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  1. D

    Breakfast ideas?

    Hi there, Omelettes are great for blood glucose control; depending on individual preference & taste, a variety of herbs are good to “liven up the omelette”: are you able to tolerate cheese? If so, cheese omelettes are a good idea as well as using mushrooms & onions. I am an oatmeal fanatic & I...
  2. D

    Dawn phenomenon

    The complexity of this chronic disease never ceases to amaze & mystify me: I find you always end up with more questions than answers! That said, I find that having an inquisitive mind helps in the diabetes journey. I try to look at each problem encountered with a 360 holistic approach; just like...
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    Hospital admission for monitoring/observation

    Two points: 1- Have you requested that you are permitted to stay with your daughter during her stay in hospital? 2- Regarding the HBA1C situation, this is such a multi-complex aspect concerning Diabetes; there are many reasons that can be causing this: you mentioned inappropriate dose: however...
  4. D

    Breakfast ideas?

    I would avoid ALL cold cereals as they are, generally, high in sugar. Smoked mackerel or salmon would be good as they are already cooked & ready to eat. If you can’t stand to cook are you not able to get help with assisted living?
  5. D

    Breakfast ideas?

    Yes; the carbohydrate from the bread is likely to be the main culprit: however, you could try a slice of smoked mackerel first (or chicken); then have the toast. Eating protein will slow down the uptake of any carbohydrate.
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    HBAC1 lulled me into a false sense of security! Help.

    Unfortunately Diabetes is a lifelong/lifestyle daily challenge: we may win a battle BUT it is a lifetime WAR! From my own personal experience, the danger zones to watch out for is when we are on the threshold of victory then are we most vulnerable to take our eye of the enemy…
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    Car hypo treatment

    I carry a flapjack bar; the shelf life is good: however, it is best to check best before date & know how long you have before having to consume. N. B. Depending on maker, the sugar content can vary from 27g to 34g (Olyke Foods Oat Flapjack Original: 27.1g; Lottie Shaw’s Traditional Oat Flapjack...
  8. D

    Alcohol as a BG lowering agent

    Please try the following: 2 egg omelette with a handful of grated cheddar cheese ( strength 4-6 is best). Have a small glass of white wine (125ml) with meal. This meal always returns a normal range blood glucose reading post meal.
  9. D

    Alcohol as a BG lowering agent

    Yes: I use an Accu-Chek meter alternating between middle & ring fingers in both hands. Have experimented testing both middle fingers simultaneously with the variable being 0.1 through 0.5 mml. I self fund my meter & needles as I feel it is in my own interest to know my blood glucose levels as it...
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    Alcohol as a BG lowering agent

    No: I have never been given any explanation for the hypos. The hypos that I have been able to capture with my Accu-Chek device range between 3.5 & 3.9. It takes me between 5 & 6 hours to recover from a hypo episode. I was diagnosed in November, 2014 with T-2 Diabetes. From October, 2009 until...
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    Alcohol as a BG lowering agent

    When I was first diagnosed, 9 years ago, my Dr wanted to bang me on metformin straightaway; I, however, did not submit to this pressure: I had just been taken off prednisolone after being parked up on it for 5 years. One month later, I was diagnosed with T-2 Diabetes! It took me 5 years to come...
  12. D

    Alcohol as a BG lowering agent

    Hi there. I vary between 7.9 & 10.9 post meal. I have two dogs which keep me active with plenty of good walks! Where I do have to be careful is when I am unwell: my blood glucose fluctuates considerably during these periods which normally runs between 11mml & 12mml. My Doctor allows me to be...
  13. D

    Alcohol as a BG lowering agent

    Hi there. I found your dilemma interesting as it outlines my own experience. The way I have been combating this is as follows: Breakfast:- Hamlyns Oatmeal 3 ounces strictly made with water & sea salt coarse (I eat with 100ml whole milk; one slice of toast with a little butter, 5g of British...
  14. D

    Treating Hypos

    Hi there. I’ve suffered with hypoglycaemia since aged 14; through the years I’ve had relative good success through trial & error. However, my worst hypos happen through any intense activity (I played rugby & skied in my teenage & twenties). Chocolate, scones & milk were my firm favourites back...