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  1. P

    What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)

    FBG 11.9 This morning.
  2. P

    T2 or NAFLD? ...or, a funny thing happened on the way to the surgery

    Yes, sorry, my wording was unclear. Unfortunately I'm familiar with a selection of the itis'/and non organ inflammation too. As a side note, look up Losartan, and adhesions. It's quite interesting stuff. It's now being used post surgery to interrupt the inflammation pathway and reduce...
  3. P

    What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)

    Thanks Ian. I made myself a checklist that I use now, and adjust as meds etc change. Doesn't solve all the problems but helps a bit. Would recommend.
  4. P

    What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)

    FBG 12.0 this morning.
  5. P

    T2 or NAFLD? ...or, a funny thing happened on the way to the surgery

    What I find interesting is that along with the 'gang' going round targeting your first described particular brand convenience store resulting in the T1, there is another gang going round (covid, and other virus') taking out the same chain of convenience stores, with a totally different method...
  6. P

    T2 or NAFLD? ...or, a funny thing happened on the way to the surgery

    Thankyou - I'll dive into it:)
  7. P

    What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)

    I'm with you on the packing. All the meds in case I get pancreatitis, and upset tummy, and various other scenarios, and the normal meds, and like you various food options, and is it going to be hot or very cold and how do I keep the insulin at the right temperature. And are the clothes I need to...
  8. P

    What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)

    I love the Idea of a 'Done' List. Much more satisfying. And like you say lots on it even when we are not 'doing much'.
  9. P

    T2 or NAFLD? ...or, a funny thing happened on the way to the surgery

    Thats really interesting. In particular that the insulin is made in the tail. My Pancreas is 'made' differently, with significant plumbing differences to the norm. (not recommended!) I'm wondering if the cell mapping and blood flow are a bit different too...
  10. P

    T2 or NAFLD? ...or, a funny thing happened on the way to the surgery

    Interesting. I don't know if I would trust myself yet to inject first thing before I am fully awake:) I'm not a morning person. Maybe in time. Dentist and diabetes appointments are great examples. Unfortunately I get worried about things others don't so can't prebolus for all scenarios, but I...
  11. P

    What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)

    11.5 this morning. 10% time in range now. Better than the 0% it was. I know that more night time sleep would probably help, but I'm not sure that its achievable. Though I shall have a nap later today :)
  12. P

    T2 or NAFLD? ...or, a funny thing happened on the way to the surgery

    Your drop in Ketosis is really interesting. Obviously your cause was that single event, but it would be interesting to compare to general life stressors that also raise cortisol, (and sometimes adrenaline) eg busy traffic, noise, presentations at work, worry about medical issues etc, and see how...
  13. P

    T2 or NAFLD? ...or, a funny thing happened on the way to the surgery

    Your winter water experience brings back memories:) In my younger years I did an outdoor course in winter and yes the sudden cold water immersion takes ones breath away. Doubly so when you are practicing righting an overturned kayak by jumping off a rock into the water, and manage to wind...
  14. P

    What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)

    FBG 12.5 today
  15. P

    Hypos during the night

    I've a weird thought - does anyone think there is a chance that her Acinar cells / digestive enzymes are not working properly? If she is not processing the carbs properly, then the carb/insulin count can be 'off', especially if her biggest meal of the day is dinner. It also might be worth...
  16. P

    What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)

    Sometimes when I feel shaky and my heart rate is weird I need an electrolyte drink. The one I chose unfortunately had quite high levels of sugar, so not ideal, but might be worth a try.
  17. P

    What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)

    Thankyou:) Its been 'easy' to get caught caught up in looking after everyone else. But I know I can't continue like that. And it is good to hear it out loud.
  18. P

    What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)

    FBG 9.8 this morning. going in the right direction but I am not sure it will continue. Its looking like a stressful week ahead.
  19. P

    What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)

    Thankyou for the song:) I needed that.
  20. P

    What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)

    Trying to get back on the wagon Fbg 12.5 via CGM HB1a1C and time in range both not good either.