Vegetarian/Vegan Low Carb Recipe Index


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Good to see you again! I wondered where you had disappeared to! (And hoped you were OK)
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Diabetes and ulcerative colitis.... :) Rude people... Violence.... and the amount of time I spend away from my beautiful family in the UK...
Back online regularly now, after a number of issues (technical, financial, & work pcs blocking the website :( ). Got quite a bit of catching up to do, but I still have more to add to the list so will hopefully get back to that soon. Feels quite strange being back online properly, not just hurried glances at my email via my mobile phone!
Glad it's all sorted out... welcome back... :)

Avocado Sevenfold

Welcome back, Purplekat. We have been directing stray veggies to this thread in your absence :cat:
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Most food.
Sorry if the information is stated somewhere else but are the carb values posted somewhere? It's just that I carb count (type 1 vegetarian on a pump - I'm super awkward) and it's difficult to guess when I've never eaten half of the things before. Haha :D
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Sorry if the information is stated somewhere else but are the carb values posted somewhere? It's just that I carb count (type 1 vegetarian on a pump - I'm super awkward) and it's difficult to guess when I've never eaten half of the things before. Haha :D

A really invaluable bit of kit for me is the Cook and Count app, as it calculates the carb content of the ingredientsas you cook and input. It also has the facilities to add your own custom ingredients, store recipes for future use, and edit them if you decide to change something in that recipe . Well worth getting ! :D

I found it very accurate :)

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Retired Moderator
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A really invaluable bit of kit for me is the Cook and Count app, as it calculates the carb content of the ingredientsas you cook and input. It also has the facilities to add your own custom ingredients, store recipes for future use, and edit them if you decide to change something in that recipe . Well worth getting ! :D

I found it very accurate :)


Just looked this app up and it looks really useful, it gets a mention on the NHS Choices website:
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Just looked this app up and it looks really useful, it gets a mention on the NHS Choices website:

It's excellent :) If you are a keen cook as I am, or want to find out in advance what the carb load of a recipe is before you make it and find out the end result is stratospheric in its carb count, it's great . I found it way more useful than Carbs and Cals simply because of its huge database which includes a lot of ethnic ingredients that I use, plus my usual gluten free ingredients can just be added as I go along :)

It's simple to use, too.

And no, I have no shares in the company :D

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I'm glad people are finding it useful :) I was going a bit square-eyed from staring at the monitor, so have had a few days break. Back to work on it soon, still lots to link to!

Thank you for taking the time to put all this together - very much appreciated. :)

la signora

Type of diabetes
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I have just discovered this thread. Thank you very much Purplekat.
Would anyone like my recipe for Orange and almond cake?
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Well-Known Member
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Diabetes and ulcerative colitis.... :) Rude people... Violence.... and the amount of time I spend away from my beautiful family in the UK...
I have just discovered this thread. Thank you very much Purplekat.
Would anyone like my recipe for Orange and almond cake?
Yes please... :)

la signora

Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Well then: ORANGE and ALMOND CAKE Ingredients: 2 large oranges
Recipe by David Masey 6 large eggs
from Great Food Live 200g ground almonds
200g Total Sweet (xylitol)
1 tsp baking powder
Boil the whole oranges in a pan of water for 2hrs. Leave to cool, cut open and remove pips then put in blender and reduce to pulp.
In large bowl whisk eggs until frothy.
Fold in orange pulp, followed by g. almonds bkg pwdr and xylitol.
Pour into a buttered and lined 20cm cake tin (loose bottomed)
Bake in oven (190) for about 50mins. Test with skewer.
Leave to cool slightly in tin before turning out.
Makes about 8/10 slices and freezes well.
I use the cake as a tiramasu base sometimes (well actually often)
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la signora

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Diet only
Sorry about the muddle with ingredient list. It wasn't supposed to look like this.


Well-Known Member
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Diabetes and ulcerative colitis.... :) Rude people... Violence.... and the amount of time I spend away from my beautiful family in the UK...
Well then: ORANGE and ALMOND CAKE Ingredients: 2 large oranges
Recipe by David Masey 6 large eggs
from Great Food Live 200g ground almonds
200g Total Sweet (xylitol)
1 tsp baking powder
Boil the whole oranges in a pan of water for 2hrs. Leave to cool, cut open and remove pips then put in blender and reduce to pulp.
In large bowl whisk eggs until frothy.
Fold in orange pulp, followed by g. almonds bkg pwdr and xylitol.
Pour into a buttered and lined 20cm cake tin (loose bottomed)
Bake in oven (190) for about 50mins. Test with skewer.
Leave to cool slightly in tin before turning out.
Makes about 8/10 slices and freezes well.
I use the cake as a tiramasu base sometimes (well actually often)

Thank you la signorina... :) It looks lovely.... Muddle's fine.... no probs....


Well-Known Member
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Cruelty to humans and animals.
I've just found this thread and, although I'm not a vegetarian, my daughter is. She'll be visiting me for 8 days (from New York) in a couple of weeks and I'll use some of these recipes to keep her fed.

Thanks a bunch!!!
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la signora

Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Can you confirm the xylitol please - seems an awful lot, and a lot of carbs
Sorry not to answer sooner. Have just seen this. Total Sweet website has info re carbs etc. I'm unable to do a link, don't know how. But I would say that a slice of this cake is only 1/16th of the whole. The amount of xylotol used is the same as sugar. It looks like sugar and behaves like sugar.
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Avocado Sevenfold

Macho Peas (like Nando's, but without the peas!) - vegan

I just accidentally invented this, but my kids ran away when I offered them it, so it might be horrible :bag: I think it is fantastic! If anyone ever tries it, please let me know how it goes.

handful of broccoli (boiled and drained)
one ripe avocado
1/4 - 1/2 tsp chilli flakes
1/4 - 1/2 tsp dried mint
salt and black pepper

Put everything in a jug and blitz with a stick blender.

I had mine with cannellini beans/mushrooms in a tomato sauce and grated cheese.
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This isn't exactly a recipe but a suggestion for very fast soup! I sometimes get home late and hungry, want something very quick and don't want the usual rich things like an omelette. So this week I boiled plenty of water in a pan, dissolved some good quality bouillon powder and a good splodge of Patak's Madras curry paste, added lots of frozen spinach, cooked for a few minutes then whizzed it up with a blender. Once in the bowl I added some full fat yoghurt and there you have it. It was delicious and made in under ten minutes!
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