NEWS: More weight loss operations for diabetes


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Agree totally. Surely they should see that prevention of diabetes that is caused by diet and lifestyle (I know not all type 2 is a result of this) is better in the long run than drastic and dangerous 'solutions' being put in place afterwards.

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Avocado Sevenfold

For a good old-fashioned lynching and pitch forking, head over to the daily mail article about this subject.

On second thoughts, stay here, it might be bad for your bg levels.
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Rude people !
Crazy that they will waste money on this yet prevent most T2's test strips !!!!!
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For a good old-fashioned lynching and pitch forking, head over to the daily mail article about this subject.

On second thoughts, stay here, it might be bad for your bg levels.

The Daily Mail and Daily Express love a bit of a Diabetes headline.


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Listening to Baroness Young on Radio 4 this am. She was talking about lifestyle choices and implying that was the cause of diabetes type 2.

My fault then.
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Bullies, Liars, Trolls and dishonest cruel people
Just heard it again on the 9am radio news and still no mention of Type 2's?


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Listening to Baroness Young on Radio 4 this am. She was talking about lifestyle choices and implying that was the cause of diabetes type 2.

My fault then.
But of course. Not only Baroness Young but also the interviewer implied that T2s are either too stupid to understand that they should just cut calories and do more exercise or too weak-willed to do it; and the danger now, apparently, is that diabetics will deliberately choose to be obese couch potatoes secure in the knowledge that the NHS will rescue us with bariatric surgery! Gosh yes, I'm sure everybody has read with envy how much fun this surgery is and would make lifestyle choices based on the chance of getting it free!

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The interviewer did actually mention the use of low carb diets, but then sabotaged it by saying how hard it was to stay on such a diet. Oh that's okay then, But we can just stick to a diet that will kill us.

They have absolutely no idea do they.
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Funny enough there was something on a phone in radio show on Monday about T2.
There was a brief discussion with a T2 announcer in the studio. Then the usual phone in four penneth which on the whole consisted of P'd off T1s
& one particularly annoying "T1mom" with a "how short was your skirt" attitude to T2....

The coverage on this subject was not balanced & somewhat limited to short time constraints...


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I have just attended an X-pert course, it was useful in a much as knowing how diabetes affects your body and how your liver and pancreas work together etc, but when it came to the dietary advice, I was appalled, they were advising everyone that they could have a treacle pudding, rice pudding, pie and custard etc for desert, as long as they cut out potatoes in their main meal and they could replace a meal with as much fruit as they liked and if someone tells you they have tested and have a high reading, they have either not washed their hands properly or they haven't tested correctly (Fruit does not raise bg) that a diabetics diet should be the same as hers just smaller portions and that nothing was forbidden.

I strongly disagreed with the dietician dietary advice and was told by the dietician that because I followed the LCHF diet, I wouldn't be able to keep the weight off that I had lost, I would put it all back on again and wouldn't advise the others to try it, She told me that I was definitely an exception to the rule and the way to go was 50% carbs at each meal (eat well plate) She also told me that I would probably be on insulin much sooner than everyone else on the course. I advised her that there were at least another 107,000 people on this website alone that were all an exception to the rule in that case, and strangely enough a lot were diet only (I have reduced one tablet and hopefully will get rid of the other at the next HbA1c test in August) and a lot were able to reduce their insulin by following a LCHF diet, so could she explain why I should stuff my face with carbs that could kill me and risk nasty complications later in life if I lived that long lol. She refused to comment.

She also told everyone on the course not to test, that it was not necessary and that most meters we unreliable and would only cause people to be anxious and worried because they didn't understand the readings. I ask her why they didn't educate people, as surely having a stable bg level was far better than waiting for the next HbA1c test when you could be walking around with high levels and not know (she had already told us that symptoms don't appear unless you are 10mmol/l or more). Again no comment.

Sorry for the rant, but when I heard the news this morning about surgery for obese diabetics I just saw red, at the end of the day the NHS are responsible for a lot of the problems they are facing due to their lack of knowledge and unwillingness to accept that they are wrong, it's all well and good offering surgery, it might temporarily solve the obese problem, but it won't solve the problem of surgery for complications. When will they realise that if they gave the right dietary information and test strips to start with they wouldn't be in this situation and would save millions on all types of diabetic related surgery.

Rant over

Take care everyone

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Good for you for standing up to her - what was the reaction of others on the course? I bet some wished you'd shut up, but hopefully at least one other person will have got to thinking. You may have saved their life.
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Hi Gordon, well I had a couple of sarcastic remarks. Someone asked how much was a handful of nuts, I had 40g for my snack as the refreshments on the course was tea/coffee and biscuits lol. So I said I have 40g of nuts, the person sitting next to me piped up "well in the X-pert book it says you can only have 25g oops sorry your on a different diet than everyone else"

Another woman said oh I don't wan't to be testing everyday if I don't have to.

To be honest when the Dietician was talking about food, she kept pointing out to the others "this doesn't apply to Marilyn, because she is different" and said she would discuss my diet seperately, so I think they thought I was some sort of nutter even though I had all the evidence from my doctor on a printout she would not discuss it and kept ingnoring me. I guess I was just one big pain in the @rse lol.

I could write a book about what happend on that course, but I stuck it out because if I could just get one person to join the forum or at least think about what I was saying it was worth it.

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@noblehead I hope I don't misunderstand you? Are you saying that lack of exercise IS to blame for obesity?

If so how would you explain the experience of people from Tokelau who emigrated to New Zealand from their tropical island paradise(?) in the 60-80s (I think) who rapidly gained weigh and became obese, got diabetes and heart problems.

In Tokelau their basic diet was fish and coconut and apart from occasionally having to climb a tree - if there weren't any on the ground they were a pretty laid back lot. However, when they got to NZ, despite working very hard (hence lots of activity) the change in diet to refined carbs. sugar etc resulted in obesity and metabolic syndrome?

My reference for this is the Diet Delusion - Gary Taubes chapter 8

If obesity is caused by lack of exercise, even though you have to do a tremendous amount of exercise to burn off calories, then in a sense you are blaming people for their diabetes. I can't believe that someone with your obviously great experience thinks that.

What if it's the other way round? That whatever caused their diabetes, led to the positive feedback cycle of eating more carbs, more sugar, more insulin, less leptin, more adrenaline, more eating and so on. And of course I am sure you know that serotonin and other neurotransmitters become impaired leading to depression, and that the body goes into shutdown mode and so the person doesn't even feel like exercising!

I am fat and obese, I do have diabetes, I don't feel like exercising, but I try a bit :)
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Bullies, Liars, Trolls and dishonest cruel people
I listened again to news on this afternoon and this time type 2 was mentioned? but when I went shopping in the supermarket I looked at the front page of the Daily Mail and no mention THERE of type 2 ? unless I missed something, as the lady behind asked if I could pass her a paper.