Search Results

  1. craigieboy001

    Do you have a treatment for diabetic foot ulcers. That can be done at home?

    from someone who has been getting treatment since mid-august for a foot ulcer, i would HIGHLY recommend speaking to your doctor. i got referred to podiatry at my local hospital by my gp practice, i'm in once a week getting it checked over and they can check for any changes etc. I've been on...
  2. craigieboy001

    Diabetes and marriage life

    hope so, the urologist has given me a couple of other things to try, wouldn't wish it on anyone
  3. craigieboy001

    Diabetes and marriage life

    not too bad (could be better) morning reads usually around 7/8mmol, this has been gradual over the last few years, got worse rather than better (the issue)
  4. craigieboy001

    Diabetes and marriage life

    i suffer from ED and it's not good, been given all pills and a couple of creams so far to which none have really worked, i'm back at the urologist this morning for a follow up appointment so will see what the next stage is
  5. craigieboy001

    weight watchers starting to incorporate low carb?

    i've never been a fan of the likes of slimming world or weight watchers, i done scottish slimmers years ago and lost a good amount of weight and have been able to maintain it more than loose it since sadly but. i read a story online about weight watchers how their "free foods" include chicken...
  6. craigieboy001

    Water Fasting

    thank you, i've got electrolyte powder that i bought which i will be mixing in with the water, i'm not having any today but will start adding them i tomorrow
  7. craigieboy001

    Water Fasting

    i've been doing low carb for a few weeks so carb intake has been around the 20g a day mark, i lov my coffee and cream in the mornings, thought i would miss it today but haven't :) i am on metformin for my type 2
  8. craigieboy001

    Water Fasting

    i've done IF on and off so thought i'd try water fasting, so far so good on day 1, no hunger issues so far and i've been up and about doing my normal daily routine, i am diarising everything so will type something up once i'm done. i'll definitely check out the fasting part, never realised...
  9. craigieboy001

    Water Fasting

    Hi Guys i just wanted to know of anyone has tried water fasting to help with type 2? i've read into it a fair bit and it does seem very beneficial for health and weight loss. i'm going to be doing a 5 day water fast starting tomorrow, i'm not doing primarily for weight loss but for my...
  10. craigieboy001

    low sugar bran flakes

    perfect, i will check them out thank you :)
  11. craigieboy001

    low sugar bran flakes

    Hi Guys does anyone know of a brand of bran flakes that has little or no sugar in them? i love bran flakes and was eating them recently but the levels of sugar in them are quite high and were playing havoc with my sugar levels thank you craig
  12. craigieboy001

    confused with newly started Newcastle Diet after just one day lol.

    I've started using the atkins meal replacement shakes, a tin cost me £10 online and lasts for 10 "meals" my sugar levels have been all over the place so I'm hoping to drag my sugar levels down kicking and screaming as they are averaging around 17 at the moment 2g of carbs per "meal" which...
  13. craigieboy001

    protein powder shake for breakfast?

    this is the stuff i'm using ... 1423.l2649 quite good as good level of protein and low carb as well (which is a big bonus) you can either use water or milk with it, i found using water never really made it too thick and didn't always fill me up. when i...
  14. craigieboy001

    daily amount of carbs?

    now been on low carb since 23rd november and have lost 2 stone 8 pounds!! pretty happy at this to say the least and im not missing pasta or any other high carb filled foods, i am having the odd bit of bread now and again but not much as determined to stick to it :D
  15. craigieboy001

    Finally getting some where :)

    been on the diet 3 weeks now, doing low carb, already dropped a jean size! and old t-shirts are fitting me now, quite pleased at the results but still have a good way to go yet! blood readings have been good as well so definately on the right track im not missing bread or pasta at all! all good :)
  16. craigieboy001

    daily amount of carbs?

    thanks for the advice guys ive been on my diet now for 3 weeks and have definately lost weight! my jeans are very loose and i was checking through t-shirts that i have never worn in ages due to being too big for them and they are starting to fit now. feeling better for it too. Sue - how long...
  17. craigieboy001

    daily amount of carbs?

    hi guys im on a diet at the moment and wanted to know if there is a recommended daily intake of carbs that i should be having? many thanks Craig