Search Results

  1. H

    Type 2 Ok to cut metformin xr pill in half?

    The problem with cutting any MR /XL medication in half means the dose is not evenly distributed over the 12 hours. So you have too much / or not enough. Depending on the medication it also depends which part of the GI tract it dissolves in and like you said the rate of absorption.
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    Diagnosed on the 8th October with type 3c Diabetes.

    Hi there, welcome to the forum. I take my hat off to you for all the hard work you are putting into learning about your diabetes and other health issues. It was a shock to me also when I was diagnosed (as it is to many however we got there) but it is a massive learning curve and good reason to...
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    High cholesterol and gall bladder issues.

    Hi @Melgar I had horrendous pain with gallbladder issues. This was before my diagnosis of diabetes so at the time I put myself on a low fat (high carb by default!) diet which helped the gallbladder symptoms. I don't know what my cholesterol levels were doing, but eating any fats before my...
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    Metformin to treat LADA?

    Thanks for the docs NoopNoop. I hope you find someone who can understand your cause. I'm due my next appointment soon so hopefully I will be able to address some of my concerns then. Keep us posted!
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    Metformin to treat LADA?

    Hi NoopNoop, I have been in a similar position to you. When you low carb no one believes there is a problem with your diabetes! Because of this I no longer vlc but stay well under the guidelines and advice of diabetes uk and my glucose levels are running way too high. I take Humulin I which...
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    How to pursue potential misdiagnosis?

    Thanks - really helpful as I didn't know there was a urine c peptide test. My next appointment is November so I'll mention then. Seems like there's a lot of us in the same boat. Just got to do best you can at the time I guess
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    How to pursue potential misdiagnosis?

    This is such a frustratingly grey area. I was first diagnosed type 2 four years ago with relatively healthy lifestyle and BMI 22. After spending a couple of years working hard to reduce my numbers (which helped but never really worked longer term) I asked for a c peptide and GAD antibody test...
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    You can probably buy some from a duty chemist. Most place have a local chemist that has to open on a duty rota on Sundays.
  9. H

    About me

    Hi Carol, welcome to the forum! Hope you enjoy looking around on here and see what a friendly supportive group this is with plenty of tips and encouragement to improve your diabetes management.
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    Foods that increase HDL

    I am fortunate to have high HDL. Unsure whether I have good genes or whether it's the extra virgin olive oil or the mixed nuts. Hope you find something that works for you!
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    its been a minute !! but it can be done

    Amazing achievement, well done!
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    Libre issue - advice please!

    That's a good thought, thanks will try to keep up the fluids and see if that helps
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    Libre issue - advice please!

    Thankyou - to be honest I'm not really sure what calibration is still lots to learn but interesting how different it seems to be for each person
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    Libre issue - advice please!

    Thanks for your reply...the readings were 1-2 mmol more so not loads but enough to not detect two hypos. I've always had it the other way round so it was a bit if a surprise. Luckily I'm very hypo. Perhaps I should let abbot know as my new sensor as of yesterday seems fine.
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    Libre issue - advice please!

    My libre 2 sensor has been regularly reading higher than my finger prick test. This had resulted in two hypos. I know about the time lag due to interstitial fluid but usually when my sugar goes low my sensor reads lower than finger prick. I put on another sensor today but still the same. Does...
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    Type 1.5 Diagnosis

    Well done for persevering for 8 years! I have questioned my original type 2 diagnosis for a while for similar reasons. I managed to get tested for antibodies and tested positive for GAD. My GP has changed me to 'type 1' but the specialist says its too early to tell and doesn't want to test c...
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    CGM Privacy

    This is quite a thought. Sadly technology can be used for good and bad. I use a reader than than through an app. Maybe that is more private?
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    Long excercise new on insulin

    Hello, I am hoping for some tips on managing a walking holiday whilst newly started on Humulin I. ( 2 months ) Only taking 6 units daily which helps base line but not meal spikes and I often drop low before lunchtime on a normal day (office job). Next week I'm with my husband walking all day...
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    No definitive diagnosis

    Thank-you, very informative. I had heard of it but didn't know the detail. I hope I have the similar results with the gliptin as you have!
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    No definitive diagnosis

    Alogliptin 25mg - It's a new one on me tbh. The only blood test I've had is hba1c and when that kept creeping up I asked for GAD. I've never had a glucose tolerance test. Is that routine?