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  • I am fairly recently diagnosed diabetic, on 2g Metformin also 120mg Glyclazide per day. My blood/glucose is still 11.4. If I go on Insulin will this mean I am Type 1 diabetic?
    freedom T2
    Get everything you can about Metformin and B-12 dropping. You caNNOT LOSE b-12 IN YOUR BODY AND THAt drug does it.
    Sorry about the confusion, My error, and not checking it made sense, Sorry Again
    Hi again

    I'm writing about the glucose monitoring lenses for wetechhealth and I'd love to quote you. Any chance of some responses to the following?

    Do you wear contacts?
    How do you monitor glucose levels and what's it like?
    Would you be interested in the lenses? why?

    I'd also like to name you in the article if you can give me your real name.
    My email is [email protected]

    I am a new member in this forum. I am diabetic. I could not understand the lenses you referred in your mail for blood sugar monitoring. Kindly let me know in detail so that I may use it. My mail address: [email protected]
    Hi. You replied to a thread I started about glucose monitoring contact lenses. I'm a technology journalist and I'm writing an article on this for a new magazine that launches in February. You said some interesting things and I wondered if you would be interested in expanding on this in an interview (either via email or on the phone). Drop me a line if you are interested. [email protected]
    Hey! I was just wondering if you would be able to answer me a few questions about your diet? it wont take too long and it wont be boring lol x
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