Newcastle diet starting Monday, done it once who gonna join me on my journey??


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Bit disappointed today weight loss not happening but last time was exactly same body goes into starvation mode next week will be good.
More importantly sugars are dropping well in a week dropped from 13 to 7 first thing in morning
Not getting down heartened though I'm a big bloke who tones up really quickly so just going to keep going

Don't be disappointed. Surely first priority is BG levels? Weight loss will happen if you stay on track with eating and exercise.


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Do you mind if I share your thread to track my progress @geordie90 ?

I keep losing threads about ND, but will start my own if you prefer it that way.


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I'm exercising loads but I think my bods rebelling , was gonna say revolting lol weight loss will come in time


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I don't have support from gp. I was mostly in 5's with odd 6's previously and a few 4's in the day. Now I mostly see 4 with fasting at 5. But with all this weight loss I am not seeing a major reduction in fats from around the stomach. Although I have lost about 5 cms but that's not massive is it. I wear 32 regular or 34 slim fit trousers so not a massive stock near my stomach but since nd mentions sixth of weight loss I do have 12kg figure in my mind tbh.
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Of course not pipp

A bit thick of me but is that you don't mind or is it of course I should not put my progress on your thread?

I think the lack of food is dulling my intellect.:D


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I don't have support from gp. I was mostly in 5's with odd 6's previously and a few 4's in the day. Now I mostly see 4 with fasting at 5. But with all this weight loss I am not seeing a major reduction in fats from around the stomach. Although I have lost about 5 cms but that's not massive is it. I wear 32 regular or 34 slim fit trousers so not a massive stock near my stomach but since nd mentions sixth of weight loss I do have 12kg figure in my mind tbh.

Right, so what about exercise to tone up?

Perhaps stay with ND a while longer to see it that fat reduces?


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Yeah @Pipp I think I will stay with it for some more time. I am doing general stretching exercise and some walks but reduced them as I thought I would end up loosing way too much.


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I have no issues at all x
Thank you.

I have started today. Will do some days just food replacement (shakes etc), and veg, with 2 or three days a week when I have one less meal replacement and a small meal with some fish, meat or egg and vegetables. Just so I can work round social eating occasions, without attracting too much attention. I hate having people asking about what I am doing or trying to sabotage, even if they don't realise they are.

Fasting BG today 5.3. Not giving out any stats about weight, or measurements. Too shamed by making a mess of previous good results. Will be aiming for at least a 2 stone weight loss though, so this could take a while.

So far have had Shake that Weight oatmeal porridge, a cafe latte shake a cup of coffee and several gasses of water. Not hungry, but belly rumbling. Think it is the water doing that. Also getting lots of exercise as need to pee every 5 mins.

All approved by doc and dietitian, as long as I add a multivitamin, and report in monthly. HbA1c due end of May. Want to improve on last month as it had increased from 38 to 41, ( teetering on the brink of pre-diabetic level).

I have to thank you guys for inspiring me to take action again before I push luck too far. And I know I am lucky to still have BG levels as good as I have despite being a pratt!
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So far, so good.
I am keeping a record of food intake on the app 'My Fitness Pal' . I record exercise on there too, but don't take much notice of the figures they give for calories used in exercise. Overestimate them in my opinion, and that could be misleading and encourage me to eat more.

Ridiculous, I know, as it is probably just water, but this morning I weighed almost 2kg less than yesterday. Not going to obsess over weight, so will stick to weekly checks from now on.
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@Pipp that's what I am doing just keeping an eye weekly don't think a lot will change in a day but when you see weekly progress they are more encouraging.


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
I have fallen down a bit over yesterday and today. Went for too many veggies, and added fruit. I know, not good. But, it could have been a LOT worse, and my one week weight loss was still a pound and a half as of today. Tomorrow's a new day....



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Day 2 for me has been fine. Almost complete. Not hungry.
Had StW porridge, a caramel shake, and thinking about a muesli bar with a small glass of skimmed milk for supper.
Oh yes, veg serving was a salad of lettuce, spring onion, cucumber, celery, mushroom, cauliflower, with lemon juice and black pepper. Drinks have been water, soda water,peppermint tea, coffee.
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Sorry guys busy day at work of course you can jump in its all about support, 7 for my overnight blood and 6.5 at 6pm tonight hD a bit of a disaster tonight real carb craving and gave in but surprisingly checked after two hours and only 8.5 last week it would have been in the High teens, back on the wagon tomorrow out of my system now


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Sorry guys busy day at work of course you can jump in its all about support, 7 for my overnight blood and 6.5 at 6pm tonight hD a bit of a disaster tonight real carb craving and gave in but surprisingly checked after two hours and only 8.5 last week it would have been in the High teens, back on the wagon tomorrow out of my system now

It is so easy to slip up when you are busy @geordie90. Right attitude is to put it behind you and get back to it. Oh, and plan ahead.

You will be fine. You know how to do this, and improved blood is what will spur you on.
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