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  1. D

    What levels do you become hypo aware?

    I think I'm quite textbook and become aware about 3.8 Anyone else ?
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    Levemir - headaches

    I have recently doubled my dose of Levemir and i tend to get a headache afterwards - however this may be for other stress related reasons Has anyone else experienced headaches with Levemir when starting with it or upping the dose?
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    Achy achy legs

    Hi all. Type 1 here. I have slight numbness on my feet and ankles. I used to do a lot of walking- getting my 10000 steps in a day Now since lockdown that dwindled and for the last 6 months I have not really walked anywhere as I was working from home. My exercise was nil. Now today I went...
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    Frozen Insulin

    I'm home now thanks fellas where I have a fresh supply. Thanks for your help
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    Frozen Insulin

    My problem is that i do not have any other insulin with me. Is the worst that will happen is that not work so well, which will still be preferable to not using any. Or will it make me ill in some other way? Just to clarify - the insulin itself did not seem frozen, just a bit of ice on the box...
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    Frozen Insulin

    I keep a box of insulin in the fridge at work, and this morning i noticed the outside of the box had ice on it, but the insulin itself didn't seem frozen. Will this effect the quality of the insulin?
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    Can you hypo 6 hours after novorapid?

    I'm dieting at the moment, so eating not much during the day. Yesterday i had breakfast about 9:45 and an early lunch at 12. I took 4 novorapid insulin before breakfast - none before lunch as i timed it so my sugars were dropping. About 4pm i felt insanely hungry - i tested myself and i was...
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    Using old insulin - Levemir

    Yeah, i did a bit of digging around - lots of people i america use well after expiry date or after its been opened, cos they have to pay for it. I found a study where they tested loads of insulin at different ages and this said the most it degraded was by 10%, but then there's loads of anecdotal...
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    Using old insulin - Levemir

    why shouldnt you keep open ones in the fridge?
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    Using old insulin - Levemir

    I had taken it away with me as a fresh one, despite having one on the go indoors. Will it be toxic, or just not work as well?
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    Using old insulin - Levemir

    I realised i'm out of levemir, and the only one left is one thats been in fridge but was probably used a few months ago, but just been sitting there. Its still in date, expires august 2017 Is this ok to use until my prescription comes in? Thanks!
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    Expired Ketostix

    I have been a bit stressed and my sugars have been a little high, i tested for ketones using Ketostix and it did not change colour. However, i have two tubs of them, both are considerably older than the 6 months its says. I have tried a few different sticks and all have been negative. The tubs...
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    I am NOT too low...I am NOT too low....

    I'm the same - been a bit naughty recently and my sugars been 11-18 since christmas. Went down to 8.9 yesterday and thought i was having a false hypo - however, i am a bit neurotic so it might be a false false hypo if you know what i mean. Is 8.9 too high for a false hpo you think?
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    Blood Monitors Compared

    I have two meters - a One Touch Verio IQ and a OneTouch Ultraeasy. Now the verio IQ seems to consistently test higher than the Ultraeasy to the tune of between 1-2 points. I suspect the Ultraeasy is more accurate, as i felt well rough one day, and it was showing 4.3 which isn't that bad. Its a...
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    Can you reduce your blood sugar too fast?

    And still be within safe levels? I just tested myself 2 hours after lunch and was 12, I only had quite a light lunch, soup and a few large snack a jacks. I walked up the 14 flights of stairs to my office, then tested myself 25 minutes later and it had dropped to 6.8. I felt a bit light headed...