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  1. hboyt

    Constant Nausea/Vomiting

    I've just been to the GP this morning because I've had a cold but this week came about dizziness and nausea. The GP reckons it's something to do with my inner ear. However I've had it twice before so I came home and googled a little LOL...
  2. hboyt

    Humalog shortage March 2024

    I just put an email to my hospital and they called me back within 10 minutes!! They are going to switch me to Novorapid as the humalog Kwikpens apparently are not suitable for pump use
  3. hboyt

    Humalog shortage March 2024

    Good you got an email from your hospital! First I've heard of it when I went to the pharmacy and they say they were out of stock and could not fulfil it from their suppliers!!
  4. hboyt

    Humalog shortage March 2024

    Good you got an email from your hospital! First I've heard of it when I went to the pharmacy and they say they were out of stock and could not fulfil it from their suppliers!!
  5. hboyt

    Help: Moving to England (London) with T1 and Insulin Pump

    When I moved to the UK 10 years ago, I went to the GP registered there, applied for a NHS number, and applied for a medical exemption so you get medicines free on NHS (need to prove you are a UK resident) and took all my prescriptions and the GP then can get your prescriptions sorted. 10 years...
  6. hboyt

    Guardian G4 sensor questions

    I have tslim+dexcom, switched from Medtronic 640g...which I thought was a good pump but the sensors were horrible for me. Inaccurate and problems with the adhesive allergic reaction. The only thing I'd say is the steel infusion sets on tslim are quite hard to grip the little wings when putting...
  7. hboyt

    How high is the dawn phenomenon ?

    Same here ....was on split dose and they suggested a third one hadn't I switched to the pump. Since then I will never go back. I couldn't get my HBA1C under 9 now it's 6.8 which I'm pretty happy with
  8. hboyt

    Lighting for poor vision, plus a miracle treatment

    Hi there Interesting about the noctura400...I'm going to look into it! I've got proliferative retinopathy as well ..for the past 5 years but have not had any treatment. I get scans every 6 months but they're just keeping watch on it. I was wondering if you know at what point they do treatment...
  9. hboyt

    50 years this August.

    Thanks for a inspiring morning read!! I too was diagnosed at 11 but only been doing just over half the years you have (26 years ago). Congratulations on making it to 50 years :)
  10. hboyt

    Question to Tandem T:slim X2 users

    Mine is the other way around! My Hba1c is 6.8 and Glooko is 7.8 My last appt the consultant wouldn't believe my Hba1c cos my my cgm readings look alot higher. I'm still going with hba1c tho ..would think they would be more accurate since cgm can be out by 10 or 20%
  11. hboyt

    Anyone else get wildly inaccurate Dexcom readings?

    Just ahve to be careful you don't calibrate it more than I think it's 10% otherwise it will tell you to replace the sensor. I had this problem when I was using Medtronic pump and sensors. With the Dexcom G6 I never calibrate
  12. hboyt

    Anyone else get wildly inaccurate Dexcom readings?

    Sounds like a faulty transmitter. I've been on the Dexcom G6 for over 2 years with the tslim pump and only once had this problem with it not responding. I went over all the details with dexcom and they sent me a new one. Might be worth a ring to dexcom...
  13. hboyt

    Same low carb breakfast, BG now 22.1

    My BGs do this if I bolus and then eat straight away but more happens when I'm having a bowl of cereal or other high carb..I need to prebolus at least 15 mins prior Also some sugar free stuff can be heavy carb still, I noticed that once with a coffee syrup so u gotta watch that :)
  14. hboyt

    Easy food when travelling - sandwiches and wraps?

    Oh I've just googled and Asda or Waitrose.... I'll have to give them a go! Thanks for sharing
  15. hboyt

    Easy food when travelling - sandwiches and wraps?

    Where can you find these wraps? I'm in the UK
  16. hboyt

    Easy food when travelling - sandwiches and wraps?

    Nut balls...sounds good! Do u have a recipe you can share?
  17. hboyt

    Which one is the best?

    Interested in your post about steel tips.... I also use tslim and dexcom 6 and switched from teflon to steel a couple years ago. But recently been finding my sets need switching out more frequently i.e. after a day or two rather than 3 days cos going up to 20 and change the set and finally goes...
  18. hboyt

    App for recording carbs

    Hi there I had my appointment since 2021 with my consultant yesterday...and a video one! Can't say I was hugely impressed but anyways! Trying to judge on GP blood results from November and make recommendations But anyways been having quite high spikes after meals and she wants me to record what...
  19. hboyt

    Medtronic 780G Pump & Guardian 4 Sensor (Closed Loop System) Temp Target ?

    Sounds like the Medtronic has come along way! My first pump was the 640 and gaurdian 4 cgm and I hated it LOL.....mostly the cgm adhesive didn't like me and ended up with a major rash! But just seen the question on callibrating....I dont think if will let you callibrate it of it's more than...
  20. hboyt

    Is DESMOND actually helpful?

    Be glad u don't have type 1 and the Dafne course is 5 days long! It toally different to the Desmond course and was almost 10 years ago I did it and was definitely worth the effort. Wish I could do a refresher course but now got two kids in the mix so not as easy to leave them for 5 days