Search Results

  1. Melgar

    Blood Sugars when unwell

    Yes. I had a high fever, my blood sugars went up to 17 and stayed there, and that was without any food. It didn’t come down for days.
  2. Melgar

    Livlife Low Carb Bread Discontinued

    Hi there @LittleNicki , I totally emphasize with you. I have coeliac, another autoimmune disorder. There is not a large selection of gluten free products, so when a product is withdrawn it’s a thing. It causes distress and frustration. They just don’t seem to get it when a speciality product...
  3. Melgar

    Flying with medication

    @Mke, I agree with @NaomiJC . I fly a lot, both domestic and international. I carry all my meds in my carry on luggage. I keep them in the dispensing containers they come in. The attached labels have all the details clearly displayed. The Dr’s name, their licence number, the medication type...
  4. Melgar

    recently diagnosed t2 with hb1ac level of 53.

    You are only mildly diabetic. As others have said, your blood sugars would likely come down with some dietary adjustments, such as reducing your foods that are heavy in carbs, rice, pasta, breads , basically anything containing flour. Anything containing flour will send your blood sugars up and...
  5. Melgar

    Diet with less fat

    It might depend on the person, whether or not you can tolerate fats. My brother in law had his gall bladder removed a few years ago, he eats fats, no problem. In fact he eats a diet high in fats. A friend of mine had her gall bladder out a few years back and cannot tolerate fats at all. It...
  6. Melgar

    Lost complete control of my glucose!!!

    I was sick a couple of months ago. A Raging fever of around 40c . My blood sugars shot up to 17 mmol/ls with no food at all, just water. My blood sugars were high for 4 to 5 days, but they eventually came back down. So any illness may affect your blood sugars. As you have an appointment with...
  7. Melgar

    Bad Dreams and Glucose Levels

    @remel1 go to the forum list, you can access this by clicking on the three stripes in the top left corner. Then press forums. You will see a list of all the sub forums. Click on the one you want to post in. For instance Type 2 Diabetes. Once in that forum you will see ‘Thread Title’. Put the...
  8. Melgar

    Bad Dreams and Glucose Levels

    Welcome to the forum @remel1 . You have replied to a forum discussion usdion that is over 10 years old. You may wish to start a new discussion if you are interested in this topic :)
  9. Melgar

    Number still high

    Yes, I take Bupropion which works off label to increase insulin secretion. I also do the equivalent, in distance, of 3 marathons a week or 30,000 steps a day. Exercise is my go to.
  10. Melgar

    Do I have hypoglycemia?

    I totally agree @KennyA . I would wake up in the middle of the night, soaked through with sweat, heart pounding. In a state which felt like a panic attack. I had these frequently. I would usually make myself a tea and a bite to eat to simply take my mind off the bad dreams. It wasn’t until I was...
  11. Melgar

    Number still high

    For peace of mind, think about asking your Dr to do that C-Peptide test. At least then you will have a sense of how much insulin your pancreas is producing. If it’s over producing insulin, then that is likely due to Insulin Resistance and therefore very likely you are T2. This gives you the...
  12. Melgar

    Do I have hypoglycemia?

    You have had a few members contribute so there is not much more to add. A few days ago I had the results back from a series of blood work I had done. I fasted for 14 hours ( I didn’t go low) however, I noted that the lab range for blood sugars on a 14 hour fast were between 3.3 - 5.5. I was...
  13. Melgar

    Number still high

    No, unfortunately. I tried the low carb diet for 9 months, went into nutritional ketosis the lot. It barely moved my blood sugars. I may have a damaged pancreas though. The only thing that happened was weight loss. I’m a lean , fit diabetic , so that’s just me. A lot of people have had great...
  14. Melgar

    Number still high

    @maxjoe121 , stress can drive up your blood sugars, but you seem to be organising yourself which is great. Try keeping a food diary if It helps. Make notes what foods drive up your blood sugars and what foods don’t. I always find writing stuff down helps, galvanizes my mind. Have a look at some...
  15. Melgar

    Number still high

    If those were my figures @maxjoe121 I would be asking my Dr for a C-Peptide test. It’s a blood test. C-Peptides are produced by your pancreas. They directly correspond with insulin release so the labs use C-Peptides to measure how much insulin your pancreas is producing. C-Peptides are more...
  16. Melgar

    T2 or NAFLD? ...or, a funny thing happened on the way to the surgery

    I use the Health Gateway on my phone @Bcgirl . The results trickle in
  17. Melgar

    T2 or NAFLD? ...or, a funny thing happened on the way to the surgery

    My C-peptides 3 years ago were something like 540 pmol/ls. Yes, @Bcgirl I am very interested to see what they are now. I will flip if they’ve gone up lol. I have to wait because it takes about a week apparently, for C-Peptides. I took your advice and paid for the test at Life Labs, $34 which is...
  18. Melgar

    T2 or NAFLD? ...or, a funny thing happened on the way to the surgery

    Great discussion @Chris24Main and thanks for the questions @Bcgirl . Firstly, your quote from Ancel Keys : “There’s no connection whatsoever between cholesterol in food and cholesterol in the blood. None. And we’ve known that all along. Cholesterol in the diet doesn’t matter at all unless you...
  19. Melgar

    T2 or NAFLD? ...or, a funny thing happened on the way to the surgery

    @Chris24Main I really wasn’t happy with my LDL’s being that high. I just wanted then within range, not low. Yes you are right my Triglycerides rose slightly, but they have bounced between those two numbers for years so I’m not concerned at all. They are still comfortably low. Now I would have...
  20. Melgar

    T2 or NAFLD? ...or, a funny thing happened on the way to the surgery

    @Bcgirl , yes, she simply says give them a go. No pressure at all. I was concerned at the level of my LDL’s . Despite the trending thoughts around LDL’s not being the bad guys, I still wasn’t happy. So I said I would try them. I am happy with where they are at now. My Triglycerides rose...