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  1. B

    Four-Day Fast

    Just come across this. I wonder, have you considered doing shorter but more regular fasts? I have started inhaling all information from The Fasting Method, which is Jason Fung’s setup. When combatting IR, they ask people to fast regularly, several times a week. It could be 3x24 hours, or...
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    Intermittent fasting alongside LCHF. Mutual support, anyone?

    I’m in my 3rd week of fasting 3 time a week, and the impact on my BG has been nothing short of stunning. It’s now 5 weeks since I last had a shot of Trulicity. A week after that, i.e. when I should have had the next shot, my 7-day average BG was 6.7. Naturally it rose over the next few weeks...
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    Intermittent fasting alongside LCHF. Mutual support, anyone?

    @TheSecretCarbAddict thanks for asking - apologies for delay in responding - I will explain! Firstly - fantastic news on your results! Well done, long may it continue. Secondly - Trulicity is definitely a no-show now, and I’m more than 3 weeks since I should have had a dose. My 7-day average...
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    Intermittent fasting alongside LCHF. Mutual support, anyone?

    It is definitely mental - my subconscious tried to tell me it was too hard for me, and when I realised (while preparing my lunch) that tomorrow is due to be a one-meal day, I momentarily felt that would be too hard. But it won’t. I am stepping my fasting days up from one or two to three per...
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    Intermittent fasting alongside LCHF. Mutual support, anyone?

    Just wanted to share, @TheSecretCarbAddict, that OMAD (1 meal a day) is not recommended for every day unless you are in maintenance mode - you should alternate it with days when you eat two or more meals a day. Part of the power of fasting comes from switching things up, so that your body...
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    Intermittent fasting alongside LCHF. Mutual support, anyone?

    Just popping in to say - the shopping was fine, I followed my list and got it done. Got home, just having a cup of hot water with lemon juice before bed. And that will be my first full day’s fast done and dusted. I noticed a funny taste in my mouth part way through the evening (after about 25...
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    Intermittent fasting alongside LCHF. Mutual support, anyone?

    Just spotted this. I definitely won’t be cooking when fasting. The shopping is another matter…. Monday feels like a good day to do the full day fast because choir will keep me occupied for the evening. And it’s convenient for us to shop after choir because we’re already in the city. We live...
  8. B

    Intermittent fasting alongside LCHF. Mutual support, anyone?

    Approaching 18 hours into my planned 41-hour fast. Nearly half way! Another way to look at it is that what I’ve done up to this point (skip breakfast, no evening snack, no milk in tea/coffee) is just normal for me now. And in fact, from now up until evening meal time is not novel, I’ve been...
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    Intermittent fasting alongside LCHF. Mutual support, anyone?

    Ooh, Blimey - yet more things to add to my must watch/read list! Best part of 30 years ago, I discovered that I met the diagnostic criteria for binge eating disorder, and have done since childhood. I would say at the moment is that I am in remission from binge eating. There is no doubt that...
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    Intermittent fasting alongside LCHF. Mutual support, anyone?

    Minor update: I’: going to do the 38-42 hour fast on Mondays, as we have choir in the evening and then do the (food) shopping - and keeping busy will distract me from the fact of not eating in those last few hours before going to bed. Then 24 hour fasts on Wednesday and Friday. I’m undecided...
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    Intermittent fasting alongside LCHF. Mutual support, anyone?

    Yesterday was my mother’s birthday, so my sister and I took her out for lunch. A pub, with carbs everywhere! But I had a mixed grill, swapped the chips for salad, gave my onion rings to my mother and ignored the peas. It was delicious, and barely caused a blip in my BG. Evening meal was a...
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    Intermittent fasting alongside LCHF. Mutual support, anyone?

    A quick check in from me. I fasted for 24 hours on Saturday as I drove to visit my mother for a few days. I’ve done my best with low carb here and breakfast-skipping….. but after deciding I could have a few chocolate mints after eating on Sunday night, I suddenly found myself scoffing a load...
  13. B

    Intermittent fasting alongside LCHF. Mutual support, anyone?

    I went for a curry this evening. We do it once a month, and I threw caution to the wind. Peaked at well over 13!!! Down to 6.5 now and I hope and trust will fall further overnight. You know what they say - what you do every day matters more than what you do now and again. Tomorrow I will eat...
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    Intermittent fasting alongside LCHF. Mutual support, anyone?

    You have to set the speed of my weight loss in the context of where I started - with a BMI of 41.5. If Imlose a firther 6 stone, I will just creep in the top end of “healthy weight”. The heavier you are, the easier it is to lose. At least at the beginning. Yes, I’m using Libre 2. I have...
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    Intermittent fasting alongside LCHF. Mutual support, anyone?

    What a wonderful feeling! Neither of my meds can cause hypos, so my plan was to wait until my BG was firmly in the normal range before discussing removing meds. But I can’t get one of mine now, so it may happen sooner than intended.
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    Intermittent fasting alongside LCHF. Mutual support, anyone?

    Thank you for asking….. today I completed a 23-hour fast (7pm yesterday to 6pm today). I was/am already in the habit of skipping breakfast, so all it meant was skipping lunch and taking all tea/coffee without milk. Guess what, I’ve found I enjoy it! I also had the sense, as I was getting ready...
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    High BG levels, medication not working

    Look into whether there is a patient transport scheme local to you. The PALS at the hospital should be able to advise. I volunteer for one which is a charity, we do charge but it’s a lot cheaper than taxis. From my house to the local hospital (9 miles each way) would be about £20 each way for...
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    Short term diabetes drugs question

    Have you looked into the research by Prof Roy Taylor of Newcastle University at all? When I first heard of it, I was very angry. Because of the emphasis on weight loss, and the use of meal replacement shakes to achieve it. I was so angry, I didn’t read beyond the headlines. I now wish I had...
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    Short term diabetes drugs question

    Along with lower carb, have a look at adding some intermittent fasting. It can be as simple as eliminating any evening snacking and skipping breakfast a few days a week. Very beneficial for insulin levels, and that makes it easier to lose weight. NB people who are on medication for diabetes...
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    Intermittent fasting alongside LCHF. Mutual support, anyone?

    Thank you all for responding. Perhaps I should have shared more context. I’ve been diagnosed with T2D for 26 years. I’ve been obese virtually all my adult life (was an overweight 8-year-old), at my biggest my BMI was 48.5. I have lost weight many, many times. Sometimes a lot of it. I just...