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    Glucose Goddess on Channel 4

    She appears more concerned about flattening out glucose rises rather than reducing glucose load and also (as Mrs A2 has said,) describes perfectly normal post prandial rises as 'spikes'. To gain and then maintain my 'in remission' status I focused on reducing total glucose load as much as on...
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    Neuropathy: Plexopathy

    Type 2 diabetes is reversable for some/many, but not for all (as can be seen in this forum). The same applies to diabetic neuropathy.
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    Recent diagnosis of Type 2

    Hi @Kensho28 and welcome to the forum. I have a few observations: 1. If you cut down on carbohydrates, then it is usually advisable to eat more fats, so as to have enough energy and to stay warm in winter. Fear of higher cholesterol is not a reason for 'normal overweight' Type 2's to reduce fat...
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    Diet in S.E.Asia

    Fruit , noodles and rice are the ones to avoid if diet controlled diabetic in Thailand. There are plenty of low carb veg available there to have instead of rice/noodles. There are also plenty of grilled/roasted meat/fish dishes - just avoid using too much sauce on them as it can be quite carby...
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    T2D and Shingles

    Hi @StrugglingSuzy It is normal for your blood glucose levels to be higher while you have an illness, injury, stress, lack of sleep because your liver will make more glucose and put it into your bloodstream in order to deal with the situation. I don't consider readings above 7 .0 mmol to be a...
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    Daily Carbs

    Unfortunately, 'the power that be' just have one set of nutritional advice and don't distinguish between Diabetics (Type 1 or Type 2) and non-diabetics. This is almost like having only one limit for units of alcohol and applying it to all adults whether alcoholic or not. Quite a few people feel...
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    Mulled wine

    No, it isn't much at all @RobertJ 75cl is a standard sized bottle = 750ml. So, 6.5 gm of carbs per bottle is very little indeed! Personally, I doubt that a mulled wine would be so low in carbs - so please test your own reaction carefully!
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    Surprise diebetes diagnosis

    Unless you happen to digest carbs exactly as the panel who tested the foods given a GI value, you will find that the GI value is just a rough guide and that you need to keep a food diary in order to work out which foods in which quantities are OK for you and which raise your BG by too much...
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    Type 2 The reason for the 2mmol/L two hour allowance after eating

    One reason is that while aiming for blood glucose to be back down to the level it was before eating, is that BG meters are only required to be + or - 15% accurate 95% of the time. Thus One could quite possibly get a reading up to 2mmol higher at the 2hrs post prandial time without the actual...
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    What's good BG on Keto?

    @Dax40 I'm not sure if this has been mentioned already, but it isn't advisable to stay on a very low calorie diet for too long- most of them say just to do it for 8 to 12 weeks otherwise its possible for deficiencies to occur. The fact that you are low carbing and also fasting means that your BG...
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    Questions regarding my situation

    People's T2DM can be very individual, just as reaction to carbs can be. So we can't tell how many carbs we can deal with or which particular carbs we get less of a reaction to. For some people the fact that pizza contains a lot of fat means that the carbs take longer to digest into glucose than...
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    Questions regarding my situation

    Yoy are doing great, Hypos are not a problem for Type 2's unless they are taking insulin or some other glucose reducing drug like gliclazide, but not metformin which only acts to prevent the liver dumping excessive glucose into the bloodstream. It is understandable why your Blood glucose has...
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    Lack of individual advice for skinny T2D

    Various Doctors who specialise in Low Carb for weight loss and diabetes have 'agreed/confirmed' (on Twitter, YouTube etc.) that their experience matches what I have deduced from my own searches. For what that's worth. To get the thread back on track @Nuttymichelle while there still few medical...
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    Lack of individual advice for skinny T2D

    I'm not sure which part you mean about being told by a medical practitioner. The advice/information I got from my GP was just as lacking as with most people. However. after I found material from Dr David Unwin, Dr Michael Mosely and Prof Roy Taylor he did (at least partially) confirm it. He...
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    Lack of individual advice for skinny T2D

    You don't mention the specific levels of lipids, but from what people have self reported: Overweight and obese T2D's on low carb tend to improve ALL their lipids (HDL up, LDL down, Triglycerides down) while those who start off as under or normal weight going onto low carb tend to find their HDL...
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    Lack of individual advice for skinny T2D

    Personally I found plenty of advice for skinny T2's such as I am/was: Dr David Unwin's original .pdf about his successes with a Low Carb High Fat diet - Which has a high rate of remission still persisting after several years (only 4yrs so far) in my case, but I have heard of some using the...
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    Recommendations please - reliable sensor/finger prick test kit please

    I'm just a slim T2 (TOFI) in diet controlled remission, so I don't get hypo's. I'm tagging @Lamont D because I believe that hypo treatment for Reactive Hypoglycemia is somewhat different than that done by insulin users (either those with Type 1 or with Type 2).
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    Recommendations please - reliable sensor/finger prick test kit please

    While there will be occasional defective meters (or test strips) with any brand, We have not noticed complaints about this particular model. It is popular because we Type 2 diabetics in particular often use a BG meter to monitor the effect of carbohydrates in meals on our Blood Glucose - this...
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    Recommendations please - reliable sensor/finger prick test kit please

    Hi @jennie007 and welcome to the forum. The standard for BG meters in the UK is that 95% of the time they should read no more than + - 15%. Many people on this forum (DCUK) and on the DUK forum use the Gluco Navii or the Spirit Tee2+ which are both around the same price both for the meter and...
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    Type 2 What to eat type 2 to feel fuller for longer

    Protein with lots of fat is satiating. For me, pork belly, duck or salmon/trout/mackerel works fine. If constipated and eating lots of eggs, cut down a little on the eggs or put some Olive Oil on them.