Search Results

  1. M

    General Questions for a newly diagnosed Type 1

    Hi, I have been Type 1 46 years, diagnosed as a child aged 11. It's arguably more difficult to accept diagnosis as an adult than a child, children generally don't question things greatly and just get on with it. For what it's worth I wouldn't have any concerns regarding anyone in my family ...
  2. M

    Tresiba split dosing question

    Morning Damian, I have been T1 46 years. I can understand your apprehension regarding one 30 unit dose. I have not used either of your background insulins . I have been on Levemir twice daily for about 15 years (12 before bed 12 at breakfast) , works perfectly for me, only have to adjust for...
  3. M

    Signs of diabetic maculopathy found in recent eye screening

    That's my thinking..! All the best
  4. M

    Signs of diabetic maculopathy found in recent eye screening

    I have been T1 for 46 years. Retinopathy started about 20 years ago. I have had laser treatment to both eyes approximately 10 years ago. About 2 years ago they picked up diabetic maculopathy which appears to be fairly stable , currently. I am now screened every 4 months . Apart from my teenage...
  5. M

    Medical Exemption - Prescriptions Charge

    Exactly my thoughts, seems too obvious to me that if you are having diabetic meds prescribed your exempt .
  6. M

    Medical Exemption - Prescriptions Charge

    Exactly my thoughts
  7. M

    Medical Exemption - Prescriptions Charge

    Exactly my thoughts
  8. M

    Medical Exemption - Prescriptions Charge

    Thank you all for your response. Don't use the site much but it does make you realise how invaluable they are when you have a problem. Regards Mark
  9. M

    Medical Exemption - Prescriptions Charge

    Morning all, I have been type 1 for 46 years. In all this time I have never paid for a prescription from the NHS regarding prescribed medicine. I have now received a ' Penalty Charge Notice ' ( PCN) from NHS business services authority for claiming free NHS prescriptions as they have no record...
  10. M

    Worried About Complications - Specifically Eyes

    Hi Mark, Without patronising, don't worry. I have been T1 46 years and have retinopathy. I have had laser treatment to both eyes appx 14 years ago and currently I am being monitored every 4 months at a specialist NHS eye clinic. My general eyesight is very good, I have no issues working as an...