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  1. H

    Totally confused

    Have the rules regarding informing the DVLA regarding tablet medication changed? I was told that I did not need to inform the DVLA if my type 2 diabetes was controlled by tablet medication alone, but have now read on line that the DVLA now requires you to inform them if it is tablet medication...
  2. H

    Glucose readings suddenly jumped

    Thank you for that information so informative
  3. H

    Glucose readings suddenly jumped

    Now im confused lol low carb but eat whole grain? Wont eating fats push my cholesterol up? And what is 16:8 fasting?
  4. H

    Glucose readings suddenly jumped

    Sorry whats 16:8 fasting? Iv been on gliclazide now for 6 years never had problems with hypo or hyper Thank you all for taking the time to answer and trying to help me its much appreciated
  5. H

    Glucose readings suddenly jumped

    My daytime bg levels are usually about 4.7 to7
  6. H

    Glucose readings suddenly jumped

    Monitor with a CareSens N Doctor has advised carb count of about 100 grams Not vegetarian meat eater ,weigh about 10st
  7. H

    Glucose readings suddenly jumped

    Usually eat about 7 30 to 8 pm then have a cup of tea about 11 pm Take 2 gliclazide 40mg in the morning and one just before meal in the evening
  8. H

    Glucose readings suddenly jumped

    No not really have been retired 2 years took early retirement so lockdown hasnt affected me that much apart from going to bed much later
  9. H

    Glucose readings suddenly jumped

    Yes thank you
  10. H

    Glucose readings suddenly jumped

    No they havnt
  11. H

    Glucose readings suddenly jumped

    Cant afford to lose any weight tho im very slim
  12. H

    Glucose readings suddenly jumped

    Have tried metformin both ordinary and slow release in the past neither worked for me bg up to about 17 with it so went back on gliclazide Bg ok during the day between 4.7 and 7
  13. H

    Glucose readings suddenly jumped

    Cup of tea in the morning sandwich or soup lunchtime varies in evening but havnt changed my diet so dont know why it would jump so much these last few weeks
  14. H

    Glucose readings suddenly jumped

    Type 2 diabetic here on gliclazide been on meds for 6 years now My average morning readings were around 7.5-8 past couple of weeks they have gone up to between 11 and 13 and i dont know why
  15. H

    Changed from metformin to metformin SR sugars risen?

    im type 2 on gliclazide 40 mg 2 in the morning and one before evening meal but also on one statin b4 bed so need to watch my cholesterol
  16. H

    Changed from metformin to metformin SR sugars risen?

    wont eating loads of eggs push your cholesterol levels up?