Search Results

  1. richyb

    Closed loop and pork insulin

    I have been using omnipod 5 looping with dexcom 6 for a good while. When I started I hated it. Terrible highs, very slow to come down. I was better on manual mode. But my DSN insisted it would learn But it didn't seem too much. After months of being high I eventually tried changing settings...
  2. richyb

    Omnipod and Dexcom closed loop system.

    I use an galaxy A34 I bought it outright for £200 off amazon. Much cheaper than buying through pay per month
  3. richyb

    Impact of switching to Gluten Free Diet

    Hi Typ1 58yrs 2 years ago I was very depressed and felt ill. Then was diagnosed as celiac. I have been strict. But now feel much better. I get occasional constipation, so take over counter tablets.
  4. richyb

    Simple breakfast

    Hi all I have been type1 for 58years. Now on omnipod 5. Today for breakfast I had. Cut 1 slice slice of bread, toasted it, then olive oil on top, but added some blackberries on top but microwaved for about 10 sec. Absolutely good. 5 berries, it made the berries warm. Just like jam(low...
  5. richyb

    Omnipod leaking/tunnelling cannula

    Glad to hear, I used to push down slightly, but now I push gently in the direction the cannula is going. I learnt this from another user. I reckon it is because no matter how sharp the inserter the skin will push away slightly before insertion. This might change the angle once it is in. But...
  6. richyb

    Omnipod leaking/tunnelling cannula

    I know your frustration. I was on the verge of giving up, when I read a post on Facebook, of a man who said he fixed his this way. I guess it could be proved by videoing me put one on, then also removing it. But I am old and not very photogenic. So best not to
  7. richyb

    Omnipod leaking/tunnelling cannula

    I also had this a lot but not now. I had a simple fix. When I press button to insert cannular. I push down slightly and forward slightly as if I was pushing the pod cannular in. Until it is inserted. It totally cured mine. They come off clean and dry. This is what I do.
  8. richyb

    Patches for Medtronic sensor

    I also make my own patches. I bought a cutting out template that I place on a roll of tape. Draw around it and cut out. But I find the hole for sensor is bit small, so I also draw round loosely round old sensor. I bought 10mtr of tape for £6.60 and the template was £5.... all off ebay
  9. richyb

    Omnipod urgent please help?!

    I not sure but I have found the omnipod-5 pdm can be re started by holding on the power on button. Then the re start function apears
  10. richyb

    Pump accessories

    I recently bought a box of skintac improves sticking of pump bits also kinder on my skin. Also bought a pod template & clear medical tape to make my own pod over patches.
  11. richyb

    Skin healing HELP - Cream for cannula

    I get a slight rash using omnipod but I recently bought a pack of skintac. This is applied before the canula as its a barrier between skin and cannula. Since using I get nothing it's clean. But I bought it to improve adhesion, it is very much improved. Bought it off ebay but cheaper if bought...
  12. richyb

    Medtronic guardian 4

    I am using omnipod-5 but I used to get this sensor issue sometimes where it says to wait up to 3 hours. It often took ages. But I found if I restarted it it fixed straight away. I hold down the turn on button and a restart bubble pop up appears. I have to continue holding down then press the...
  13. richyb

    Too low i don't think so ?

    Many thanks had a close look. I am definitely old category 71yrs as of yesterday. Type1 for 58yrs nearly
  14. richyb

    Too low i don't think so ?

    Hi juicy Yes I am aware of what you have said. I try to get a high time in range, very often high 90%, just lately its dropped as my body requirements has changed. Going to write a new basal prog today. Thanks very much for your input much appreciated. I know you are very knowledgeable and...
  15. richyb

    Advice wanted please

    Would also say I recently bought a new mob phone from amazon, amazing low price. A34 or is it t34. Works well with omnipod. Loads cheaper than pay monthly. Less than half price, and easy to set up using a connecting lead
  16. richyb

    Advice wanted please

    I amon omnipod 5 and don't like it much. Would like to go on T slim. But tubing is no problem it is quite strong and can be disconnected for a shot while, at least when I last used one it could.
  17. richyb

    Too low i don't think so ?

    Just had my hba1c results of 44.1. Strange as I am sometimes above 10mmol. I am on omnipod 5. But using in manual mode as auto was sending me above 10mmol very often for long periods. I do not hypo think only twice in 2 months slight. My doctors surgery going to phone me as they do not like me...
  18. richyb

    Omni5 and insulin resistance?

    My basal prog is quite good. The problem is on auto it does not follow it at all. It deliberately lowers it a lot to get equal ratios of bolus/basal. This sends my levels high and it tries to correct by giving tiny boluses which are nowhere near enough resulting in high levels. My targets seem...
  19. richyb

    I have had the omnipod Dash since December

    What I do now when the new pod canula is inserting is, I push down the pod just slightly but mostly also push the pod in direction of canular end. Seems to help me.
  20. richyb

    Omnipod 5

    There is only 2 Dsn in hospital, both are part time as they are semi retired. I am not happy about it. But I seem to be doing much better now. I am operating manually in the day and switching over to Auto before bedtime. Best of both worlds. This morning I initially woke at 4am. I was 6.2 on...