Search Results

  1. Ashintheuk

    Libre 2 Plus availability plus cracked Novorapid Penfill cartridges

    Apart from a lot of memory errors, my Novopen plus isn't giving any other issues. No problem getting the Libre2 plus either
  2. Ashintheuk


    I'm injecting 25u of basal in a single injection per day, and then bolus as needed, sometimes up to 6u depending on circumstances. I massage the area after injecting to disperse the liquid bubble. I developed Lipohypertropy in a couple of site before I started doing this. It has improved the...
  3. Ashintheuk

    Should C peptide be tested before starting medication?

    I had a C-peptide blood test privately, and then a C-peptide urine test by my consultant. The blood test showed as low c-peptide levels, the uring test showed normal levels, but that's because I have reactive hypoglycaemia during exertion, and very little insulin production when sedentiary. It...
  4. Ashintheuk

    COVID and insulin resistance

    I saw a significant jump in my basal and bolus dosage requirements upon getting COVID a few weeks ago, and it's still around 50% higher than before I caught it. Has anyone else experienced this, and how long did it last for ?
  5. Ashintheuk

    Libre accuracy and predictive ability

    He said that a chemical reaction between the sensor and the interstitial fluids keep it clean constantly
  6. Ashintheuk

    Libre accuracy and predictive ability

    I attended a day last year near Coventry by the charity Diabetes Research & Wellness Foundation. Prof Parth Kar and Dr Iain Cranston gave a talk, and asserted that the testing strips aren't that reliable due to contamination of the sample, and that they age, whilst the sensor wires self clean...
  7. Ashintheuk

    Has anyone quit using Freestyle Libre?

    As a driver it makes life a lot easier to conform to the law. I get unpredictable hypos if I deviate even slightly from my routines so is a godsend to me. No plans to give the tech up, and 3 years in with it now.
  8. Ashintheuk

    Insulin, Yea or Nay?

    I was in pretty much the same place as you. Diagnosed as a T2 in 2007, went all the way through the oral meds, and in 2019 with my HbA1C above 100, My doc advised me the same. I resisted for about 3 weeks, but got nowhere with dietary changes. Going on insulin was a liberation. My HbA1C dropped...
  9. Ashintheuk

    Feeling dizzy

    Is it because you are out of your routine and late eating, or because you have been doing some exertion ?
  10. Ashintheuk

    unwell and waiting for hba1c, metformin fears

    I elected to go back onto slow release metformin after going onto insulin. I consider it one of the good guys. I've been in it since 2007
  11. Ashintheuk

    Potential Type 1.5 misdiagnosed as a Type 1

    T2 diagnosis takes many forms, and not all of it is insulin resistance. I found there to be a huge stigma with a T2 diagnosis. I was misdiagnosed as a T2 for 12 years. Mine is so far out of the box, my consultant said it would be easier to manage my numbers by amputating my pancreas and using...
  12. Ashintheuk

    Potential Type 1.5 misdiagnosed as a Type 1

    I was on Dapagliflozin for 3 years. It does lower blood sugar levels, but messed with my electrolyte levels and gave me permanent cramping on my lower back. So glad to be off them. So much insulin could be a sign of some insulin resistance (double diabetes) ?
  13. Ashintheuk

    Potential Type 1.5 misdiagnosed as a Type 1

    It could be MODY, not LADA
  14. Ashintheuk

    Insulin, Yea or Nay?

    1.1 or above
  15. Ashintheuk

    Insulin, Yea or Nay?

    I do, and my Diabetes presents in a way which has managed to baffle the medical professionals charged with my care. As they have figured, my basal insulin secretion phase is faulty. That is to say if I am fasting and sedentary I don't make any and will see big numbers, but when off the back of...
  16. Ashintheuk

    Insulin, Yea or Nay?

    Insulin resistance can be caused by a number of different things. It can be stress related, pregnancy, steroid induced etc. I paid for my own C-Peptide test and it came in low.
  17. Ashintheuk

    Insulin, Yea or Nay?

    Have you started to lose weight on the oral med regime ?. I was misdiagnosed as a T2, was on max dose metformin, saxagliptin and Dapagliflozin. My HBA1C was over 100 and I lost 2 stone in the 4 months without any dietary changes. I would suggest you ask for a C-Peptide test to see how much of...
  18. Ashintheuk

    Libre 2

    I attended a seminar run by the Diabetes Research and Wellness Foundation charity near Coventry a few weeks ago. The people responsible for the rollout across the entire NHS of CGMs gave a talk (Professor Partha Kar and Dr Iain Cranston) and they stated that CGMs are a whole lot more reliable...
  19. Ashintheuk

    Type 1: What are your HbA1c test results?

    After listening to Prof Partha Kar and Dr Iain Cranston at the diabetes wellness and research foundation day at Kenilworth a couple of weeks ago, They asserted that HbA1C is less relevant than 'time in range' of which 70% should be aimed for due to daily fluctuations in levels Interesting take...
  20. Ashintheuk


    My misdiagnosis lasted for about 12 years, and because I'm still randomly able to produce insulin under certain conditions, I'm still regarded as T2 by some which strictly speaking is insulin resistance (which I don't have). The problem is that there's a lot of ignorance/lack of understanding in...