Funniest thing you've done while having a hypo...


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Fallenstar :D
If you ate alive horse at hypo it would taste delicious..mmmm...a horse:D
But it would be no help at all-zero carbs:D
Lucky us we know what we want exactly when hypoing. 'Mars' is a better choice definately:)


So so glad Ive joined this forum, never did I think it would make me chuckle so much. Great stories. Nice to hear a lighter side to diabetes


Carb confusion
:lol: I laughed hard at all of your hypo stories. It's great to hear that others do crazy stuff when low...thought it was just me losing the plot!!

I tend to get a cleaning fit on and have been found by my other half on my hands and knees scrubbing an already spotless oven or vacuuming the walls for non-existing cobwebs. It's completely crackers!

Can anyone explain why we do these things?


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I get into arguements when im hypo......when i go to hospital clinic my consultant has to take my sugar level so she can judge if im goin to argue with her.

I remember when i was diagnosed my bs level were off the scale - noone could get a reading on any blood monitor - they start to pump insulin into me and i remember talking to the pink aliens coming out the wall as my bs was coming down. My hubby said he came to see if i was ok and wouldn't talk to him cuz id met the chief of the pink aliens who lived in the hospital wall :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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In one of my first hypos after being diagnosed, I sat on the edge of my dads armchair and tried to have a serious conversation with him about how big his head was...needless to say my family have never let me live that one down! xx


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Not at all funny I know, but I left baby son on bus with a kind lady who offered to hold him while I grappled with pushchair and four year old daughter :shock:

Luckily kind lady realised something was wrong and helped me.

Makes me shudder even now 25 years later when I think about it.
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I'm one of the lucky ones that gets hypos warnings but on this one occasion whilst I was staying at a friends house I'd woken during having a hypo and argued with my friends mum when she tried giving me sugar as she knew something was wrong as id woken with the sweats and was really pale, whilst debating with her I'd gone into the kitchen to go in the garden for a cigarette but couldn't light it, my friend and her mum were stood there the best part of twenty minutes laughing at me having a full blown conversation with their pet dog and tried giving the dog the cigarette to smoke aswell lol I to this day don't remember any of this lol and it was bout four years ago lol


I was in the middle of a karate class when I had a hypo. Stuck my hand up and plaintively said to very stern sensei "I don't feel well."

Understatement of the moment. Fortunately, one of the senior grades realised why I was bouncing off the walls as I tried to walk down the corridor.


Great stories!

Whilst looking for wedding venues, my fiancée' and I went to stay in a hotel in France with my Mum and Sister. The hotel was very posh and had a swimming pool, jacuzzi etc. So the four of us decided we would use the facilities. Whilst sitting in the jacuzzi I started feeling like a comic genius, I believed my jokes were A-MAZING! Whilst everyone else just thought I was weird. It wasn't until the point I pulled my Fiancée's foot out of the water and started using as a telephone having a serious conversation with my friends back home that they realised my blood sugars may have been low. Still have not lived it down!
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Not funny as such, but never go food shopping if your BS is running on the low side, I came back with extra loaves of bread, hot cross buns, pasta, cereal bars and biscuits that I didn't really need, nearly doubled my normal shopping bill! :lol:


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Thanks everyone for sharing your funny / weird stories! I haven't really done anything hilarious, just some embarrassing situations (not fully dressed!) and scary for the people trying to sort me out... But i got to thinking that it's also weird how hypos affect you differently over the years... I've been diabetic for nearly 30 years, and it used to make my muscles spasm so I wasn't able to walk straight, and I'd drop things, cos they'd just fall out of my hand... it used to make me really sleep afterwards, now it keeps me awake, i used to get numb lips but not any more - has anyone else noticed this?! X


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totally, my hypos are completely different these days. I'm actually less likely to do embarrassing things now, more likely to just be slightly more incompetent than normal :roll:
I remember some years ago explaining to a friend just how much better she'd look if she decorated herself with spiders.
'Spiders?' she asked
'yes, lots of little spiders, they'd really suit you'.
'eat some sugar, why not, eh?'
'oh, do you think I'm hypo, why?' :?

I still faff about though, when I'm hypo. Eg go to treat the hypo but get distracted by something trivial. I can be totally focussed on treating the hypo and somehow that focus suddenly swaps to, say, doing the crossword, putting in a load of washing, etc, and I forget to eat something. It's not forgetfulness, (I'm not like that normally) I think it's actually a hypo symptom.
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Stress and feeling exhausted.
OK, OK, I wasnt going to write this online but here goes -
When I was a vibrant 25 year old during the mid 1980s, (when the new insulins came out) I went into a very bad hypo whilst staying at my friends mums house in the isle of Wight.
I came round with 2 ambulance men and for some reason I spoke in a broad Irish accent and told the aging medic that I wanted to make love with him, so I do!!!!!!!
I think he was abit shocked..... but not as much as me or my friends mother!
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All these stories have cheered me up a little :) Geri - haha! it was brave of you to post that online! :p
if only there was a 'like' button! (sorry - facebook fan! :p)
I have to say i don't remember anything i do as by the time i start doing strange things i'm normally out of it! I have been told though that one night after a game of table tennis i then went on to run round outside in the dark trying to catch an imaginary tabletennis-ball :S
I've not had a bad hypo in about 6 years now but these posts have brought back the memories!!


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Snodger said:
I still faff about though, when I'm hypo. Eg go to treat the hypo but get distracted by something trivial. I can be totally focussed on treating the hypo and somehow that focus suddenly swaps to, say, doing the crossword, putting in a load of washing, etc, and I forget to eat something. It's not forgetfulness, (I'm not like that normally) I think it's actually a hypo symptom.

Totally, I do exactly the same! I'll nip down in the night to get a glass of juice for a hypo and spend 20 minutes wondering around tidying up the kitchen instead of necking the sugar. Or I'll go to a newsagent to buy something for a hypo and spend yonks deliberating about which bar of chocolate looks the nicest, haven't tried for the longest, or something equally pointless! And counting change can be a nightmare. Cashier's looking at me thinking I'm a half-wit because I'm struggling to count 60p!


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Newly diagnosed I knew nothing of hypos until one day leaving the surgery after seeing the nurse and driving I suddenly started to feel rather odd, so, pulled into a petrol stataion, ran in and grabbed two little milkyways off the front rack, wripped off the wrapping and shoved them into my mouth and then grabbed a lucosade and started to guzzle that. The lady behind the counter realised very quickly that I was in trouble and came to my rescue, by this time I was ready to pass out. She was a diabetic and sat me in the office until I was finally on the way up with my levels. She gave me some food and away home I went. I later sent her a thank you card with some flowers.

Thank goodness she was diabetic! That sounds stupid but if she wasn't she would probably have gone ballistic, yk..


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Textbook medical profesionals! Narrow minded people.
Currently, if I have a serious hypo, I see cats. Lots of them. And spend most my time demading that the cats be removed.

LOL you dont work in a cats home by any chance lol? Cats? Thats definetly one of the weirdest things i have ever heard by far!!! lol


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I love this thread, if anyone else can share, please do!