Search Results

  1. H

    Insertion of Dexcom G7. Where can you get the Omnipods that integrate with the Dexcom G7.

    Can the Dexcom G7 be worn on the Front of the upper arm just like the Dexcom G6. The internet says that certain pharmacy's have the omnipod 5 that are integrated with Dexcom G7 and Dexcom G6. Which pharmacies are selling those pods.
  2. H

    Omnipod 5 Dexcom G7 Integration

    When is the omnipod 5 integration with the Dexcom g7 going to be integrated or released in the united states.
  3. H

    Omnipod 5 pdm recall. Whether I should change pdm

    Ny pdm I have had for almost a year got recalled for a safety issue. I have not experienced the safety issue with my specific pdm. The setting up new device pamphlet says that the omnipod algorithm resets when using the new pdm. I don't know if I should replace my existing pdm or just keep using...
  4. H

    Dexcom G6 app with Samsung Galaxy G22 or Android Phones

    Does the Dexcom App work on Samsung or Android Phones? Is an iPhone better for the Dexcom G6? Which type of phone is best for the Dexcom G6 App?
  5. H

    Type 1 How to find type 1 diabetic clothing?

    I have found these camies with pockets for my t slim pump. The camies are unfortunately out of stock for years where do you find your type 1 diabetic clothing
  6. H

    Teenager hormones

    I have had diabetes for 1 year now and my cycles used to be 4 months apart now they are back to the normal every month schedule
  7. H

    Not sleeping

    If you are not feeling your lows that is bad for your brains development
  8. H

    Managing exercise and insulin

    If you go low when you exercise turn on a temporary Basel or suspend your Insulin to keep up your energy
  9. H

    Teenage son won't do his insulin

    Hi if you don’t trust your son to do his own insulin you should invest in the Dexcom system because the CGM has the ability to connect to other devices so you can watch his blood sugar.
  10. H

    Dexcom G6-scared

    I started with the Dexcom g5 and my parents had to help me because it was so painful. Now with the Dexcom g6 I can insert the sensor myself. Nothing to be scared about.