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  1. TheSecretCarbAddict

    Free trial -rejected :(

    It is to do with you not buying from them direct. FL3 is not available for purchase via Abbott site.
  2. TheSecretCarbAddict

    Eating in the right order?

    There are no daft questions. I'm attaching my CGM graph from today showing impact of my one meal a day following food sequencing approach with having most carb heavy part (roast peppers) last. I had a meal at 17:00, my initial spike seemed to initially peak at 2h after meal and then I had...
  3. TheSecretCarbAddict

    Type 2 Main meal and exercise

    I usually take my dog for a brisk walk right after my meal. Usually 30-45min. I find it moderates my after meal blood glucose spikes.
  4. TheSecretCarbAddict

    Sharps disposal

    The same for my council, but can arrange everything online.
  5. TheSecretCarbAddict

    Eating in the right order?

    It is a simple lifestyle intervention you can easily try out and see if it gives you any benefits. If you want to get more scientific you could log your food and messure the blood glucose impact.
  6. TheSecretCarbAddict

    Physical scan not working on libre 2

    I often find that my Libre 2 only scans sucessfully on 3rd attempt. But everything @MrsA mentioned tends to help things along unless it is a faulty sensor.
  7. TheSecretCarbAddict

    New member

    You can find links to the forum app here:
  8. TheSecretCarbAddict

    New member

    Hi @AKAGregg, welcome to the forum! There is lots of collective experience and knowledge on this forum, and we are a friendly bunch. Just start a thread with your specific question, and I'm sure someone will be around shortly to share their thoughts.
  9. TheSecretCarbAddict

    Eating in the right order?

    I find that limiting / balancing the amount of carbs and protein I eat in the first place gives me the best results. In my view sequencing food is a micro optimisation (can give you an extra edge if you are already doing the right things), and I find it works for me in two different ways: a) it...
  10. TheSecretCarbAddict

    Dexcom One + wildly different readings to actual levels

    If you go for 1 or 3 months subscription for Dexcom ONE+, there is a discount compared to Libre 2/2+. Made an order last week, working out how to combine data across the two manufacturers so that I have my stats while I fully transition over to Dexcom.
  11. TheSecretCarbAddict

    Adf or omad?

    @cdpm, I've stopped trying to put a label on my fasting patterns... intermittent fasting, time restricted eating, alternate day fasting, one meal a day, two meals a day.. they can all describe the same and overlapping things. The label is not important as long as you know what your schedule is...
  12. TheSecretCarbAddict

    Dexcom One + wildly different readings to actual levels

    I don't have an active Dexcom ONE+ sensor right now so can't guide you through the process, but hopefully manufacturers instructions here are useful: Once you supply current BGM reading, the sensor makes some adjustments to its...
  13. TheSecretCarbAddict

    Dexcom One + wildly different readings to actual levels

    As a T2, I don't have the same concerns as T1s using this tech to avoid hypos but from my previous tests of continuous glucose meters (CGM) vs blood glucose meter (BGM) I have always found that for me CGM runs 1-2mmol/l higher than BGM. Right now my Freestyle Libre 2 reader BGM says 6.4, while...
  14. TheSecretCarbAddict

    Need help to inderstand

    Just to add to the above... when you choose a range, there are further tradeoffs to figure out... are you going to achieve with lifestyle changes, lifestyle with support from some medication or over-index on medication at the expense of no lifestyle changes. Keep in mind, there's no universal...
  15. TheSecretCarbAddict

    Need help to inderstand

    Rant all you need! You've already have made massive progress despite the lack of information and support. You are in the right place to learn from the collective wisdom of the wider diabetes community. While we can't diagnose or give you advice on your most appropriate treatment, we can share...
  16. TheSecretCarbAddict

    Need help to inderstand

    It is both your blood glucose levels as well as the spike. As blood glucose is variable, it is useful to think about your target level as a range rather than a single number. Ideally, you would set the target range in consultation with your health provider and take into account your individual...
  17. TheSecretCarbAddict

    Getting started with a Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM)

    I'm on Libre 2/2+, have tried Dexcom ONE+, and am about to switch over to Dexcom full time. Both sensors operate on the same principle of a small fillament being inserted under your skin. If anything, I preferred Dexcom better as it is smaller and less likely to be knocked about than Libre and...
  18. TheSecretCarbAddict

    Need help to inderstand

    Just to throw another thought out there. Blood glucose going up after a meal is normal and happens in healthy people, too. The main difference is how high it spikes and how quickly your body is able to process these spikes. I find that as a T2, I need to aim for the lowest starting point I can...
  19. TheSecretCarbAddict

    Test strips help!

    Hi @Melsl and welcome to the forum. My understanding is that test strips, with very few exceptions, are manufacturer and/or device specific. While SD Biosensor manufactures both SD Codefree and GlucoNavii Inc., the test strips for both devices appear to be different. If you look at the device...
  20. TheSecretCarbAddict

    Weekly weigh in - Fridays

    Hi everyone, I've been absent from this thread for a while fighting my carb addiction demons (still am). In this time, I've regained almost a stone from my lowest weight a couple of months back. Today I decided I can't hide from reality any longer, need to get back on track and could do with a...