injections painkillers accupunture nothing works long term for me . It is very painful and mobility is reduced I cannot sleep on that side or my back .


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I'm not sure if I have or not. I've been putting the pain in my shoulder to the way I'm lying in bed at night . I do find moving my arm quite painful and it seems to be getting worse as time goes by and if I try to move my arm above my head that is when it's the most painful. I'm already on Diclofenec 50 mg 3 times daily and Tramadol 150 mg 3 times a day for my knees as i need bilateral knee replacements so I don't think my doctors would give me anything else to reduce the swelling or pain.


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Hi, this is classic B12 reduction, possibly accompanied by clickey middle finger. This has been known about in the US but kept quiet, or ignored in the EU.
You will get a load of manure and again so shall I about this as people say "you must not say that" "you are not a clinician" and a load of other baloney, however, slowly the medical proffession are accepting it.
However, cheapy test, you may wish to try a bit of Marmite with each meal and after a weekend the pain and movement restriction may be gone.
I have been blocked from another site for saying this, and poo pooed, however try it and please if it works then let us know .
A guy I know had been almost a cripple for 10 years, he owns a tyre place near Derval here in France. I gave him a jar of Marmite and the instructions on the Friday evening, Monday nite I was having a drink with him whilst he was using his left arm!
Apparently the B12 stops inflammation of joint previous damage, a reduction in the B12 causes them to get inflammed and hence sore.
Another friend went to our Diabetic clinic who had again poo ped this, he was also diagnosed with alzheimers. However the doctor sent him to Rennes hospital after I spoke to her without saying owt to nowt. She did not know we knew him!
Funnily enough his "alzheimers" improved, as did the pains in his hands after he was diagnosed and he was having B12 injections.
This is going to cost all but nothing to try.
Insulins that are seemingly of effect Novomix 30, Livemir, and libbys versions similar.
So please this is NOT a curative, but if it does help then please let your doctors know and also ask why in the event that some in the US knew about this why have they not acted!


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hi linsay ,I also had the same problem I had quitea zone injections it did not help ,but the DR did say some times it dose and sometimes it dose not work .
I like you had heard that Diabetics do suffer with this problem more than non Diabetics ,on a good note i had this in 2005 and it lasted 5 years but is alright now so I hope yours gets better mate ,Good luck


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Type 2
i woke one morning and couldnt move my arm, I went to A&E was asked if I had health conditions, when I mentioned diabetes I was admitted and had keyhole surgery the next day for septic arthritis


I think when you have diabetes you feel more tiredness and pain in your body when its going to peak level.So when you have that type of symptoms than you must call a doctor or visit them.Because its rises quickly and you don't know more about it.