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  1. R

    Very confused

    Hi Jo, thanks for the help. It was definately hypos i was getting as i tested with each one. I was testing 3.2 and 3.4. The Gp said because on 3 a day and my diet, the metformin was pushing me too low. Which i do agree with. It upset me that the DN's first words were, "why are you testing". I...
  2. R

    Very confused

    Hi all, im really struggling. Been T2 for nearly 2 years. My last few Hbca1 results have been really good. I was on 3 metformin a day. A few weeks ago started having hypos. I contacted my DN who dropped me down to 1 metformin. The problem still carried on. This time my GP stopped my metformin...
  3. R

    Couple of questions please.

    hi i was 42mmol last review and it is the temperature. Sorry for such an awkward question
  4. R

    Couple of questions please.

    Hi i am T2 diagnosed 14 months ago. I have been took off meds as numbers were really good. Ive noticed that if my numbers spike, my pee feels hot. Sorry if TMI. Is this normal? Also, the blood flow and reactions in my feet are fine. Just lately i find my feet feel sore underneath, but no obvious...
  5. R

    Fasting blood jumped up to 11

    I dont really know the answer, but i have read that being ill can raise your sugars.
  6. R

    Have you been told not to test your blood sugars?

    I am type 2. Was told 12 months ago not to test. Theough metformin and diet i got my levels really good. A couple of months ago i started feeling poorly at work. I went and tested, and was having a hypo. A few days later i had another one, so phoned my DN. Straight away she said why are you...
  7. R

    Gave up metformin - got my life back

    Hi, ive just been took off metformin by my GP. I started having hypos as was on 3 metformin a day, and my BG was really good. At the moment im doing random testing, as advised by my GP. I am due my next review next month.