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  1. Ainsley.Rae25


    Hi there! I have been on Trulicity for 5 weeks now. I'm now on 1.5mg. I have experienced some side effects too. Feeling sick, no appetite, awful diarrhea, headaches, and eggy burps. I'm finding Trulicity helps with my blood sugars for a few days then they are out of control again. I hope you...
  2. Ainsley.Rae25

    In need of advice please

    I had my first injection of trulicity yesterday and my gliclazide was increased to 8 40mg tablets. I'm only going to stick with the 6 for tablets for now as already I'm seeing a massive drop in my sugars. Normal for me would be from 15.0mmol/L to 22.0mmol/L and they are at 7.7mmol/L . Feeling a...
  3. Ainsley.Rae25

    Weight loss drug for type 2 diabetics

    Hi! I had my first dose of trulicity 0.75mg yesterday. Have seen a massive change in my sugars already, and I'm already feeling full and not as hungry. Hope it works out for you.
  4. Ainsley.Rae25

    In need of advice please

    Thank you! Yep keeping a wee diary of what I'm eating and drinking. Hopefully I'm taken seriously on Wednesday when I've to go for bloods
  5. Ainsley.Rae25

    In need of advice please

    I'm going to screen shot the blood tests you recommended I get and see what they say. Been offered a weight loss injection, but been told it's mainly for my blood sugars. I never used to be a fatty, had 2 kids, relationship breakdown, my mum dying and having no support network took it's toll. I...
  6. Ainsley.Rae25

    In need of advice please

    I haven't seen my renal consultant since before covid. Had a phone call or two, but it's no where near as good as face to face if I'm honest. As far as I can remember being diagnosed, I was told oh you have type 2 here is some tablets. No glucose monitor or anything.
  7. Ainsley.Rae25

    In need of advice please

    MY gp doesn't really care by the sounds of it. I hate cake thankfully, but it's easy for them to tell me to deal with side effects and just get on with it. I was fuming that day! But I'm suffering from boils/abscesses again and my legs are in so much pain :(
  8. Ainsley.Rae25

    In need of advice please

    I already have an endocrinologist, haven't spoke to them since last year, and haven't seen them face to face since December 2019. My fear is the spike in sugars is affecting my kidneys. I already have ckd stage 3b
  9. Ainsley.Rae25

    In need of advice please

    I wish! I have been putting on more weight :/
  10. Ainsley.Rae25

    In need of advice please

    Thank you for the replies! Had a call from a gp this afternoon and they have increased the gliclazide to 6 tabs a day
  11. Ainsley.Rae25

    In need of advice please

    Thank you for the reply! I eat chicken, pork loads of veg, and eggs
  12. Ainsley.Rae25

    In need of advice please

    Hello everyone! My name is Ainsley, I'm 38 and was diagnosed with type 2 in November 2019. I had been taking metformin 100mg daily for a while when the side effects were affecting my quality of life (Horrendous diarrhoea that was so bad I couldn't leave the house, and stomach pains). Was then...