Well couple months into xultophy started on 10 and now on 26 units. Levels are so much better between 4.5 and 6,being very sensible with my eating & loving doing low carbs makes such a difference
Thanks,good to hear your managing on it.
I've started on 10 & nurse said if numbers not low enough go up by 1 click until I get it right but to stick on 10 the first couple of weeks.
Was so worried about starting something new
ive been on forxiga since april. bs levels gone right down and lost 3 stone in weight. no unwanted side effects except have unexpectedly suddenly gained half a stone in weight and my eating has remained the same. anyone else had his please.
im type 2 and taking metformin and also forxiga for the last couple of months aswell. losing weight and sugars coming down.eating sensibly cut out carbs and lots of good protein and salads etc. for the past couple of weeks i have had what is presumably neuropathy in one foot. im waiting on x...
breakfast. 2 rice crackers smoked salmon tomato
lunch tuna salad leaves
dinner seabass with mixed salad of cabbage,onions,carrots,brussel sprouts,sunflower seeds
made the dressing with mustard,cider vinegar and quark.
for any salad lovers. i tried this and its really nice.
chop up into slices brussel sprouts. with kale leaves. spring or ordinary onions.some sunflower or pumpkins seeds.
dressing. english or dijon mustard.olive oil.cider vinegar.salt and pepper.lemon.
didnt really measure anything just...